
Minecraft Dev Tracker

23 Sep


Originally posted by is_not_robot

Probably not drastically, at least not in single-player. As the game runs, every chunk loaded costs quite a bit of time.

  • If you encounter a new chunk, it gets completely procedurally generated on the fly. From bottom to top. Every new noise type and worldgen feature added to C&C's worldgen code adds to the creation time. This is done in parallel per chunk, so if you have a really good CPU, you might be able to get more render distance than before now. More likely though is that chunk loadin's gonna be about the same or slower on PCs with only a few CPU cores.

  • Loading an edited chunk from save file is probably only just a bit slower than in 1.17 since chunks are bigger and contain more block types.

  • Though, if you're editing a chunk (placed a block or broken a block, have a permanent entity there), the chunk first needs to compress itself, then store itself to disk. This takes a lot of time, especially now that there is a lot more blo...

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Culling improvement was released in the previous snapshot. Still far from perfect but much better than before.

22 Sep