Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

09 Jan


Originally posted by elfranchuta

Would you consider the idea of reducing the skull camo amount of the riot shield from 25 to 10 or 15. The knife only requires 10 but the shield is way harder to get kills with.

Ah sorry. Thats not my wheelhouse but I will mention it for sure.


Originally posted by Kirchh

Im hoping you read this as solid lol. If not its still funny if you read as sold camos.

I get it dont worry.


Originally posted by ImJLu

Oh, and side note - you may not know or be able to state publicly, but whatever happened to the 9mm RAM conversion? Was it officially cut? It was removed from the RAM description but remains entirely usable in gunfight as it has been since S1 launch. Thanks!

I have to check on that.


Originally posted by ImJLu

What is "shinys" referring to?

Also, I highly doubt you're authorized to answer this, but can you release any info on when the next title update goes live?

Shinys - Shiny materials like gold and platinum etc. I don't know the eta on the next update.

08 Jan


Originally posted by rjivester88

Yes my fiance has her own account on the playstation? They will track, they will work fine for a few days tracking then randomly, I'll log in and back to 0 lol

Can you make sure her account is completely signed out? That can sometimes make backend updates not sync properly on the correct account.


Originally posted by IrrelevantGeOff

Hey does this include Realism mosh, or just quickplay?

We’re having the same issue in RM mosh pit if it’s not related!

Its the quickplay filter. We are aware and have a fix in flight. More details are on the way from comms.


Originally posted by rjivester88

Yea I'm ps4 and my tag is acturon666

Thank you. Have any of these ever tracked for you? Is there possibly another PS4 account that's signed in on the console as well?


Originally posted by Shimpricity

Another thing idk if you guys know. Platinum doesnt work for the RAM7. Its been gold for months for me but i cant access platinum even tho i have them all gold

Let me check on that. Thanks for the call out.


Originally posted by rjivester88

Thanks again

Do you mind sharing what platform you're on and what your tag is?


Can you tell me which ones?


Thanks for the video. Bugged up on our end.


Originally posted by Shimpricity

Currently at work so i dont have much info other than whats on top of my head atm. I usually switch between a few guns so its not specific primary gun in my case. I use EOD/restock/amped. Usually have a .357 on as my secondary. I usually run CUAV/chopper gunner/advanced uav. I play 10v10 dom. And i usually switch between operators. Usually tend to play the girl characters but it is very frustrating. Sometimes happens very early on in the game as well. Ive had it happen to me the moment i started the game.

Ill send this to my QA friends to see if they can repro if it hasn't already been fixed. Thanks for your help!


If youre looking at the weapon in the "MP Lobby" patrol walk its because thats a darker environment and shinys dont bling too well there because of its lighting. A new "MP Lobby" environment is in the works with lighting that will showcase shinys much better.


Have you tried rebooting the system? Shutdown and restart? I know that's a silly question but might solve the problem until we get an update with a fix out.


Can you post what loadout you where using? Did you have a watch equipped? What killstreaks do you have selected? What game mode were you playing? What operator did you have selected?

I also had this bug pop up weeks ago but havent seen it since and I put in some heavy hours playing over the break.


Originally posted by Datch95

great news and thank you very much. Mags of different colors are a problem too (like the AK or the Scar)

We totally agree with you. I think Frankensmithing could be an awesome way to unlock visual choices like this and give you more creative freedom.


Originally posted by fluffybomb-_-1

Unrelated but are you going to revert the player collision changes?

We are definitely looking into that. Im not sure if the fix is in flight or still being worked on.


Originally posted by UnknownStrobes

Awesome thank you! Does this include things such as the rust on the AK47 30 round mag?

Trying to work out a solve for things like that. Another example would be the "Stock M16 Grenadier" barrel. Base model is awesome and has a weathered look but what if we were to introduce solid camos maybe we can modify the treatment to look less weathered. Its an art asset rabbit hole but worth it and we are eager to dive in. Just have to balance the way we manage our time and assignments. Gunsmith is vast and we are still finding ways to improve it.