Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

08 Jan


Originally posted by UnknownStrobes

Awesome thank you! Does this include things such as the rust on the AK47 30 round mag?

Types of details and materials like youre describing could be worked around with potentially Frankensteining blueprints. No in depth details on all that because its all still in flight and needs to be tested before bring it out.


Originally posted by Codplayer233

Why do the default operators always show as the assault class during gameplay, regardless of loadout now?

The primary weapon of the loadout determines the default operator skin.

07 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


I am not associated with Modern Warfare.


Double checking to see if we are looking at this. What platform? Or is this happening on all 3?


This is bad ass. We are adjusting the idle animation on the players grip on the knife so you can see it better. Need to be able to see those edge weapons better:)


Originally posted by Oversliders

that's awesome!

Have you ever thought of doing a perk or a kilstreak that would allow to run all possible attachment of a weapon to the detriment of losing mobility or secondary weapon use? In other words if the weapon allows to upgrade 7 items, the perk would enable you to run all of them for as long as you don't get killed. This could be setup in similar fashion to how pro mode is set for field upgrades and kilstreaks.

Idk, just an idea I figured I could pitch since you've been so kind to directly engage with the community.

Ive never personally thought of something like this but Im not a designer:) Interesting feedback and concept though. I dont mind mentioning it to my MP Design friends.


Originally posted by Derpcrawler

Hey Joel. Sorry for another hijacking of a comment.

Can you talk about tech aspects of Xbox One X version of the game? Right now, game runs not as well as it could in MP on Piccadilly and on every GW map.

There is tech analysis of the issues by Eurogamer’s DigitalFoundry. But the gist of it is that game render targets dynamic 1600p on PS4 Pro and dynamic 4K on Xbox One X. While on Pro it’s fine and stable 60FPS in MP, on Xbox One X in GW game frequently drops to mid 50FPS. In 6v6 and 10v10 it’s mostly fine except for Piccadilly where it also suffers.

Any chance a patch will come that will at least in MP make performance on Xbox One X more stable? Maybe make dynamic resolution scaling more aggressive towards targeting 60FPS or just lock the resolution in MP to 1440p? I would take 60FPS any day over higher resolution or 4K.

Here is full Eurogamer DF analysis of the retail version of MP on all platforms, frame rate analysis starts at 7:21: ...

Read more

I'm not a good person to go in depth on tech aspects. I can verify that since the beta and launch the engineers and been actively fixing known bugs and optimizing the game and will continue to do so for all platforms.


Originally posted by frostygoose

the PP19 actually glares pretty badly in gold as well, not just Platinum and Damascus. If you guys come up with a fix please take a look at gold as well.


Following up on this. Weapons team is looking into it.


Originally posted by milesej05

I appreciate it and everything you do Joel. Any ETA on when the next update will be released??

Don't have an ETA. Mostly in QA at this point as far as I know. Thats what decides when and what goes out. If things pass or need further testing.

06 Jan


Originally posted by CowboysSB82Champs

Check the current game. The clip you are referencing is 2 months old. I've just double checked the same stairwell and can clearly see the enemy character model.


Originally posted by Afghan_Ninja

Happens every time I call a Chopper Gunner from the E flag area; from anywhere else on the map, it works normally. Really strange/frustrating little glitch.

Thank you and thanks for the video as well.


Originally posted by milesej05

Thank Joel. Right now I'm currently forced to play SnD as that is the only remaining mission challenges I have left. not a fan. lol

I followed up on this bug. Its been fixed and will be in the next update. I don't have a time and date for the next update. Still working on better ways to get this info out to you guys. There arent enough hours in the work day for me to follow up on all this stuff but I thought youd like to know on this one.


Originally posted by I_am_so_cool_

So, is that a yes?

There is work being done with new Operators that fit into tighter Milsim look.


Originally posted by Reformed-Sage

A lot of us would like more military looking operators. The ones now are cool but operators like this would be a huge bonus :)

Completely agree with that.


This is already in the game. Its not fullbright like this screenshot.


Originally posted by MrQualtrough

Yes but you have to change it manually, I'm assuming they don't change camo color depending on the environment of the level?

Fair enough if someone is choosing a custom costume like Rodion's ninja-looking thing, but the base skins should be able to change if the default operators do.

On specific Operators its manual. On default Operators its automatic.


Originally posted by QcomplexQ

I've been raging about frame drops/memory leaks for weeks, but seeing you acknowledge it actually helps ease the pain <3

Definitely not my expertise but for certain the engineering team is busy chasing down bugs and refining the code. With each update it should get cleaner and cleaner.


Originally posted by The_Baconadian

Reminds me of Black Ops 1, when your character would change appearance based on which Perk you chose in the first perk category. When I get home, I'm definitely going to check out the default bodies in MW.

BTW, I really do appreciate all the communication from you lately, it's one of the reasons I stay on the subreddit. You remind me of Lee Ross back when Infinite Warfare was the current CoD. I know this kind of communication can't last forever (hope your vacation is going well) but I sincerely appreciate the responses you were able to provide so far!

It goes back even further. The same set up we used in CO4 and MW2. The auto camo is a new addition.