Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

08 Nov


Originally posted by SweatyParsley

Y'all at infinity ward are cute for this

can’t tell if sarcasm, but thank you, lol.

Friday morning edit for this update: 11/8/19 - 10:12AM PST

Playlist update!

  • Quick Play Filter updates
  • Shoot House 24/7
  • Krovnik Farmland added to Groud War
  • Hardpoint



  • We’ve added Krovnik Farmland to Ground War and Shoot House to Multiplayer!


Going live on Friday...

  • Hardpoint is now in rotation!
  • Shoot House 24/7! This includes a mixture of Team Deathmatch, Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Headquarters

And yes, all of this new content is available for everyone, for free, across all platforms! We’re so excited to share this new content with all of you and this is just the beginning. Thank you all for playing and keep the feedback coming!

Check below for the full list of patch notes.


Read more External link →

07 Nov

What a beauty! Wreck those damn vehicles!


I'm all about keeping things moving and I can take another look at seeing if there's anywhere else where we can shave some time off a round.

I tried no killcam rounds during the early iterations and it just didn't feel right. People always wanted to know how it ended, or everyone has a laugh at a funny killcam etc. It also gives time for both teams to get a small mental reset or a little extra time to discuss what went right or wrong.

We chopped down Gunfight killcam length to 2.5 seconds from the average 4 seconds. If we detect a double kill, we allow the 4 seconds to show both kills.

We shave a little extra time here and there where most people don't notice, like the end of round flow.

The end result is that rounds from countdown to countdown is about as close to 1 minute as possible, while showing relevant info, and allowing a small prematch time to call out the next play.


Fix was just investigated & submitted a few minutes ago. This is too late to make the patch coming out soon, but will make the next one.


This is 1000% getting looked into and fixed across multiple maps.


Originally posted by MythicForgeFTW

Thank you for the reply! Idk how this flew under the radar. Sorry about that.

No worries :)


Originally posted by MythicForgeFTW

I'm not expecting any response to this, but knowing you do check reddit, I hope I can get through.

Please address the netcode, as was promised before launch, and then promised the day after launch. It is disheartening seeing this topic be ignored when it was something you yourself said would be addressed. Even if it's in a post coming with the next big update, I think it's something the community would be very happy to hear about.

If you cannot say anything, that's fine. A statement saying, "We have no comment on the matter at this time" would be enough (for me personally).

Thank you.

Hey there. We released our netcode video not long ago.

06 Nov


Originally posted by neddoge

Just a heads up, since I don't know how else I'd get this directly to your attention.

It doesn't always tell me the loadout and this can be a severe handicap against good opponents. Every round after the first round is a 50/50 at best for showing the equipment during the 5s pre-round counter.


(PC player, and it never bugs out on my buddy's PC account that I duo with)

Thanks, I'll look into this.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Why not just make it completely random?

Serious question.

That's an option that's being worked on. Serious answer


We'll have more coming in the near future.


Thank you. These are known at the studio and we’ve got folks working on all of these.


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

/u/ashtonisVULCAN_IW Thought you should see this video of a game breaking bug, I had the wrong flair up previously. Sorry about that.

This is an interesting one, thank you!

05 Nov


Allowing throwing knives to skip the equipment delay came up a few times. One of our producers is a throwing knife aficionado, and he kept giving sad eyes until I changed it.


Originally posted by Nesbitt0121

On xbox I noticed some game modes had 2 seperate listings. One was blank the other had my stats. Dont know if pc does the same though.

Normal and hardcore stats are tracked differently. The gold mode icons indicate hard core. I'll ping the ui team to better indicate this


Fixes for Leaderboard & combat record stat tracking for gunfight and a few other modes will be coming this week