Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

31 Oct


Check our blog on audio mixes, it’ll help you adjust your settings to your liking. :)


Originally posted by What_time_is_it1234

Thank you for the comment, and acknowledging the issue. As you mentioned, it is quite frustrating to be unable to play this great game (that we paid for) during the launch period. Can you please give us an estimate on release for next PC stability patch?

We have a few updates going out over the next few days. I don’t want to give an exact time and date as we’re wrapping up testing on a few more things.


Originally posted by I_Tanzanite

u/ashtonisVULCAN_IW, u/joececot

This has been happening more and more recently!

Thank you!


A fix is incoming for Mode of Destruction to count SnD and cyber plants and defuses. Currently it is only tracking in SnD if you defuse.


Hey OP, thank you for your post. We have a few different ways of gathering feedback - through our centralized system where PC crashes are generated and reported, and through ATVI Support, which can include everything across social media. We use both to parse through and investigate issues that have the most impact on the community, such as crashes.

Fixes are currently being worked on by numerous teams between IW and Beenox. We have a few updates we're working on that should improve the stability and help prevent against crashes or any other issue you may encounter. It's always helpful to let us know details of what's happening when you encounter any bug or crash as it can help us prioritize and debug issues as they come in.

I know this is frustrating and I genuinely appreciate you reaching out to us.


Originally posted by SuperGrover13

Care to be the dev that finally acknowledges the weapon level bug? Can't level up almost every one of my guns. No new attachments, camos, or reticles.

It's being actively looked into. I'm not currently on task with this, so I'm not sure of the current progress.

30 Oct


Originally posted by ImmaDoMahThing

So I was unable to pick up my gun in this match of Cyber Attack. It happened right after being revived. It wouldn't be the first time either. Unfortunately it seems to happen more and more frequently as time goes by because at first it never happened to me, now it happens multiple times a match. I don't know exactly what causes it because it happens in different situations every time. I hope you guys over at IW see this and fix it.

I have more examples that I'm gonna upload very soon.

Edit: Here is an example of it randomly happening after killing someone:

I was able to pick up my gun for some reason. Usually I cannot.

Edit 2: Here it is happening again after going for a revive.

This time I was able to switch to my secondary. This happened in the same match as before

Edit 3: Here it is happeni...

Read more

I was just looking at this with another designer. We have a fix in the works and will get it into a patch asap.


Hey OP, this still happening? Mind sharing your gamertag?


Originally posted by DOUBLETBMC

FYI it also wasn’t tracking in Cyber Attack for me either.

Just so you know it seems more like plants in general weren’t tracking.

Yeah the fix includes updating cyber attack


Originally posted by LackingAGoodName

Only on the double blue doors. This was in the beta, figured it was fixed by now.


We've been tracking this, and we're currently testing a fix.


Looking into a fix, thanks

29 Oct


Originally posted by Radeni

Hey u/JoeCecot is this a known issue? This was the only time it had happened to me but that's a massive issue. I'm sorry for having to tag you like this.

Oh wow that's bad. We'll get this tracked.


Can those of you that are seeing this please send your PC specs? You can post here of DM me, thanks.


Originally posted by GeorgePhotos

How could this even accidentally happen? Assuming it wasn’t intended

Edit: I know it wasn’t intentional, I’m really just curious how something cosmetic managed to accidentally have properties that effect gameplay

Charms are attachments just like everything else so they support function. They shouldn’t have any though :)


Originally posted by RJE808

Why just in one life modes? The Battle chatter in general is just not a good mechanic. I'm happy they're at least doing this, but still.

We're starting with one life modes as we usually had it off for these modes in previous titles. We'll be exploring other options and continue taking in feedback around the battle chatter system!

28 Oct


Amped perk. Warhead was the old name. I'll go roll up a newspaper and hit the new guy on the nose


Originally posted by Xaqrok

My total end game kills were 38 but my score was only 30.

Ah ty for the confirmation! I had written logic to make sure the nuke owner got kills, but I thought maybe there was a bug.


So the solution here is we add a 30 second countdown so the winning player can call in the nuke. I'll double check concerns around kills from the nuke not counting. Happy hunting.


Originally posted by Xaqrok

Nice job! Also was waiting for someone to pick up the MG34, that thing is a monster.