
Mordhau Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by Bodisious

If any other comment gets responded too in this post please respond to SoomRK. He and other modders have worked hard to keep this community alive and interesting.

I am not a modder myself, just a player who wants to see this game keep going as long as it can; but it needs support from its developers to continue to succeed. Many of us have bought dlc or even another copy of the game to support the developers, but many of us are losing hope that community feedback means anything anymore.

I have put well over 1000 hours into this game and hope to put in many more. There are communities banding together to keep the game alive and fun like duel servers or clans like CK doing events but many of these servers rely on mods and mod support to keep providing their fun changes to the community.

So please, even if all you say is, "give us another 6 months" just tell us one way or the other if you will keep supporting this community of players.

Thank you for the heartfelt response. I feel the same way. A healthy and thriving modding community prolongs the longevity of any game so I will try to push the SDK support to the forefront where applicable.


Originally posted by SpanishAvenger

I am very sad to read those news on the Arcade mode. I was heavily looking forward to it... :(

The Arcade mode is not really gone but is being polished and we will try to make it a new game mode with its own spin and added value.


Originally posted by SoomRK

Is there a time frame on when we will see the SDK fixed? Going on 13 months for linux users now.

Edit: Some clarifying as requested by fellow modders.

Tuesday December 2021- Patch 24 is released with update to SDK containing linux binaries as well.

December 22nd and 29th 2021, hotfix 1&2 for patch 24 is released, no update to the SDK. (This contained many path and value changes for horde and was inaccurate in the SDK for 9 months, very unfriendly to modders especially new ones)

Thu June 23rd, Mon 27th, Tue 5th of July; 2022. - Patch 25 and various hotfixes released, no update for SDK (nearly 7 months now). These patches contained Arid and the entire armory rework, causing the SDK to be nearly incompatible to mod with as far as 'main menu' HUD changes go. This is when we were told that Battlefield had quit (nearly 6 months prior) and that the SDK was not going to be updated.

Thur 27th and Fri 28th of October 2022, Patch 26 is released, SDK ...

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Thank you for the concise recap, I was not aware of the time frames on the issue.
After asking around I was told that at least the Linux binaries were taken care of and an update should be published quite soon.
When talking about the SDK support in general it is my impression that the ports took precedence, will try to bring it to the forefront in the future as I believe a healthy modding community improves the longevity of any game.


Originally posted by Beneficial_Copy_4444

Please fix the lion toes clipping with most leg armor, just tighten/shorten the chain around the ankles so it doesn't clip through, $5 cosmetics shouldn't clip with almost every other armor piece

Also fix the maximilian cuirass without faulds clipping with its skirt, there's literally only one waist option for it and that waist option only goes with that armor and it still somehow was not made to not clip

Also, I liked arcade mode, please keep the idea and add it, don't listen to sweats who are mad at the idea of people having fun in the game without spending 12 hours a day studying animation exploits, they don't care about "splitting the playerbase" they just don't want the casual players they're used to stomping to leave their servers and leave them with only other sweats to fight

Thank you for bringing the clipping issues to our attention, will pass them to the team.

In regards to the Arcade mode thank you for the encouraging words. The mode was not abandoned but it will most likely be a completely new game mode with added value. As stated that is still being brainstormed.


Originally posted by Sanujan_

Why would you think that? We play a lot and can tell you random is pointless and will lead to unfair advantages when half the lobby gets polearms. Just generate lists of weapons so the matches have different but consistent progression throughout the match. This mode is DOA to all but like 10 lvl 200s and noobs if it’s left to RNG

It is not as if every player gets a random weapon every time, but the progression list that is the same for every player on a given match could be semi randomized at the start to give some variety. So to reiterate; every player in a match has the same progression of weapons, the method of deciding the weapon list is what we are debating here. Be it a set list (the carbon copy of the gun-game mode), a random pick from a number of set lists, or the weapon list could be semi randomized within a tier list. It is a minor difference at the end of the day that might give some variety to the mode. I hope I was able to make it sufficiently clear. Thank you.


Originally posted by RocvaurOfDarkCrystal

Sometimes the stars align just right. I do apologize for the late thread and for not giving you a heads up.


Originally posted by thomasAvacado

One change I personally would like is the flat out removal of the feature that makes you equip your fists after throwing a weapon or getting something knocked out of your hands. It's infuriating to get an explosive barrel knocked out of my hands and have to equip my shield again, which takes too long and I die. Thoughts?

I've encountered this proposal a couple of times by now. Will add to the list and present it to the team to see what will they say. Thank you.


Originally posted by HalfOrcSteve

Will you be opening beta up for more people before release?

I assume you are talking about the Console Beta. Not clear at the moment. The first one was for some stress testing. There is no plan to open it any time soon.


Originally posted by muziv

Getting to training sword level in sword game was the best part...

Should the training sword be the last weapon tho?

17 Feb


Originally posted by currentBroccoli

I don't think sword game should be random wep, make it like COD where the weps getting harder to get a kill with, like ending with throwing knife etc. Or some interesting spin on that idea, instead of random selection.

Also bring back grad, camp skirmish PLEASE. I NEED IT IN MY LIFE. THE GAME NEEDS IT. BREATHE LIFE BACK INTO SKIRM. (Crossroads too)

I do not think it should be a predetermined weapon list that you go through; some randomness should remain. A compromise would be to have each third of needed kills be a random weapon from a pool of weapons that would be considered "easy", "medium" or "hard" to get kills with or have a higher skill requirement. Thoughts?


Hello everyone!

Feedback time! Apologies for the delayed post, certain topics have been rapidly evolving and I wanted to present you a clearer picture with the updates. Please share with us any thoughts, questions, suggestions, concerns or elaborations you might have. As always, please be civil to each other in the comments and keep things constructive.

The most prominent development topics that happened since the last post:

  • The next step has been taken on our console port journey, and it can be considered a big one. We have entered the validation phase for some of the ports, to have outside feedback, more concrete testing and to garner experience for the process. It is a nerve wracking time period and a lot of effort was poured into it, to have the most meaningful feedback possible while still working on the rest of the porting processes.
  • The upcoming map Forest had no major upheavals in terms of layout and playing feel, most of the work has ...
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06 Feb


That is quite unusual. I'll pass it forward from my end but please feel free to open a ticket on the official Discord.

02 Feb


Originally posted by tensed_wolfie

Somebody tag someone from the dev team so they can sue this game for copyright infringement and invest that money into hiring more people for Mordhau….

Thank you, we were made aware. Not gonna lie we had a good chuckle at their expense. We will see what kind of action will be taken. Take care.


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

Best of luck, Titan! I know you'll do well by the community. Community, please be nice to Titan. :)

Also, when is patchie?

Haha, thank you Jax. And as always, patchie is on the way!

31 Jan


Originally posted by retrogamerX10

Hello and welcome, Titan! Let's see if you can what your predecessor couldn't (bringing the devs to add pointysidepolehammerblood).

Hi and thank you!

That is quite the challenge and I'll do my best! :D


Originally posted by Deargrigh

It definitely will, yes. More so than any Frontline/Invasion split ever did. This will basically be like 2 different games, but I suspect that's the point. Arcade must be the "bigger and crazier" change Marox talked about trying a while ago.

I reckon it's 90% about maximising console sales (with simpler and easier to understand combat) and 10% a hail mary shot at giving PC Mordhau a new lease of life, which will only really succeed if Arcade becomes the main way to play and entices new/returning players with its less frustrating combat. It'll probably be the default game mode on console, and PC Mordhau will either sink or swim depending on how well it's done / how much of us accept it as the new Mordhau.

Just my thoughts but it's going to be interesting to see what happens.

With any new game mode launched there is bound to be some player base split at the start from the novelty alone. As stated the mode is catered to a more casual play style and will have ample descriptors and labels to present it as such. As you said we hope to entice new people to stay and try different things and to give some incentive for players to return and try something new and find a new spot for them in doing so. I doubt it will have a big impact on the established player base at the end of the day. And it might just be that stepping stone for people to familiarize themselves a bit before jumping to the main mode. It is indeed going to be interesting to see.
I'd like t mention that arcade is not the labor intensive project to the extent that you might imagine, and it is actually not the "crazy project" that was mentioned before, which is still being worked on.



Originally posted by OfTheLethani

Welcome Titan!

As always I am jumping in to ask for horde content or consideration.

• Map Dungeon is nearly impossible and was likely not playtested for horde.

• Weapons fall through the world when spawned from chests

• Players are griefing with explosive barrels (Please make explosives deal no damage to Team or Noble) causing teamkills that lock other players out for a whole wave

• More Horde perks would be nice

Example - Throwing weapons tree in Ranger that specifically deals with all of the throwing weapons and thrown 1h/2h weapons like Short Sword / Dagger / WarAxe / Maul. Maybe a perk that returns thrown weapons to your hands eventually? Perhaps add some crowd control to throwable weapons like a fan of knives or penetration on javalins that hit more than 1 enemy in a line similar to Bodkin perk in Crossbow? Maybe a perk to reduce the refresh ammunition time for the thrown weapons?

• Stats page doesn't reflect any stats ga...

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Thank you for your response. Some great points there that I will pass on, especially on topics that were recently added such as barrels. Horde needs some love.


Best of luck, Titan! I know you'll do well by the community. Community, please be nice to Titan. :)

Also, when is patchie?

27 Jan


Hello Mordhau community!

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Titan, the newly appointed Community Manager. I feel honoured to have been passed this torch to carry onward and I look forward to being able to participate in the growth and development of this community. I have been aware of Mordhau from its Kickstarter days and have joined the community at launch. I might not have been the most active member in the past, but I was always keeping up and following along throughout the years.

I would also like to give thanks to u/Jaaxxxxon for all his contributions over the years, the effort and passion he poured into this community and the excellent feedback he provided. I wish him all the best, and all the luck in his future endeavours. Thank you Jax.

Now it's time for some updates that I am exc...

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11 Jan


Originally posted by kufgeo

From marine drill instructors to a thousand autistic plumers, Jax sure seems to have a high tolerance for being yelled at. Good luck dude, wish you the best.
Btw is anyone replacing you? Or is the community manager's salary going to be added to Crush's coke budget?

Thanks, I really appreciate it! A new CM will be taking over, yep.