
Mordhau Dev Tracker

10 Oct


We don't plan on doing exact copies of male voices for the female characters, instead the naming conventions of "cruel" for example just kind of cue you into the personality of the voice.

There's no real need to lock ourselves into replicating the personalities, so the female character voices should stand on their own just fine.


Originally posted by Nazshak_EU

Bcs it would require work and passion

I feel stupid for shitting on anyone who is still working on Mordhau.

Yes, instead of work and passion to create a helmet from Giovanni Paolo Negroli, we created a different helmet from a different armorsmith, Filippo Negroli, which required both work and passion

Like seriously, mask off, personal response here - if you're going to sh*t on the game at least do a modicum of research instead of these braindead zero effort takes

07 Oct


Originally posted by Deargrigh

More importantly, why not wait until you've released the patch to do a free weekend? Imagine your first experience of Mordhau as a new player being watching every server you joined empty because the majority of people didn't like the game mode / maps that appeared in the voting screen...

I believe what Marox said in the last meeting is that Valve has a set schedule for free weekends, so you have to apply to get a slot or something. We don't exactly have the luxury of choosing when to do the free weekend, so we got a weekend scheduled that was close enough.

06 Oct

05 Oct


Originally posted by Gatsu-

I think the problem with Mordhau is that it is too niche. Game could drop the realism for more fun. Game could look cartoonish like fortnite for all I care as long as it has a fun combat system. Imagine Katana or nunchucks in this game. I know Duke of York has Katana but no unique animations for it. The special could be a quick draw slash. The possibilities are endless I hope you recognize the potential of dropping realism for fun and hopefully it can help inspire your next game.

I absolutely agree with you although there is a chance a decent chunk of the players play because of the medieval aspect. Otherwise yes there is a lot of potential fun settings that could be done for a game like this


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Crush sealed Mordhau's fate a long time ago when he began to blame the decline of players on the genre instead of looking (and, probably more importantly; listening) for ways to actually build on and improve the genre.

This is a weird take. First of all Mordhau in my opinion has raised the bar high & set a new standard in the medieval slasher genre (perhaps not everything, but definitely combat & technical level).

Since I played a decent role in making this game I think its fair to say that I build on and improved the genre since Mordhau does that. Ontop of this we made over 20 patches with hundreds of gameplay changes many of which have improved the gameplay since release considerably, and many of those also came from community feedback. Not all changes were good sure, but it is impossible in such an experimental genre to have 100% success rate with every change. There was plenty of innovative stuff as well as various attempts (mostly successfull) to fix the most broken stuff of this genre like very broken looking/feeling swings etc. So while the game is not perfect and there is always room to improve nobody can say we didn't try.

I also never blamed the genre directly, just said...

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This could have been phrased better but I was speaking for me personally here, as in I will be retiring from Mordhau after the next update or two not for Triternion as a whole. Especially anything major combat rework related from my end. Reason is to work on the new game. Hope this clarifies some things

04 Oct


Originally posted by everythingisunknown

Does the map rotation thing include brawl? Sometimes people want to play the same map when doing DM things, obviously not contraband 3x in a row but if the only other option is Castello DM I’d rather just play the same map

This is just for the FL/INV stuff to my knowledge, not Brawl :)


Hey all,

Like always, we like to hear your feedback! Any thoughts, questions, suggestions or whatever are super valuable to us, as they help us stay on the right track with development of the game. While we might not be able to work on every suggestion listed, knowing the general opinion of the community definitely helps when we're creating new content for Mordhau. You know the drill - please be civil to each other (and us please) and keep things constructive. Thanks!

As for the development notes this week:

  • We're pretty much fully into the testing phase for this update cycle; if things go well, we're looking at a patch relatively soon™ - now I won't jinx it by saying a date, but we're getting most things nicely packaged up.
  • Our new map, Dungeon, is wrapping up - the only things needed at the moment are little gameplay-related things like blocking volumes for buildable/toolbox stuff, and one or two art tweaks. Optimization is done, but we might...
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Originally posted by seldepoivre

I start by saying that I really like your game, I have to ask you a question. what happens to the new animations ? I tested those already present on the test server and I like them very much. I think they can really improve the game and make it even more amazing. please let us know about it.


From what I'm aware, they're still being worked on - it's something we want to get exactly right, otherwise it makes the combat worse :D


Originally posted by Persian_Azat

I have this rant I wanted to share and I would be happy to hear your opinions: Arid currently isn't the most loved map and I think it needs these two changes:

1- tho the map isn't a flat plane, it feels like playing on a flat plane (I mean inside the city) because there is essentialy not much usable or great high grounds to for example effectively shoot people down or throw rocks at choke points, the map is riddled by beautiful buildings but they are soleless, since they don't serve any purpose

2- there should be another objective after the current last objective so that the attacking team would breach into the actual palace and then there could be any form of the new types of objectives - you were talking about in the last bi-weekly thread - as the last objective on this map

Tnx for reading

Yeah, definitely agreed. We definitely identified a lack of interactivity/detail in the map, and the last objective being a bit underwhelming.

We plan on some improvements to the map for sure, but as of now it's a bit too early to tell how things change on the level.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Nyghen

I'm totally stranger to being a Dev so I'm kinda speaking out of my ass, but wouldn't it be beneficial to add cosmetics on minor updates to keep the community waiting between major updates ? It's at least content and I know I'm always happy to see new skins, it adds diversity and makes me play back the game to grind, could create a more stable community

We have cosmetics coming, but usually we bundle them with maps to get the maximum impact out of them. :)

So this patch will have women characters + Dungeon + cosmetics.


Originally posted by Quardener

Better yet: just change all the flairs to weapons. People pick their favorite. A lot better way to differentiate people than by voiceline.

yeah weapons would be a lot cooler, I can look into it


Originally posted by Fuck_wagon

Does the team have any message or announcement to the community regarding the recent news of Tencent investing a minority stake in Triternion? Seems like a big deal, at least significant enough to be worthy of mentioning in the Bi weekly thread.

I'm hopeful about the news being a positive thing for Mordhau. Do you feel the same way? Or will the money likely be allocated to Triternions other future projects?

Also do the game files still exist for the old squat animation? Can we bring it back as a seperate squat emote? This is important.

Tencent gave us a lot of money to get a small non-controlling cut of the company, so they can't tell us to do anything. This is good for the company as it gives us more money to do things, but we still have complete control and we're independent. Kind of a win-win for all parties involved.

As for squat, I bet it's around somewhere. We're unsure if we'll add it back in, but if it exists I bet modders can make something useable out of it.


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

Would really like to hear some input about the Tencent deal.

They have a minority stake - so in other words, they gave us a boatload of money to have a little cut of the company. As a minority stake, they can't tell us to do anything or exert any control over what we do, so it's purely a cash injection.


Originally posted by Glorywafflez

Surprised that female models are not looking too far off they actually fit the game perfectly.

That's one of the reasons we took a while with them - you can get away with a sword or a chair or something looking slightly off, but if a human looks off you'll instantly pick it up.


Hey everyone,

It's that time of the week - feedback! Even if it's not all sunshine and roses, we appreciate hearing your thoughts on the game. Provided you're being civil, we absolutely want to hear your thoughts on how we can improve MORDHAU. Any comments, questions, constructive criticism, suggestions, whatever; we appreciate knowing what you all want for the game. Thanks!

As for development notes:

  • We're aware of the FL/INV merge being unpopular, and while we can't revert the merge due to various reasons regarding player population, we do plan on making it more palatable with map voting changes and reduced spawn timers in FL. Nothing new to announce with this, but not everyone reads the dev notes - doesn't hurt to reiterate.
  • Not too much in terms of specifics this week! Our focus in this patch cycle has shifted to finalizing the major changes that have been made, and polishing up certain aspects of the patch. Most of the work now relates ...
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20 Sep


Originally posted by 12poundsofdust

Will female player models share armory unlocks with male player models?

Yeah, there are no male/female specific armors.


Originally posted by LetWaltCook

More specifically, team fight ranked. As far as I know, the only way to get into a match, is to set the search to 'Worldwide". I'm on the east coast in the US, and the matches are non existent. If I get desperate I will set to world wide, but the ping is unstable. 150ms to 300ms.

So ya, that's a major problem. It's ranked, and I already have a major disadvantage.

TBH, I don't know much about the server side of things. Is there no way to be world wide without such an outrageous ping? Id imagine it's a matter of cost, but without any players to play against in your region, pretty much renders the mode useless.

It is my favorite mode on the game. I think if higher skilled players had a place to go, like ranked or something else you could imagine, maybe it would have balanced out the servers more to the point where a novice server wasn't needed.

That's more of a player count issue, we can't force players to play ranked. :(

10 Sep


Originally posted by LetWaltCook

Fix ranked.

please elaborate