
Mordhau Dev Tracker

10 Sep


I figured I'd give y'all an update on the female characters and ensuing snippets:

For some reason, right now if you view the female character past a foot or so, the eyebrows consume the face and the entire faces becomes eyebrows. Game development is weird.

It's currently Friday night, so once we get a fix in for this we'll be sure to get a snippet out. Sorry for the delay on this!


Originally posted by Bodisious

How much did they reduce the FL spawn timer? Will the females and voices for them be free or DLC?

Will some of the armor sets teased on the discord awhile ago (before EI even came out) finally be released?

Also with giving more money out, will they make a couple very expensive cosmetics for veterans who have nothing else to spend their money on i.e. myself and some of my mates have most cosmetics unlocked and still have 600k-1mil in savings.

We would love to have an armor set thay costs like 500k plus to get the whole thing (Drip or drown etc).

Anyway thanks for all the work you guys have and keep putting into the game.

  • Female characters and the voices will be free. 👍
  • FL timers are more map dependent, as far as I know. They are going to be reduced across the board from what I'm aware, but the exact details are still being ironed out.
  • The issues with giga-expensive cosmetics is that while they do reward long-time players, the average price of cosmetics has inflated over time; our current reasoning is that the people that have been playing for ages (and still are playing) are doing so for the gameplay itself, while new players feel discouraged seeing almost everything being unobtanium without putting hundreds of hours into the game. We can definitely look into rewards for long-term players though - we aren't forgetting that you exist. :)

Originally posted by Ioradin

Nobles/Wardens as the objective are not fun (imo) to play as or against. The original version of Feitoria did it right, where there was a Noble type character but it wasn't the objective itself. So there was still the fun of a boss mechanic, but it felt more like a reward for doing well than a responsibility that you have to turtle with.

Yeah - nobles are fun, but it's not fun if your team loses if you die - so you just hide in a corner and let some engineer bros build 432589273 spikes around you and just afk or something

Not exactly riveting gameplay


Originally posted by Evil_Knot

  1. Can you please make the catapult have better movement on uneven terrain? Camp is horrible and I find myself unable to turn the damn thing hardly at all.

  2. Can you please make Arid and Noria have wardens? The defense on that map is atrocious and I feel a warden or two would help make things more balanced and fun. Because maps without wardens aren't as fun. Ask anyone.

  1. We have a thing cooking to make catapults and other things not ass on movable terrain, but it's a bit... involved, you could say. A lot of technical changes that would be required - not out of the question, but at the same time the community isn't exactly rioting for more intuitive siege equipment controls. We'll do what we can, though.
  2. We kind of hate nobles, to be honest. The noble objectives mean that the top-fragging player (or whoever accepts it) has to essentially hide for the remainder of the map or their team loses, as opposed to the point of playing the game in the first place, which is "hit people with ouchie stick". We'd absolutely like to improve both of these maps' objectives, but we'd rather add more interactive objectives that allow players to actually play the game.

Originally posted by retrogamerX10





Originally posted by Deargrigh

didn't drop more than expected after Novice servers were introduced last patch

You're kidding, right?

Every time there's a decent update to this game, the player numbers spike. Usually we gain around 30% more players, and we keep them for the next few months. This patch has been the only exception to that rule, where we've actually lost 25% of the players, immediately. No gain, only a loss.

The whole point of Novice servers and the game-mode merge was to grow the overall population. That's what they told us, and it's obviously had the opposite effect. How can you possibly say that this drop was expected? Expected by whom? Clearly not Triternion!

You've always come across as somebody who cares a lot about this game, and puts a lot of their time into the community, I really didn't expect to see you here being an apologist for this awful decision of Triternion's when it's obviously hurting the game/community.

I think this is a bit of the whole correlation =/= causation thing going on; Chiv 2 released on Steam right around the same time as our patch, so that is probably the reason we saw a dip in player numbers.

We're still monitoring how the player base is doing post patch, and if we keep seeing a trend downwards in the future we're absolutely down to fix any issues that the novice servers or FL/INV merge might have caused. It just doesn't seem exactly like the merge is solely responsible for a drop in players alone, but like I said - if we see evidence to the contrary going forwards, we'll take a closer look at things.

edit: didn't see the reply of Drunk w/ the whole correlation/causation thing and now I feel really unoriginal, but my point still stands :D

06 Sep


Hey all,

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback on MORDHAU! Any thoughts, suggestions, constructive criticism, and targeted feedback can help us out immensely, and we gladly welcome it. As you can see below, our work over the past couple of weeks has had a lot of focus on some sticking points in the community; we hope to continue to keep improving the game and making changes that you're asking for. Please keep things civil and polite down in the comments below, thanks!

As for our meeting notes:

  • Female characters are nearing completion! Stand by for a snippet or two this week. Voices have been recorded, and the final areas are creating high-quality 1st person arm textures/meshes, adjusting some armor pieces that aren't fully cooperating, and fixing a few bugs here and there. As we've said before, female characters are one of the main goals of the next update, so you can expect to seem them in the next patch.
  • As you might of heard, we're keep...
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Originally posted by RocvaurOfDarkCrystal

Guys dungeon has been an accessible TDM map for the last 2 updates. Its accessible even now do "changemap dungeon" in a private lobby. Jax, is that the same dungeon you are refering to?

shh its a secret


Originally posted by Sanches319

Hello devs!

I've been asking for this thing for quite a while. I suggested to move pauldrons and gorgets to their seperate slots, so that would give players an option to combine both pauldrons, gorgets and scraves together.

This suggestion been receiving a bit of upvotes, which means atleast some players agree with it. But i never got an actual aknowledgment from staff. Am i wasting time asking for this?

Hey, it's not something we're looking to do - clipping issues and such, as well as the character models have been designed with these slots in mind, so a lot of combinations wouldn't work. :(


Originally posted by ACabbageMan3

I really appreciate that you are still working on it.

So at what time you are planning to fix the ping display bug of the server browser in game?

Meaning players might ignore the playable server we provides,making them quiting the game.

It has been 335 days since you given your last promise to make it fixed

and 545 days since you given your first promise


(...Honestly,did you think it was only a small issue,and it had absolutely no connection with your severe player drop situation?)

IIRC it's somewhat hardcoded, we just haven't been able to look into it with other things taking priority.


Originally posted by Jael89

we do need to condense the servers a bit so the game isn't empty.

According to the steam charts, the average playercount, which held strong at 1800-1900 average for 5 months pre-patch, is now lower than 1500. In the month after the merge patch, we lost 1/6 of the remaining playerbase, which was otherwise sticking around. Please bring this up to the team!

It's hard to say that the server merge was exactly responsible - correlation doesn't always mean causation - but yeah, we know that it's not the most loved change. The team sees it as necessary, but if we can make it more palatable that's the way to go.

05 Sep


Originally posted by EnormousMedievalCock

Literally 1484.

Triternion is keeping my peasants hostage. They forced me to give away my secret turd stash.

What is Triternion going to do next?

Cancel the dung covered peasant convention?

Ban the gay knight orgies?

Impose taxes on our free turds?

we're gonna tax your capital turd gains and you're gonna like it 😈


Originally posted by FormerJackfruit2099

Is there a reason console wont have crossplay? Feel like the game could really use one big community rather than two split.

The main issues is controls disparity, KBM players would dunk on consoles. Also - from what I know, consoles don't just allow you to update the build, so we'd have to hold off on hotfixes and other patches for PC while the console versions get approved.


Originally posted by 1CombatMedic1

Hi i translated it for everyone

SO yeah guys we going to release another map it might be better than noria, or Desert *cough* sorry i mean Arid (come on arid is a darker version of Chiv 2's desert map)

we are also going to tweak the armoury that we f**ked up and made hard to quickly change your class (Which is a nice thing when you are actively trying to help your team win by any means changing class etc)

There will be female characters in 2025 but dont get your hopes up it is confirmed there will be no Bob slider .

Grator done f**ked up and people been walking around with Purple glitchy rectangles on their helmets lol also we done left in the shield switching pattern trick that can cause epileptic fits cos funny kek

Lastly we are not undoing the merge of frontline and invasion because.. well because f**k you!!!

that is all

yooo first time i've seen someone add the N to trashternion, well done

edit: on a serious note, Arid had some... extenuating cirumstances to it that caused a bit of a rush on completing it, but there's been lessons learned for the new maps (which, btw are free), and female characters will be in the next patch. I also believe the shield issue has been fixed internally, and if you know what helmets are causing issues, please let me know. I can't read minds :)


Originally posted by Quardener

When you play crossroads invasion, you are offered 2 spawns. One near the objective, and one near the horsepen. Yet they both place you in the exact same spot and that spot is nowhere near where either of the icons are located. Is this intentional? It shouldn’t be if so.

It could use some love, that's for sure. For a bit of context, it was a map thrown together in the span of like two weeks, but we never fully went back to address the issues it has. All in all that's not ideal, but it's more of picking our poison - do we spend time fixing that map, or spend time on making new maps?

If we have some time in the future, it'd be great to fix it up; it's just not a massive priority at the moment, unfortunately.


Originally posted by Quardener

Has there been any talk of reversing the frontline/invasion merger? I play in US east and before this update you could reliably find 2 or more full servers or both game modes in the afternoon/evening.

Nowadays there’s typically only one server and if the wrong map is selected it’ll just instantly die. Invasion players do not want to play frontline and vice versa.

What do we have to do to get it reversed? Do you want a petition? Do we need to all play nothing but brawl for a week? What’ll it take to get you guys to see your mistake?

Yeah, so the current idea is:
1) Make FL more enjoyable by tweaking respawn timers and general pacing.
2) Make map voting more diverse so you don't get 6 frontline choices.

If that doesn't work, we'll look at other ways to fix things. The issue is with player counts not being amazing, we do need to condense the servers a bit so the game isn't empty. With the novice servers (which we've seen having some good effect), we split the player base - so we had to consolidate players somehow. Tricky situation, but we'll take care of it.


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Hi Jax. I know it’s been discussed before, but I still think that the merge of Invasion and Frontline game modes needs to be reconsidered. We’ve had the option to choose between these two game modes for three years now, and many people have become very accustomed to one or the other.

I understand that the idea behind this change was to reduce segmenting the player-base any further after the introduction of novice servers, but please, just look at the average player numbers. I don’t think it’s working. We’ve actually lost about a quarter of the usual average player count; numbers that have held steady since mid-2021. In other words we’ve lost long-term, veteran players. As a long-term player myself, I’m pretty much convinced that this is a result of these players not being able to play the game in the way they’ve become accustomed to over the last three years.

I know you said that the rationale behind these changes wa...

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Yeah, I'm definitely aware of the sentiment - we do want to try making FL actually better + having more diverse map voting choices, so we're going to try that first. If it doesn't help, I'll \strongly\** recommend to the team that we revert the split or do something different.

23 Aug


Hey all,

You know the drill! We'd absolutely love to hear some feedback (provided it's constructive) on MORDHAU - any suggestions, general thoughts, ideas, whatever - we absolutely appreciate it and it helps us to develop a better game for you all. Like always, please keep it civil and be cool in the comments below - thanks!
As for our meeting notes from today:

  • Our next upcoming map - working title Dungeon - is going fairly well. The "bones" of the map are there, but some work on materials and propping as well as implementing lighting is next-up. We're mostly focused on adding detail to the level and looking more into interactivity as the core aspects of the map are finished up. We're going to hold off on screenshots until the lighting's in place, otherwise it would look a bit weird - but we plan on showing some snippets further on in development.
  • Speaking of waiting a bit on screenshots - the idea is the same for female characters, albeit for a ...
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Originally posted by Jael89

We would love to see some snippets of the female models as soon as possible.

I'm sure it's been suggested many times before, but is it possible to reuse assets from all the other maps to cut down on development time of new maps? There's so much there, it would be a shame to not use it. Textures, models, surely some of it can be repurposed, but each new cycle seems to have entirely new assets, which no doubt increases the amount of time spent on the maps.

I've gotten used to the FL/INV merge, but what I haven't gotten used to is the armory rework. I used to spend about 1/4 of my playtime in the armory making builds, and now I don't use it at all. Does the team have a plan of action to make it more user friendly? If you ignore me I'll keep making memes complaining about it :-)

Yeah so the map pieces aren't *exactly* ultra-modular, but we've made a point to try to standardize certain things to make that a possibility for sure - huge chunks of maps just aren't relevant to other ones, but some buildings here and there can fit the bill if we're smart about it.

As for female models - we're getting them ready - with how long it's been, we'd like to actually show off a finished product as opposed to WIP shots.

Armory UI issues and usability are pretty high up on our radar of things to work on. Atm since it's not functionally broken we do need to take care of some other aspects that need help, but I don't think anyone on the team is content with leaving the current armory untouched long-term.


Originally posted by Saftigerkeks

First thing that came to my mind, was how underwhelming some of the objectives are. Im thinking about Arid here, where you carry explosive barrels to the stone structures, and they explode. Thing is, the explosions dont do anything to the structures, and they look pretty cheap as well.

What I dont get is, on Camp, if the wooden towers explode it makes a cool explosion sound, and the towers actually fall, with animations an stuff. On Arid its more like a quick fart, that doesnt do anything to the surroundings...

It would be nice if the stone structures actually broke, and if the explosions looked more epic. For example when the gate explodes, that explosion could be used for the explosive barrels/structure explosions. Then maybe make the gate one more bigger or something, so it looks more epic :D

Arid is definitely a weak spot in regards to some of the 'feel' or interactivity - I won't go into the details, but some things on that map didn't go as planned, and we had a bit of an internal emergency to get the map into a playable state. It suffered as a result of that, but all of our upcoming maps are going to put more emphasis on those little details that make maps fun and replayable.