
Mordhau Dev Tracker

25 Nov


The menu tabs switching when trying to bind a gamepad trigger should be fixed in the next patch.

24 Nov


Hello everyone!

As always, we welcome your feedback - and this week we're doing a poll on player caps for FL/INV down below! Aside from, that feel free to post any feedback, suggestions, critiques etc. Please remember to be constructive and civil with each other, and we'd love to hear what you have to say.

Like last week, we focused mainly on testing. The past few weeks have been busy with backend work, and development on long term features, as well as trying to wrap up an update cycle. We originally planned on patch #20 being a really minor one, but we've decided to add some core improvements that are needed for the future. Anyways, let us know your thoughts below!

Last week's feedback can be found here:

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Originally posted by Holy_saracen

Hello guys!

In my opinion frontline and INV gamemode could have more map-specific weapons:

Gunpowder barrels: I know these already are in the game, but they're kinda boring, since you only use them to blow up objectives.There should be pick up points scatered around the map (just like throwable boulders, but with slower spawn rates) where you can grab gunpowder barrels. The purpose of this item is to get through fortified locations with ease.

How does it work?

  • When you grab it, you cannot attack and you'll have to drop it in the ground in order to use other items.You can plant it in the ground by tapping the R key (or the designated throwable/altmode switch key), when planted the fuse starts and you have 3 seconds to get away before it explodes, dealing high damage to engineer structures and medium to low dmg to players in a short radius.
  • Alternate mode idea (throwable mode gunpowder barrel): By holding R you can start the fuse without...
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Thanks for the feedback! Map specific things would be cool, not sure about hand cannons though. Anyways, I'll be sure to forward this to the devs <3


Originally posted by AyyLmaoEUW

/u/Jaaxxxxon a couple of weeks ago i posted about movement for nobles often bugging out (you permanently move diagonally, affects sprinting) on grad and feitoria (possibly others). Is this being worked on at all? thanks

Hmm, not sure about this bug specifically. I'll ask and see if we've fixed it. Thanks for the reminder.


Originally posted by Spoon_Artillery

There’s a rare bug where if your game stutters while you’re picking colors on loadout selection, you get stuck on that screen and can’t exit out of color selection since none of the buttons on the menu work anymore.

Hmm, we'll look into it. If we can get logs next time this happens, that'd be great. DM em to me or a mod on discord :)


Originally posted by Er3st0r

I have been thinking about a change for a while that I believe would be a unique addition to the game, which is that the spear and the halberd's alt modes should be replaced with a stance. The player would hold their weapon in front of them, acting like a spike damaging people if they walk into it. However, it would not one shot players but deal about 35 damage to level 3 armor, 45 damage to level 2 armor, 60 damage to level 1 armor and 85 damage to no armor with no bonus headshot damage. Horses running into the halberd/spear would die instantly. The stance would be cancelled if the player takes damage from a melee or a kick, but not ranged projectiles. The stance would take about 2 seconds to enter as well as the player's movement speed being reduced drastically (maybe about 75%?).

Sidenote: I love this game and I have played way too much of it in the past few weeks.

So we're holding off on things like this for now, but in the future we might change the way alt mode works and add in extra mechanics. Nothing confirmed at all on this, but we have discussed this exact mechanic in private. Hopefully we can find some time to work on this in the future!


Originally posted by Coolbeans-126280

Now that the Pillar on contraband is gone from competetive can we have it back for the deatmatch servers? I really miss kicking people off the edge and having Pillar fights in general. I feel sad everytime I see it on the loading screen.

The pillar was still annoying, even in non competitive. It had to go :(


Originally posted by wharsapcool

More snippets in the discord would be nice

im getting more tomorrow

my snippie dealer has been out of town :)


Originally posted by JKMcA99

The game still needs an actual report feature.

Planned for some time in the future!


Originally posted by databot-SB

The modded content creators who are capable of supplementing new official content are burnt out from using uSDK workarounds and are leaving in droves. This is bad for the game as a whole, if you look at battlemetrics cross-referenced with steamchart metrics from official server traffic, there’s a clear trend of people moving from official content to modded content. This is natural, since official cosmetics only stay novel for a short amount of time, and grow stale between patches while modded cosmetics and functionality are fluid, agile, and less iterative.

You guys are going to do what you think is best and I respect that. I have to say that it’s rough watching the good modders leave while the any word on the SDK is seldom heard. This is one of the best games I’ve ever played and you guys have done amazing work. Let the community help out please.

SDK is getting really close to completion. I won't give an ETA since I'd get murdered by the community if we're 5 minutes late, but the SDK is a huge priority for us, and we hope to have it out soon.


Originally posted by RafaelMRC

Can you fix the bug that makes it impossible to pick up droped items sometimes?

If you can reproduce it, that'd be great. We're trying to track down why it happens and what's causing it 👍


Originally posted by Jaewok

I've said it before but it needs to be said again.

The lack of team balance is killing this game. It's worse every week, and I see a lot of newer players complaining about team stacking. Something needs to be done or we're just going to keep losing scores of new people. Having no chance to win is not fun, it's hard enough being new without having 7 level 200's against you, and your strongest teammate is 85.

Also, still waiting for those female mercs we were promised, or at least a statement that they're cancelled so we aren't left wondering if they're ever going to arrive.

We're looking into this - we'll see what we can do :)


Originally posted by Jamcakes_

Heya, needless to say v excited! Some things on me mind:

  1. Is there any attention being given to reworking one handed animations? They are often the least realistic, least readable, and most frustrating animations in the game.
  2. Any specific details on how riposte animations will be altered in future? Although not as consistently egregious as one handed animations they certainly could be more readable in certain circumstances.
  3. More frequent snippets in future? Snippets give users concrete things to talk about and be excited for while waiting for the next patch, and really help keep conversation on topic more often in the discord. Even less flashy things like the armoury rework, UI changes, and animations are really worth while things for a lot of people to see and talk about.
  4. Have the devs considered documenting more obscure information in-game, perhaps an in-game guide? Many less well known mechanics like riposte hyperarmour and the miss detect...
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  1. Yep! We'll definitely look into it going forwards, animations are something we've wanted to improve for quite a while.
  2. From what crush and I discussed, it's mainly making them smoother and more readable, it's hard to exactly explain - but the relative movement of the weapon should feel more consistent and not 'jump' into release without seeming like anything happened beforehand.
  3. This dev cycle has more or less been backend work, and a few other, very minor things. I'll check to see if I can get the OK to show some stuff off at our next meeting :)
  4. It's a good idea. I'll bring it up with the team and see if this is something we can include.
  5. It is an interesting idea. We'll see what happens, maybe it would work, maybe not. That's what testing is for :)
  6. Lol i think dodge just needs a rework to make it both useful and not annoying. Right now it's kind of gimmicky and infuriating.
  7. If an item isn't allowed in combination with oth...
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Originally posted by Sayatov

I didn't get an answer last time, so I'll ask again. if no one is against it.
Do you plan to add surcoat in the game? And I would also like to see a lot more variety of chain mail

Something like this is unlikely, as it impacts armor readability. We have plans for some more things similar though, in due time :)


Originally posted by KonZehScrub2

I am once again asking for contextual voice lines, like team specific objective voice lines for players, a team specific announcer for objectives.

Also adding a customization system similar to chiv when it comes to team specific game modes would be nice. Allowing players to change their loadouts within a limited color pallet. For example, allowing Free guard to use different shades of orange and yellow, as well as different shades of blue and white. Same goes with Iron company. To prevent spy loadouts from appearing from this change, remove options for leather, like choosing white leather or fur on Iron company, and black leather and fur for free guard.

One more thing would be updating the old nobles within blue grad invasion. Currently the warden and commander don't have clash from block, or kick ragdolls unlike the mountain peak, crossroads, and castello nobles. Also improving the health on kill from 2 to 4 would make playing a noble more fun, being able to use th...

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A few points here:

- Voice lines are tough, since once we've recorded them it's much harder to get extra ones at a later date. Also, contextual lines could be even more difficult if we have to go and contact the voice actors (who are all freelance and might be busy) for a new map, etc. It's not impossible, but at the moment it's something we aren't able to commit to. MAybe in the future, though!

- The tutorial is something we definitely could work on. It would probably be best for us to leave the existing one and make little training segments for each mechanic, as that would be more beneficial as compared to going into theory which is subject and always changing.

This is great feedback though, and I'll share this with the team for sure!


Originally posted by flappypaddy

Hey /u/Jaaxxxxon just a couple of things

  1. There are a lot of helmets with variations of themselves, I think it would be better if instead of them being miles away down the list you had folders for each helmet with variants that you could navigate through regardless of their tier. E.g. German Salet->German Salet, German Salet no visor etc.
  2. Horde could really benefit from a big climax at the last round, maybe something like a boss fight with a health bar
  3. I know people asked for stuff like this all the time, but will we be seeing any medieval Eastern European stuff like Byzantine or Slavic or Hungarian and Romanian themed stuff? I hear you're already doing a Scimitar which pretty much encompasses all that. I posted this map idea a while back. Would love to hear your thoughts.
  1. Armory stuff is planned, and will be part of a rework. Lots of good improvements coming with that, some time in the future.
  2. We also want to rework Horde, it's a great mode with insane potential, and we can absolutely do more with it. :)
  3. Also probably something that we're planning for the future at some point, no guarantees but it'd add a ton of variety without looking out of place. Map idea is pretty cool as well!

19 Nov


If you'd like to help out, please fill out the quick survey above, and thanks a ton!

17 Nov


Hey all!

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions - as always, we love to hear what you're interested in having in Mordhau for the future, and what needs to be changed. Let us know what you'd like to see in the game, and what you'd like changed in MORDHAU currently!

As for this week's meeting notes, we spent the entire time testing build 20, which needs a bit more work. There are a few issues with buildables, bugs, some cosmetic issues, and a few minor things, as well as a relatively game-breaking bug on a certain map - that being said, it shouldn't be too much longer!

Last week's feedback can be found here:

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