
Mordhau Dev Tracker

20 Oct


Originally posted by Puzzleheaded_Flan983

I had to turn off AO to get rid of constant stutter, and thats with a 9700k and 2080 Super. Night and f**king day difference

it's probably cloth physics

f*ck cloth physics all my gpu homies hate cloth physics


Originally posted by tjeerrd

Nearly had a heart attack when I saw you could change the colour to white, thank god it's just a dark grey

pastel midnight πŸ‘½πŸ·


ghost fisted gachihyper

we know about this but we're probably not going to work on it since dynamically changing hit tracers only when someone get flesh wound and punches you with a stump is excessively specific and would require a stupid amount of development work


locking comments. be kind to each other

19 Oct


Originally posted by dombrrr

hey can I share this? these are great, even before the new cosmetics :)

17 Oct


Originally posted by 1LMilkThug

Note: Reading the below rant is completely optional. I needed to write this to relieve my stress since I have noone irl to talk to about it.

TL;DR: This meme was a pain in the *ss to make.

Step by step process on making this 12 second meme video:

1. Go into a local match and record some scenery,

2. Go into my character customisation menu and find a decent guy for the meme, take a screenshot of him,

3. Launch paintdotnet and manually trace out my character (10 mins),

4. Launch my video editing software and place the files together,

5. Go to youtube and find a video of the Mordhau plain voicelines. Watch through the whole thing until I find the crows line (4 mins),

6. Put ...

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Originally posted by kurama3

The current Cat perk reads as this:

3 Points: Reduce fall damage by a shit ton.

When you think of a cat, you think of an agile, nimble beast that can quickly descend from tall places and continue on its venture.

This is not what you think of with the current cat perk. What ends up happening is people just jump off of tall buildings and ragdoll like a sack of potatoes, getting sliced to bits by the enemies on the ground.

Here is my new, suggested effect of the Cat perk:

3 Points: Reduces fall damage by 50% and you do not ragdoll from falls.

This would fit the β€œcat” theme a lot better since they wouldn’t be completely invincible to falls, they would still have to choose their jumps wisely, and they would be able to quickly make a retreat or get back into combat. Furthermore, it would encourage more people to use cat in combat since right now it’s basically useless for frontline classes because you j...

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Noted, I'll bring it up to the team :)


Originally posted by 1LMilkThug

Are you planning on adding the NPC crowd to the Tourney map?

Hmm, we can see - Tourney is not a huuge priority, but if we can find the time it's a possibility.


Originally posted by Ghuratr

Please at least experiment with a handful of 64 player invasion/frontline servers. 80 player servers are a fun idea but they're practically unplayable with their lag/ping spikes and the maps (at least especially in invasion) really aren't suited for housing 80 players at a time. 64 player servers would hypothetically offer the best middle ground with playable latency and an acceptable level of player agency/breathing room while still fulfilling the chaotic and for fun nature of the modes.

We can see, depends on what we can do with server availability. :)


Originally posted by TheInsaneDump

Found a strange bug - If the catapult's ammo is ignited by the engineer placement, the catapult is immune to firebombs. Had someone throw 3-4 fire bombs at the catapult while the ammo was on fire and it took zero damage.

hmmm interesting, we'll take a look πŸ‘


Originally posted by Bay_listicx

Can you look into more ways to display network performance metrics and displacement on screen?

  1. Allowing all players to see your packet drop percentage individually

  2. Display the latency and packet loss adverage of everyone on the server

  3. It would also be nice to be able to see a ghost of sorts of where your body is actually positioned when you have high ping. Not sure how feasible this last one is.

This is a bit of a tangent. One thing I've always thought about is having a way for the game staff to officially validate knowledge and terminology that the community contributes. Where users can go to look up and they can see how correct the information is. Without this how can players truly know they're speaking 'the same language' as the devs?


Now that I think about it the ghost thing could probably be done with bright footsteps on the ground where they stop showing up if your connection quality or...

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We can look into these - as for #3 it might not be possible but we can see, and as for the terminology we use the same terms as everyone else. Pretty much what you see for things in the changelogs is the same as what the community says, for example.


Originally posted by HPADude

Please consider basing MMR gained/lost on individual performance - soloqueuing below P5 is a maddening experience when you have to hard carry a P1 and G3 who struggle to use their parry buttons, you win a handful of 3v1s, but your team loses and you still lose 60mmr despite performing well above the standard expected for a P3.

We're looking into some improvements to the MMR system, which should help.


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Loadout folders πŸ‘πŸ‘

folders or a similar system are something we want to include once we re-work the armory :)


Originally posted by jrubolt

Please add more invasion/frontline modes of the same map similar to Grad. So many maps are under utilised.

This is something we're looking into :)


Some clarification on this:
Nordika is one of our official moderators, and while logging a ban/mute for a player in this match, a different person came up and TK'd Nordika. This video begins right after that. Going to lock comments, as this post is a violation of rule 6.

15 Oct


Thanks for these, passed them onto the team, and the previous ones were super helpful too!

13 Oct


Hi everybody!

Sorry for the late post this week, had some things to attend to. As always though, we'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for Mordhau! Like usual, please keep things on topic, constructive, and be nice to each other in the comment section.

As for dev meeting notes, not too much to talk about there, as most of it was just some technical stuff - we've pretty much just cleaned up a few issues in Mordhau and a bit of work has been done for longer term goals. That being said, keep on the lookout for some potential spooky items :)

Last week's post can be found here: ...

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