
Mordhau Dev Tracker

24 Oct


Originally posted by EarballsOfMemeland

Long term work on map production, for larger scale Frontline/Invasion maps.

Ehhhh... larger maps could be good, but they need to be properly optimised. Castello obviously has a reputation for causing frame drops, especially on 80 player servers. And also, if larger maps are made, please make it so that the entire map is usable. There's huge areas of Castello, Feitoria and Grad that you can't even enter and Crossroads has large areas that kind of fit with the cavalry-focus of the map, but don't really do much beyond serving as jousting arenas; there's no objectives there and so are mostly ignored save for the odd sneaky archer or carrot gatherer.

And please don;'t forget about lower pop servers,those of us on wi-fi find 80 layers to be too much to handle

We've taken this into consideration, we're still learning every day :)


Originally posted by Zachary9944

  1. Some sort of balance change for 3s, it seems right now that spamming 2 hit weapons is OP, I really don’t have a solution,
  2. Don’t allow throwing weapons in ranked, sure it can lead to some haha funny maul throw but when you get to higher levels it goes against everything the cool scene has done for some sort of rule set with throwables.
  3. I heard there was some sort of riposte overhaul to fix some broken accels (exe, LS, poleaxe) any word on how those will work?

In regards to 3v3 balance - if it's an issue there, it's probably an issue in the rest of the game as well. It's best to just balance the issues globally than it is to band-aid fix ranked 3v3 exclusively.

As for the riposte thing, I don't have details at the moment. Crush is working on it and it's going well from what I hear :)


Originally posted by uurrllycute

Will you consider re-adding the old friendly markers as an option or have different options? I'm not color blind color blind but I dont do really good with green, especially that shade of green.

We can see, but it's tough since every time we adjust them people want whatever we just changed from.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

0) Hug/handshake gesture will be a very nice addition plus it will add some charm of friendship to it

Cosmetic suggestions:

1) Give us an option to color leather part of brigandine greaves

2) Give us an option to color visors of t2 bascinets added in patch#20

3) Give brigandine and kite shield more patterns

4) Add kastebrust exclusive waist options to other cuirasses (at least chainmail and scale skirts)

5) Saturate loadout tints and the tint list. Right now you can hardly distinguish most of tints. The only 2 tints that are saturated good right now are black tint and gold tint (gold tint isnt even an option for loadout metal tint, you can only use it on weapons or on some armour pieces (for engravings))

0 - could be cool :)
1- probably not going to happen, we don't usually rework old armor, instead we usually add new things.
2 - We can see about that, think it's a bug
3 - We're looking into some new skins potentially in the future. As for the brigandine, see #1.
4 - We usually add things like that if they don't clip. If there's no option for them, it's usually because they're just not compatible. I'll ask the team about that wait set though, but I think they just don't line up with existing cosmetics.
5 - Planned, at least in the armory. We'll see about maybe making some of them in-game 'pop' more as well.


Originally posted by larzanthony

f**k I am late. I always forget what feedback I think of during games, so I decided to write them all down this time.

  1. Siege towers hitbox of stairs in feitoria is too wide. Projectiles get stuck on nothing.

  2. Javs hitbox too big. Regulary get body dmg when hitting someone in the head or get a floating jav above my teammates head.

  3. People can chamber stabs when you stab them in the back. I have seen this multiple times. Not sure whether a bad connection causes this.

  4. Mountain peak invasion has a random death zone, for attackers, outside of the castle, but inside the wall, when freeing the hostages.

  5. When the attacking team during invasion captures a point, the defenders usually get send back if they are too far in front. However, if you, as a defender, walk into the new enemy spawn, before you get send back, you get killed within 5 seconds for being in a death zone. Getting out of their spawn afterwards kill...

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I'll bring this up to the team, some of these are definitely worth taking a look at. For map issues, it's best to show screenshots so we can actually see where the issue is, but in any case we'll take a look and do what we can :)


Originally posted by Xefferman

Add teamdamage% to the scoreboard so your team damage is permanently displayed for all to see. Kills (K), Deaths (D), Assists (A), Teamdamage% (TD)

Adding this feature would accomplish a few things:

  • Add a shame factor to the scoreboard that discourages swinging wildly and causing team damage. Lots of players just jump into the fight and swing wildly, often causing a lot of damage to nearby teammates. Players who achieved high kills while also maintaining low team damage% would shine, while those who did so at their teammates expense would be shamed. This would add another layer of mastery to achieve for players -- How many kills can you get while also minimizing team damage.
  • Adding this feature would also discourage malicious team killing and trolling by making your team damage display in real time for all to see. This will aid in routing out caustic team killers.

Other ideas to discourage team killing:

  • Add an au...
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Some good ideas here, I'll share em with the team :)


Originally posted by kurama3

On Grad Invasion (Red Side Defense) people on red team can just blockade themselves INSIDE of the trebuchet objective. It would be fine, except arrows/thrown weapons DO NOT go through the holes in the trebuchet. So the only way to get rid of them as Blue and take the objective is by killing every enemy on the point and taking out the guy inside the trebuchet (which can be very frustrating and hard) before the enemy team respawns.

Also, one thing that looks really whacky in this game is flourishing. With a dagger or small sword, it looks fine, because they’re whipping the blade around in their hands. But when they’re using an evening star or executioners sword, flourishing just looks silly and goofy. Maybe each weapon should have its own flourish animation? Or maybe the bigger the weapon is, the slower it spins, to kind of represent the weight it carries.

Thought we patched this, we'll take another look and see what we can do. Thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by Mikhos

Thanks for the mini halloween event. I know players moan and complain it isn't much, but it's a nice thing to see.

A little bit of work on the tutorial. Not game-changing, but it's nice for new players to learn the game.

I hope it's modernized to the kick mechanics etc. The tutorial has always been wellmade but needed the update.

Long term work on map production

Please increase the out of bounds area in the pit. It ruins skirmish to have ballistae snipers every round extending the game and ruining the fun.

We'll see what we can do in regards to the spawn areas!


Originally posted by KonZehScrub2

Could it be possible for you guys to re-comission the voice actors to do some contextual voice lines? Like team or objective specific voice lines, similar to chiv or tf2. Ik this wouldn't be possible for barbarian, and it's a lot of effort for little gain, but I think it'd go a long way.

It's unlikely for the reasons you said, but I'll ask about it!


Originally posted by bradishere24

Please give us an option to reconnect to ranked matches. I lost 53 mmr because my Internet dropped for 10 seconds

We're looking into this - I'll check in with the team on this issue 👍


Originally posted by theshadowhost

4 players in the 3v3 mode can troll and sit there not fighting each other and hold the rest of the players hostage. please add a timer for 3v3 rounds.

happened to me:

Thanks, we'll take a look at this and see what we can do.


Originally posted by kuttykaliko


I’ve again and again been frustrated with getting +50 damage when throwing a 2 handed weapon at moving horse riders. 2h thrown weapons should dismount horse riders if they are not to be killed on contact from throw. This would add another layer of defense against Calvary and continue to improve the flavor of this game. I would enjoy any feedback.

Thanks, Kutty

P.S. please consider fishing mini game on Grad :)

Edit: words

Thanks for the suggestions! We'd like to add more counterplay and depth to the cav combat if possible :)



You still get the gold when the match ends on the server. It wasn't like that on launch, but it's been like this for a good while.


Originally posted by faggyarcher

This. And considering that the devs have removed cosmetic combinations that give the visual appearance of having a different armor tier than they actually are, I'd say there is roughly zero percent chance that this will happen.


23 Oct


Originally posted by LibertyG100

Thank you ! Of course you can share it ! :D

Awesome! Thanks :)


We'll take care of it, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Locking comments since there isnt anything to productively discuss

21 Oct


i love you u/voiceofbrandon :)
Also this is amazing - Liberty, can I share this?

20 Oct


Hello everyone!

As always, we'd love to hear you feedback. Let us know your thoughts on the state of the game, what you'd like to see in the future, and any suggestions, critiques, etc. Please keep things civil and constructive, and in case you don't read below - we're looking at ways to keep at least the executioner's hood around after the Halloween season :)

  • We've identified a bug with Ranked Teamfight assigning incorrect MMR to parties in matchmaking, causing issues. A fix is done but we are past the hotfix window, so it will be included in the next patch, hopefully soon :) As for the next update, this will probably be a pretty minor one that paves the way for future updates.
  • We're working on the SDK and how it will be "packaged". Mainly cleaning up the file structure, hardening things to prevent abuse, etc.
  • Talked. about the Halloween cosmetics, and how they'll be handled once the period is over. Announcement on that soon :)
  • A li...
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yo can i share this
it's great