
Mordhau Dev Tracker

24 Jun


Originally posted by Lumi-is-a-casual

RPS alternates between shitty reviews written by someone who clearly never even finished the tutorial and SJW whining


Originally posted by FatHandNoticer

Hmu when you get to 180 and actually get good

1500 here, little one :)


Originally posted by LionoftheNorth

I wish we'd get a proper viking round shield, if only as a skin for the heater or kite shield. The targe just doesn't measure up that well.

viking shield is coming yea


Originally posted by Lebowskerino

I know about H, it's just more fun to spin the wheel. Life's too short to live it on rails.

chaotic neutral ^


Originally posted by Seldnaj

This is part of the autoblock hack it cancels animations and has been around since the second week after launch (and no it doesn’t have a counter if they are using it right since they can block at any time even during a fully released attack) surprised the devs haven’t dealt with these cancerous cheats yet. (This guy is not using it right and is being obviously blatant with it)

We know about it, finding a way to defeat the cheat takes some time. We're probably not going to go the "sue all hack makers and 12 year olds that advertise videos on them" route because that would take longer than just patching the game to make these cheats not useful.


Originally posted by worstleadclimber

I never have either but I've seen it on his stream twice lol. I'm US. I googled it and looked at some of the hacks they have. They are complete dog shit and I can't believe people would pay money for them and risk getting banned for that crap.

When I first played Mordhau I thought maybe I had found a game that was "unhackable" but here we are. Kinda funny, kinda sad.

thing is these hacks aren't good, it's technically possible to cheat (any game can be hacked) but the vast majority of these cheats are useless past like 20 hours of experience.


Originally posted by ConansSentientHair

Is there a way to report players yet when you come across this stuff?

report to a moderator via discord or send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) -

include video evidence, a screenshot of the playerlist and a link to their steam profile and we will smack them

23 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


The explanation is very simple. In singleplayer, we don't run a shadow copy of hitboxes for the local player who is in 1st person (and using 1st person animations). Online, the server calls the shots, and the server uses 3p hitboxes and animations only. EDIT: the reason we don't do this in singleplayer is because introducing a mirrored set of hitboxes would add considerable complexity to the game's overall code and logic for little benefit. The fringe cases where this is problematic are largely irrelevant for local play.


This is a thing in singleplayer only, your 1p hitboxes are different from 3p hitboxes. Again, this is singleplayer/local play only. Online play only the 3rd person hitbox counts, even if you're in 1p.

22 Jun


Originally posted by realSchmachti

My Game crashes now every time after the Triternion Logo :(

Edit it crashes when the game is consolidating items, not directly after the logo

Can you upload somewhere and pm me the latest crash log/dump file, it's found here: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Mordhau\Saved\Crashes Simply take the latest if you have multiple. That'll help us track it down.


Originally posted by TNGSystems

Niiice, still not gonna put team damage vote on the kickvote box though?

We're still figuring out what to do with the vote kick, it's a tough nut to crack. Team damage seems like a good idea, but it can equally be abused by having the trolls get you to hit them early in the match and then vote you off even more easily than before. The other thing is truly accidental stuff like a mass catapult TK, that'd just end with you getting votekicked nearly guaranteed. We're most likely going to be including the team damage info, but with some sort of safety checks for these cases to ensure it doesn't get abused even more than it is.


Originally posted by WardenOfLight

It still should be reflected in the stats as a downside to the weapon. Because of how important flinching is, it's stupidly strong against pretty much everything, and flinching from a glanced poke to a metal cuirass is silly, even in this game.

we prototyped a change to the rapier, which we dubbed "the hitscan rapier".
It was essentially changing the slashes to not flinch and be insanely fast (think carving knife), but reducing the damage it does significantly, especially against armor.

It was really fun, but there were a few problems with getting "vortexed" by it when you misparried and took a hit, as there are some things in the mechanics that would need adjustment to make it not broken. If we can get around to making some small changes to the flinch/parry system (and especially how they work together) it's likely we would bring this back. It would make the rapier very fun to use, but also gimp its ability and make it easier to defeat if you knew what you were doing.

The thing with flinch is that it's needed to prevent hit-trading, so we probably can't remove it from the rapier's main mode without making the weapon completely useless. Mordhau isn't realistic, but sometimes I like to abstract the...

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realism doesn't equal good gameplay, the rapier is just meant to be a quick pokey weapon, and it lacks the damage that other stab based weapons do, such as estoc - and even has more hits-to-kill when compared to stuff like the poleaxe

20 Jun


Should be fine to use, don't think VAC or our anticheat will care about this. :)