
Mordhau Dev Tracker

07 Jul

06 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


hes banned lol get rekt nerd

03 Jul


Originally posted by TheLaudMoac

Not one of those things you just listed shouldn't be added.

no katanas, ew.

inferior to the longsword, also way out of scope and not medieval

02 Jul

01 Jul


That's a cheat, get me his steamID / steam profile and we will DELET

30 Jun


Originally posted by nyaanarchist

My problem is with the developers who refuse to do anything with the toxic and bigoted members of the community. The developers should be doing everything in their power to stop that kind of behavior. Other developers do it all the time and it leads to a much better game experience. There’s no reason bigoted slurs should be tolerated in the game, it creates an environment of toxicity that ruins the game for a lot of players

we're not ok with their behavior, just hard when you have like 10 admins and about the same amount of devs. we can't be everywhere at once, pretty sure we're working on some more features that will help

29 Jun

28 Jun


Originally posted by TheAlptraum

I mean, painted helmets were almost definitely a thing back in the day. Probably extremely rare but I'll bet my bottom dollar that some wealthy knights thought to themselves "How badass wouldn't I look if my helmet was bright red"

actually the opposite, paint inhibits rust but is much cheaper than polishing, which does the same. late medieval period a noble's set of armor would cost ~10% in materials and 90% in labor, with most of it being polishing work


tfw u go 112-20 and your team still loses


We know about it, looking into some fixes for duplicate names, votekicking etc

27 Jun

26 Jun


Originally posted by Azoonovic

what if he chambers back too tho



Originally posted by theLemurFever

I realize it is "part of the game", but I really detest the camera abuse in dueling. I'm not talking about drags / accels, but the people who flail around or run into you while staring at the ground and looking up / down on 500000 Mouse DPI. That shit only works in duels btw, on frontline your decreased control will get you 1vX-ed pretty easily imo.

mouse sens doesn't affect swing speed though, it's just a gimmick thing that isn't useful to spaz your camera out. if they're doing this they're not attacking, throw a hit at them and take the initiative