
Mordhau Dev Tracker

30 Nov


Originally posted by weefatpie

Have you’s talked about adding more music to the game?

It could be a good idea! At the moment we're not too focused on that, but it might be a good thing to look into going forwards.


Originally posted by DDRMANIAC007

  1. Is the catapult on Camp Invasion being looked at? It's long been a source of pure frustration for the attackers. If the cat user isn't an idiot they can use it far out of range of the attackers and even from behind walls.

  2. Being rammed by a horse should flinch an attack but NOT parries.

  3. The second final objective on Grad Invasion with blue as attackers should be reworked so the objectives take a bit longer but you only need a majority in the zones. This way a single enemy can't block the entire objective.

  4. Exclusive cosmetics for rank 200+s? Maybe even some for rank 300+s in the future?

  5. Will there be any more weapons in the future capable of one shotting bare legs?

  1. Catapults are being looked into!
  2. Horse bump is being tweaked :)
  3. I think we've changed this, as it was a bit annoying before. We need to also look into win% and completion stats on it as well.
  4. Maybe at some point, no plans yet though. I think some longer term cosmetics are great, but we can also effectively get this by having high-gold count cosmetics. Level-locked ones are a good idea though as well.
  5. Not sure! We have a few more ideas for upcoming weapons, but we want to make sure they are balanced and have a clearly defined role/playstyle.

Originally posted by MBMuk

An easy way to increase difficulty in local matches for practicing. Or maybe create training rooms to practice chambering or other advanced moves/skills

A training room-style practice mode would be fantastic. I'll make sure to forward this to the team!


Originally posted by gooseppe1

1) We need "none shall pass" phrase for a hold voice line. Would be a very pleasureful easter-egg.

2) Hit sound rework (or additions). At the moment, when you hit plate armour, it doesnt sound like you hit actual steel. It sounds like you are slashing through meat. If devs could implement sounds for armour hits, it would become a great addition and make an experience more immersive.

3) Community thrives for snippets and more info about patch. What makes devs not share snippets for 2+ months?

  1. When we decide to add some more voices, I'll be sure to suggest this as a line :D
  2. I agree! We might be doing some more work with sound in the future, and it would be really immersive to have this.
  3. More snippets incoming. This patch isn't very heavy on content - we're focusing a lot on more technical, backend type stuff that will allow us to release some great updates going forwards. Because of this, it's a bit hard to show off some killer content, since most of it is relatively boring and mostly code :D

Originally posted by mojoemahn

32/64 lowers the stress on some less powerful PCs.

I would like an increase in players to brawl servers.

In skirmish, enemy location indicators for the last 45-60s would be nice so we don’t have to play hide and seek for 3 mins for the guy on Castillo.

We're aware that not all maps are set up ideally for Brawl, and we're working on changing that. We want to keep it low player counts though, as it's a nice change of pace from the more hectic FL/INV servers.


Originally posted by Schmenuel

Aight so this idea is a little stupid, but what if there was an option to spawn into the map as a rat when youre in spectator mode, so you could scurry around the map watching other guys fight and avoiding being squished it would be hilarious

While it would be great, it's just outside the scope of what we're looking to do. Unfortunately, we don't have unlimited dev time and resources, so we have to prioritize features and content.


Originally posted by Red_Nine_Two

PUT THEM BACK TO 64 PLAYERS. I adore this game and Triternion but reducing players from 64 to 48 was a huge mistake, especially as the 80 player servers are too laggy to play for me in the UK for some reason.

80p is definitely wild sometimes in that regard, we will definitely see what the consensus is within the team, taking feedback into account. :)


Originally posted by Holy_saracen


  • I dont know how hard will this be to implement, but I would like to have training sword chambers costing no stam when chambering another trainingsword. That way chamber practise would be easier to do.
  • I think we could use more vehicles (animals/siege weapons) in Mordhau for some maps, here are my ideas:
  1. Mules: these animals could carry around supplies (similar to supply chests) that have charges (so it isn't an infinite supply for engineers), being near a supply chest would refill the mule's current supply charges. restocking from a mule should have shared cooldown with supply chests, so it prevents firebomb spam and other nasty stuff.
  2. Cannons / ribauldequin (organ guns): these would operate like catapults, but they would shoot straight rather than in an arc. Just imagine this or ...
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  • With chambers, it would probably be better to just have a chamber training tool in the game at some point. Training sword having now stamina is bad in some ways, since it teaches bad habits - stamina management, over reliance on chambers, etc.
  • For mules and organ guns/cannons - they could be cool, not sure about how they could be implemented in a way that is balanced etc.
  • We're taking a look at some of the ballistas, I think these might have been tweaked a bit. I'll double check with the team to make sure we have made some adjustments where they're needed.

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it greatly!


Originally posted by isohunter538

I agree with this. I think they should stop working on new 1v1 / 3v3 maps, the ones we have are good enough and barley anyone plays those modes as is. The majority of the playerbase plays FL/INV so focus your resources there.

Thing about the 1v1/3v3 maps is we can whip them up in a few weeks. They're incredibly quick to make and don't require a ton of brand new assets to be created, don't require us to balance the spawns, objective distances etc. so they're much less complicated.

That being said, big maps are in the pipeline. Soon™


Originally posted by Schmenuel

Imo the most important content we need is new FL/INV maps.

That's one of our main priorities. Lots of lessons learned from existing maps, and the new ones we make should be great. No ETA yet, but we're working on a few. Screenshots once they're more complete and we have a rough idea that they're coming soon. :)

25 Nov


The menu tabs switching when trying to bind a gamepad trigger should be fixed in the next patch.

24 Nov


Hello everyone!

As always, we welcome your feedback - and this week we're doing a poll on player caps for FL/INV down below! Aside from, that feel free to post any feedback, suggestions, critiques etc. Please remember to be constructive and civil with each other, and we'd love to hear what you have to say.

Like last week, we focused mainly on testing. The past few weeks have been busy with backend work, and development on long term features, as well as trying to wrap up an update cycle. We originally planned on patch #20 being a really minor one, but we've decided to add some core improvements that are needed for the future. Anyways, let us know your thoughts below!

Last week's feedback can be found here:

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Originally posted by Holy_saracen

Hello guys!

In my opinion frontline and INV gamemode could have more map-specific weapons:

Gunpowder barrels: I know these already are in the game, but they're kinda boring, since you only use them to blow up objectives.There should be pick up points scatered around the map (just like throwable boulders, but with slower spawn rates) where you can grab gunpowder barrels. The purpose of this item is to get through fortified locations with ease.

How does it work?

  • When you grab it, you cannot attack and you'll have to drop it in the ground in order to use other items.You can plant it in the ground by tapping the R key (or the designated throwable/altmode switch key), when planted the fuse starts and you have 3 seconds to get away before it explodes, dealing high damage to engineer structures and medium to low dmg to players in a short radius.
  • Alternate mode idea (throwable mode gunpowder barrel): By holding R you can start the fuse without...
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Thanks for the feedback! Map specific things would be cool, not sure about hand cannons though. Anyways, I'll be sure to forward this to the devs <3


Originally posted by AyyLmaoEUW

/u/Jaaxxxxon a couple of weeks ago i posted about movement for nobles often bugging out (you permanently move diagonally, affects sprinting) on grad and feitoria (possibly others). Is this being worked on at all? thanks

Hmm, not sure about this bug specifically. I'll ask and see if we've fixed it. Thanks for the reminder.


Originally posted by Spoon_Artillery

There’s a rare bug where if your game stutters while you’re picking colors on loadout selection, you get stuck on that screen and can’t exit out of color selection since none of the buttons on the menu work anymore.

Hmm, we'll look into it. If we can get logs next time this happens, that'd be great. DM em to me or a mod on discord :)


Originally posted by Er3st0r

I have been thinking about a change for a while that I believe would be a unique addition to the game, which is that the spear and the halberd's alt modes should be replaced with a stance. The player would hold their weapon in front of them, acting like a spike damaging people if they walk into it. However, it would not one shot players but deal about 35 damage to level 3 armor, 45 damage to level 2 armor, 60 damage to level 1 armor and 85 damage to no armor with no bonus headshot damage. Horses running into the halberd/spear would die instantly. The stance would be cancelled if the player takes damage from a melee or a kick, but not ranged projectiles. The stance would take about 2 seconds to enter as well as the player's movement speed being reduced drastically (maybe about 75%?).

Sidenote: I love this game and I have played way too much of it in the past few weeks.

So we're holding off on things like this for now, but in the future we might change the way alt mode works and add in extra mechanics. Nothing confirmed at all on this, but we have discussed this exact mechanic in private. Hopefully we can find some time to work on this in the future!


Originally posted by Coolbeans-126280

Now that the Pillar on contraband is gone from competetive can we have it back for the deatmatch servers? I really miss kicking people off the edge and having Pillar fights in general. I feel sad everytime I see it on the loading screen.

The pillar was still annoying, even in non competitive. It had to go :(


Originally posted by wharsapcool

More snippets in the discord would be nice

im getting more tomorrow

my snippie dealer has been out of town :)