
Mordhau Dev Tracker

06 Dec


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

axe combos are too fast and let you get free hits after a late parry

We're looking into this - hopefully we'll get some improvements out soon!
There are a lot of things that work together to make the combat work - if we overbalance one way, for example with parry recovery, that might make feints useless. So there's a fine line we have to walk to make everything not break and be terrible :)


Originally posted by Lk_The_Hero_of_Ages

Horse stuff to tweak/add:

-- Caltrops
-Should do MAX DMG to level 1 and 2 horse, while bringing level 3 down to 10HP.
-Would do minimal DMG to foot units.
-Would have a shine to them to be able to see them at least a little.

-- Planted weapons
-Would be able to SUPER SLOWLY turn the weapons after planting.
-Should do similar DMG as Caltrops.

-- Bear Traps
-Bear traps should get stuck on a horses hoof, causing it to move in an erratic pattern for a few seconds until it kicks the bear trap off.

-- Hitting walls
-Hitting a wall at any speed straight on while on a horse, should do the correct DMG.

- Strafing
-Horses should be able to slowly strafe (Hold alt or something).

- Emotes
-Emotes should be able to be done on Horseback.



Cool ideas - I'll forward them to the team!


Originally posted by Branko100

Is there a chance that we might get some new metal tints for further cusomization? Something like an even darker black or better gold for higher levels (110+)?

We could look into tints a bit, I think. Not sure if it's hard-capped at the moment, but there could be a bit of improvement possible!


Originally posted by Danubinmage64

  1. Rebalance for some of the invasion maps. Some maps have bad choke points for the attacking team early on that can totally kill the game. The big culprit is mountain peaks battery ram objective, but there are definetly others and I think you know what they are.
  2. Gimmicky idea but a "charge" mechanic. Basically on invasion and Frontline servers a lot of the time it's frustrating if your dying a lot because the walk can take forever especially with heavy armor. What I suggest is for maybe 5-10 seconds after spawn you get a greatly increased movement speed Making it much faster to get in the fight, you might have to balance it so that it turns off if you get near your opponents or something, but along with a decreased spawn timer would make the games pacing not feel so bad if your getting creamed.
  3. Advanced tutorial and practice modes. Give new players a good tutorial that's going to give them a better understanding of the mechanics. Along this there shou...
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These are some good points - I like 2, 3 and 5 a lot.
We're talking about these quite a bit and trying to find some solutions, we're doing what we can <3


Originally posted by Jamcakes_

This might seem like a gimmicky idea at first, but I think killcams would be really good for Mordhau. Killcams could greatly benefit new and old players alike by giving great insight into what they got wrong from the enemy's perspective and can allow the killed player to see exactly what caused their demise, whether it be a how an attack or special move was executed on the enemy's part of how the killed player failed to footwork or chamber correctly. An option to see the enemy's button inputs on screen could also clarify to players how many high level moves are performed correctly.

There could technically be support, but it would be like demorec in some regards, if you're aware of that - the issue is that it would be server-side so what the server sees isn't what you saw at times, so it could end up feeling misleading. We can look into this, but it definitely would be a lot of work. Not saying it's a bad idea - if we could get it to work, it would be very beneficial :)


Originally posted by Inviktys

Can you tell me why I'm bad?

you might have forgot to git gud. try that first and let me know if it helps <3

edit: oh also don't die


Originally posted by jrubolt

Is it possible to add more info to the stats page?

Really wish I could see how many kills I've had with each weapon and what loadout that have had the most play time etc.

We don't have tracking for that at the moment, but we can look into it!


Originally posted by WS8SKILLZ

I love this game so much but that is going on with the servers? I’m getting 200+ ping each game now and it’s unplayable, I get 50 ping on Halo and roughly 60 on BF5, I have tried resetting my router but it isn’t helping. Any suggestions?

If you guys are finding issues with servers, head over to the discord - - and type !servers in tech support. It will show a way to send us reports on specific servers. Some servers have issues at times, but we can't fix it without knowing the details.


Originally posted by C_sharp_minor

Also, I think warhammer needs a slight nerf

Hmm, haven't heard that much about the warhammer recently. I think mainly it's just 1 handed weapons across the board looking a little weird overall, so that is probably a better course of action than a band-aid fix on a specific weapon.


Originally posted by Ender15m

I know this is a little and kind of stupid thing, but I'd love to be able to change the colors of the teams. Kinda bored of seeing blue and red, but I don't really wanna see random colors with little arrows above their heads indicating your team. I'd love to be able to make one side yellow and the other side green or something like that. Just a thought! Otherwise, phenomenal game. I absolutely love playing it!

We have discussed this - we could use this functionality as well to benefit players that are colorblind or achromatic :)


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

+++ More Editor-Stuff please! +++


- More Eyebrows... (especially some with more Space between them, like naturally)

- More Beards... (All Beards with Moustache with a more realistic Moustache(falling down); more new Beards like Goatee without Stubbles, Balbo, Sparrow, Circle Beard, Van Dyke, Anchor)

- More Hairstyles... (more Half-balded Variants (like those from Jason Statham or Jude Law), , curly/wavy Longhair/Hairstyles)

- More Eyecolors... (white (blind), better Green ones(we actually have 3 and 2 darker green of them looks pretty similar))

- More Base Faces... (the Plain one is pretty ugly compared to the Rough one, we really need some more new Base Faces, maybe also 1 or 2 with Scars)

- More Voices...

- More Emotes... (like Time-Out Emote, Head-Shaking, Playing Dead could be fun if the Animation is good)

- More T0(+ Peasant Perk ones), T1 Clothes, Long-Coats (yea i know...

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We are working on some of these! We plan on adding some new faces and more customization options in the future - and we want to also focus a bit more on T0/T1/T2 armor, since we have a ton of T3 armor currently.

As for emotes, at the current moment we don't have the UI support to stack a ton more emotes in really, it's a bit hard to manage the system currently. If I had to guess, we'd make the emote selection system better, and able to support more emotes before we add a ton more.

Voices are pretty time intensive to add, since there is a ton of back-and-forth working with the actors on specifics. That being said, it's something we should definitely look into going forwards, and I think they would add a ton to the game.


Originally posted by pujispatricio

Will there be Eastern themed armours like for Nomadic Warriors and new horse themed maps?

We would like to have some more eastern gear at some point - not far east, since Samurai etc. didn't fight knights, but we're thinking on adding some stuff at some point in the future. No guarantees as for now, but hopefully soon :D


Originally posted by smellycheesebro

I’m sure this has been asked before - but what is the current dev stance of accels? Too fast or just right? Love the game btw - 640 hours in 6 months

Riposte rework is in the works, it will make accels less instant and more readable. They'll still be effective of course, but there will be more ability to actually.. react :D


Originally posted by lwff-reddit

Any thoughts on adding a quest/ mission system to encourage people to play the game and try new things. e.g. Get 10 kills with battle-axe in Frontline.

Or perhaps weapon mastery, special rewards for people who have put a lot of time in one weapon.

We've talked about daily/weekly challenges, mastery challenges, that type of stuff before. We don't have plans currently but it's something we're aware would be nice, and we hope to look into this going forwards in the future :)

04 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by kemotatnew

Just wanted to let you know that I love your game so much. Thank you for this great game!



Hey all!

As always, we would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, critiques and anything else that comes to mind. Please remember to keep things civil and constructive, and we appreciate your input greatly! As for this week, we've been bust testing and wrapping up for our next update. The coming one will be mostly focused on backend work, bug fixing, and technical development, but it should be coming relatively soon! We will probably put a poll up soon for some more focused feedback as well. 👍

As for our meeting, it was mostly a recap of testing and progress updates for the patch, but we also discussed a few minor things - mostly talking about balancing teams, ways to improve the learning experience with more focused tutorial/training modes potentially, and some misc. improvements as well.

Last week's feedback can be found here:

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30 Nov


Originally posted by heskaroid

-Back cosmetics would be really nice to have. It can range from equipment backpacks to knightly capes and banners.

-The gold farm is really tedious. While buying a 100k helmet doesn't make you better at the game, there is still no way to earn extra gold to ease the grind a little bit. Other people before suggested an objective based system that upon completion, you are rewarded with cash.

-More engineer buildings would be really great to have. Memes aside, frontline and invasion are fun because of the different play-styles you can choose, and engineers have quite a limited selection of buildings. I'm not really well versed in what other equipment medieval engineers used historically but, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give engineers the option to build a Scorpio mounted on a cart.

While not necessarily new buildings, it would be really nice to have the ability to upgrade buildings into fortified versions that can withstand extra punishment. I can see it only wo...

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  1. Back cosmetics aren't really possible, in terms of us adding a new cosmetic slot. We're aware that capes/cloaks are highly requested, and we're looking to see what we can do. We're limited to 1 item with cloth physics per character, so we'd need to do some technical trickery to get this to work without murdering performance.
  2. We have scaled this to make it so the flashiest items are less common to see on the battlefield. If we inflate the gold gain, new flashy items would also increase in price because we don't want to see everyone running around with the coolest things. The relative rarity of them makes the items seem more prestigious, and if everybody gets those items, they won't feel as noteworthy. Also, not directed specifically at you, but I feel that a lot of people have the assumption that the idea is to buy every cosmetic item, which makes it seem that everything is overpriced - we've really intended to have the cosmetic system more of a "pick-and-choose" styl...
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Originally posted by tobiov

Can we make the red castle area accessible in mountain peak frontlines accessible. Its cancer at the moment because you can't reach it with fire bombs or hand to hand, and it's quite tricky to reach by archery. All ballista should be able to be flanked.

This has been noted, and I think we've tweaked it. Don't quote me on this though :)
I'll double check anyways to make sure we didn't overlook it.