
Mordhau Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by Chewbakkaa

Any new instruments in the works?

not at the moment - they would be fun additions, but at the moment we just have other priorities :(


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Crush is working on some experimental changes, which he's calling "combat 2.0". A lot of these are centered around more ability to punish feints, which allows for other things (recovery windows) to be changed dramatically. This will allow a lot more freedom in how we can balance the combat, should shake up the core combat of the game. There should also be a riposte rework in the future as well.

If there's going to be a major combat rework it'd be cool if servers could enable a setting to still use the old combat system. Not sure how much work that'd be to set up for something people might not even want to use, though... But it'd at the very least be a cool little archive of what once was.

Doing that would fracture the player base. It's shouldn't be unrecognizable to the current combat system - still the same core ideas of timed parry, swing manipulation, feints etc. - the timing and pace will just be shifted to make thigs better :)


Originally posted by Chewbakkaa

u/jaaxxxon you are now legally obligated to give us both the leaf crown

Shit i spelled it wrong u/Jaaxxxxon

typo, disqualified - sorry I don't make the rules, I just enforce 'em


Hello everyone, happy new year!

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback, suggestions, critiques and any thoughts you might have! Please make sure to keep things constructive, polite and be respectful to one another. We're back to normal, and we have a few good things we discussed today! Some of the things we talked about are:

  • We discussed a few issues going on currently, such as server browsers not showing the correct ping, causing issues, especially in less populated regions.
  • We are investigating issues with crashing on the main menu.
  • Marox is working on a major refactor to some of the game's code. This should help a bit with stability and let us do things easier, as well as remove some restrictions.
  • Tying into the above, this means that we're able to differentiate animations in some instances - before, all feint animations for each weapon type (1h/2h/polearm) were identical, however now we're not locked into it being hardcod...
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05 Jan


Want gold, an exclusive emblem and exclusive cosmetic? Join the community film festival, hosted by our friend and content creator, Obliviousness!

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Originally posted by XellianTheDong

Will there ever be any nerfs to the Mini Ballista? there's no way to parry it, and it feels like a medieval artillery gun you can just set up in spawn and mow everyone down with zero repercussions.

I think we need to add more to the toolbox before we can look at nerfing the ballista. Right now it's one of the only actual fun things you can do with the toolbox.

Sure, barricades are very helpful but nobody gets excited to build walls in Mordhau :D


Originally posted by Janamejay

Have you considered night time maps? In Invasion, specifically. I've been asking people their thoughts on it in chat, and the response so far has been very positive. The most common suggestion I got was to make them dark, so you need to rely on torch light to fight.

super late response but we are planning on doing it at some point.

two points

  1. actual night would not be fun, you'd just get teamkilled and run into walls. it works in like tactical shooters (think EFT) but in a melee game we don't have night vision, and the game is so reliant on visual cues that any actual night map would be an insta-skip from the community after 2 weeks
  2. from my understanding, on the technical side we'll have to turn the sun into a moon and change the color of the lighting to make it seem like it's dark, essentially. that's okay because we can keep things bright enough (full moon IRL after you've adjusted lets you see really well, actually) but we'll still be able to sell the illusion.
    (I could be completely wrong on this one, but I remember something along these lines from a dev meeting we had ages ago.)

Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

I hope a part of the armory rework is showing hidden information only visible in patch notes like the heavy weight debuff and extended parry windows.

Right now the armory is super hard-coded, so we can't add anything like that. The new UI should give us the ability to do a lot more with it. :)


Originally posted by Igor369

rip high levels who still suck/grinded on horde.

it's probably going to be based on a soft MMR, not level :)


Originally posted by WHATTheyPutThanosIn

Will feedback from the previous two weeks be taken into account?

Just in case I'll link my suggestion from the previous week because it's very important to me

Yep, I'll make sure to forward this to the team :)


Originally posted by HotdogNationalism

Waxe, exe, and maul are by far the best weapons for team modes and nothing else even comes close. They are boring 2 shot kill weapons that devolve the meta into caveman gamblers, stamina dumping, and rats who only go for flanks. Literally using anything else is laughably suboptimal. I would love to see these weapons toned down or other weapons toned up to add diversity to invasion. Specifics on each weapon as follows.

Waxe: low cost, can take bloodlust with heavy armor easily. Combos, with great drags and accels, great feints. This weapon is absolutely duel viable, only losing out to meta duel weapons, and even then can easily still win. This is the best weapon for team modes right now, and nothing else comes close. This is evidenced by how hard it is getting spammed right now. This weapon should at a minimum, cost way more in the armory than it does now, or it should get compensatory nerfs in other areas. This weapon as it stands is just too flexible while maintaining 2 h...

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Good feedback. I agree that a lot of the meta 2-hit weapons can reduce the game's variety in a lot of ways. More conditional 2-shot weapons (head+chest hits) could work nicely. I'll forward this to crush and the team and see what they say. :)


Originally posted by OfficialAMCT

Feedback: Make heavy and medium armour more viable. Decrease sharp weapon slash damage to medium and heavy armour. Stab damage would be the same or decreased slightly. This would make a blunt weapon strong against heavy armour and swords weaker against heavy armour.

Also decrease the arrow damage to heavy and medium armour. E.g. make heavy torso 7 hits instead of 3 hits to kill. And medium torso 5 hits instead of 3. Make light armour 3 shot and no armour 2 shot. (Just examples)

Armour seems very weak in Mordhau and provides little benefit when you can run around naked and still get as many kills and if you die you just respawn and rush in quickly. These simple changes could improve gameplay drastically. Mordhau isn't a realistic slasher but armour should have a lot more effect than what it does right now. 1500+ hours in and still playing. Keep the updates coming!

We're looking into armor, but I don't think we need to do anything insane - just a few tweaks here and there, to armor and weapons.

We wanted to avoid going too realistic in the sense of blunt / blade weapons vs armor effectiveness; not for avoiding realism but instead because it could actually make the gameplay worse. If all you have is a sword and the enemy is wearing t3 armor, you've already kind of lost the fight before it even started. That type of stuff works in slower paced games like Mount and Blade very well, but with the speed of Mordhau it would probably just feel out of place and a tad clunky.


Originally posted by Igor369

I would just decrease all damage all over the board to make any fight last slightly longer, imo devs made average ttk a bit too fast.

Longer htk is worse, fights get messy and drag on way too long. It also makes the skill gap more painful - if you're worse than someone and get 2-3 hits before they get 2-3 hits, you win. Since you're worse, your odds are worse - but if it was 4-6 hits to kill, you'd have an even worse chance to kill a better player.
On top of this, it would eliminate the ability to fight multiple people, as you just simply wouldn't be able to kill enough of them in time.


Originally posted by TuckerBuck

Hey Jax, in regard to Blasto's comment from last week's feedback:

I agree with him 100% and this needs a looking. A whole region, Southern Central US (including the majority of Mexico), is being left out with bad ping on official servers because of the broken server browser. The browser shows the Central Chicago servers and even some East and West servers as having better ping than the Central Dallas servers for this region. However, that is not the case when you join in. It is off by like 20-30 ping. Players from this region do not know about the browser issue, so they assume that it is Mordhau's "bad servers" and continue to join these servers instead of the Central...

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Yeah, we're aware of it and taking a look at why it's going on.

The thing is hotfixing to put a little warning could very well set back progress on getting an actual solution out. Any update we do to the game requires testing, whether it be one day if things magically work on the first try, or it could be 2-3 weeks. I will post meeting notes in the next feedback thread, explaining what we've found and the status on this. <3


Originally posted by Sir_Blasto

Hey Jax,


I was doing some digging and it seems like the pings listed on the server browser don't match up with what they are in game, at least for most of the NA servers.


I'm in Houston and it's been a little frustrating as of late because it seems like the only servers that are populated are Chicago servers, so I'm playing at 70+ ping. I was looked through most of the server IP locations on Battlemetrics to find the Wichita (are these new?) and Dallas servers.


With me being in Houston, you'd think all of the Wichita/Dallas servers would show towards the top with the lowest pings, but they don't. All of the Chicago servers show as having the lowest ping and all of the servers closest to me show as having the highest pings. A few of my friends who are in Texas (SAT and Dallas) are having the same issue.


But, when I join one of these servers in game, my ping is a third of w...

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didn't get around to posts really from this week, but just for the record, we're looking into it. :)


Originally posted by the_user_games

Can we get more utility items? Movement is really important in managing your attacks and defences of objectives, and utility like fire bombs, bear traps, and toolboxes can slow and speed up the flow of the match.

Things like movement slowing caltrops, portable/buildable ammo crates, trip wires, lutes giving a slight stamina regen in combat etc. might be fun.

Still loving the game!

WE talked about this quite a bit, and have some things planned :)

As for lutes, probably a negative on any gameplay-affecting buffs. The fun of the lute is that it's useless and just something to enjoy - if it becomes useful, there will just be lute spam and IMO take away some of the charm.


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

I think it's time for a billhook skin!

I agree :)


Originally posted by needlzor

  • Either remove or rethink the blue ballistas in Camp, Taiga and Grad because they are useless for everybody except the red team (less so on Grad). Ballistas should not point towards a spawning area.

  • Camp is a ridiculous map. Red team starts with a useful ballista, a catapult, and trebuchets bombing the other side and blue starts with a useless ballista pointing at their spawn that can only be temporarily useful at a stage of the match where you have lost anyway. I like the map but it could be a lot better.

  • Once again, well done on the horses. The recent balancing has made them a lot more tolerable.

  • Any news about the Horde revamp? I have tried it again recently and it's incredible how it's fun up until wave 14-15 and just becomes more and more obnoxious towards the end. It would be nice for horde to be more than a cheesing competition, either with objectives (a mix of horde and invasion) or with fewer, smarter opponents.


Hey, thanks for the feedback. Horde is something we do want to change in the future, we're just not sure exactly when we'll have a bit of a gap. We're looking to do some technical / general improvement patches and then a larger content update (hopefully) in the shorter term, but past that there are a few ideas we have that are in contention. With Horde, the team pretty much all agrees that it's worth improving, we're just trying to find the time for it. 👍

As for the ballistae/vehicle placement, we're looking into some tweaks. :)


Originally posted by theshadowhost

Please add a weighting or bounty system to point per kill in invasion & frontline during a match. Why? because the high skill players can easily farm noobs for same amount as killing best player on enemy team.

If killing a player with more points (leader board position) gave more points than killing a lower position player this would incentivise some new behaviours:

  • would be harder to rise up the leaderboard by just farming noobs as they would give less points for killing them than someone who kills high position players
  • people ganging up on high skill players making it more difficult for them and enabling more opportunities 1vX outplays
  • encourage high position players to seek each other out on the battlefield (like in Highlander movie or some shit)

I think this would enable more emergant gameplay.

IMO, I think this takes away from the objective focus, and it seems like the point is to try to somewhat address skill disparity. Player matching and autobalance, soft MMR etc. are all more effective ways to achieve that, and we're looking into ways to make things better in that regard.

This being said, that's my own opinion - it's still an interesting thought, and I'll be sure to share it with the team. :)