New World

New World Dev Tracker

23 Mar

    DevonK on Forums - Thread - Direct

Really sorry to hear about this,
No worries, report is being reviewed so will update you when the info is available.
Thank you for your patience.

Hope you all have a great one.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wir haben eine Menge Fragen darüber rein bekommen, wie das mit dem Glück bei New World funktioniert. Zusätzlich zu unseren Devoloper Upates und Blocks würden wir gerne eine detaillierte Übersicht des Glückssystems erstellen und auch einige häufig gestellte Fragen beantworten.

In New World gibt es generell zwei Versionen von Glück. Globales Glück und Sammelglück:

  • Globales Glück - Wenn der Spieler etwas in einer Truhe findet oder etwas aus einem Monster dropt, erhöht es die Chance, dass die erhaltenen Gegenstände benannt werden ( für den Fall dass sich um Waffen und Munition handelt). oder selten sind (für den Fall dass es sich um Baupläne oder Truhen halndelt). Das gilt für alle getöteten Kreaturen, geöffnete Vorratslager, Truhen, Container and Elitetruhen. Es erhöht das Potential für Low Drop Chance Gegenstände wie, Baupläne, hochlevelige Truhen, Waffen mit Namen und Kleidung. Ein höherer Glückswert wird eure Chancen definitiv erhöhen aber jeder Drop ist von ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

You have it. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to keep the “Regular” title or use the “Bug Hunter” title.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

PTR: March Release Notes - Patch 5

Please note that this list is not all encompassing and is intended as an early look into a number of changes included within the most recent PTR build. This change list will be regularly updated, up through retail release of the game version.

PTR Only Changes

Tempest Heart Expedition

Isabella’s Final Fight

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing Isabella’s cape in her final form to detach from her body and rapidly blink near the ground during some actions
  • Fixed an issue causing Isabella to respawn after team wipes on the ground rather than in the air
  • Fixed an issue causing Isabella’s Fissures to not reliable cause damage to players
  • Fixed an issue causing Isabella’s Fissures to display after they had begun moving
Tuning Adjustments
  • Isabella’s melee attacks can now hit players attempting to hide behind Corruption Py...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report! I’ll forward it over to the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

The PTR will have an update at 2022-03-23T22:30:00Z in your local timezone for 1.5 hours (~90 minutes).

Release notes for this PTR build will be made available asap.

Thank you for your patience and see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

D: okay I’ll take a look. In the meantime, I’ll take stock on who wanted the flair up and add them.

    DevonK on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there!

We are sorry to hear that you are still experiencing issues with your character.
The report filed on your account is under investigation.
Would like to know if you have tried connecting into another network, like using your mobile as a hotspot.
Have you tried unistalling the game and installing back ?
Have you launched steam as an administrator?

Let us so we can copy this info into the report.

Have a great one!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Got a screenshot for you! It’s got like a “settings” icon with it. The flair setting itself should be at the very bottom. They should all be grey :thinking:

22 Mar

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, I’m so sorry to hear that this has happened to you! I’m going to move it to the Support section so they can look into it for you. Hope it can get resolved!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please keep these posts on topic. I’ve addressed stutter and desync on other posts and it remains one of the highest priorities for the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

100%! I’m glad to hear that you like the title and flair. I’ll keep iterating and working on events to host here in the future.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

You should be able to create two characters total on any region as long as they’re not in the same world set or world at this time.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely something I’m interested in exploring for the future! This is just our first attempt at something new but I’ve got some more ideas up my sleeve.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know there’s content that the team is planning on bringing later that’s in the roadmap we published, but maybe there is something a bit more we can do for players at the level cap, especially while they’re waiting for the addition of the new zone, for example.

We just added roadside and open-world encounters for the Heart of Madness update so I’m sure the team is interested in exploring more ways to re-engage level 60 players.