Can't wait to see Mod Ash reading the Dutch headlines - this is crazy ❤️
Can't wait to see Mod Ash reading the Dutch headlines - this is crazy ❤️
I've sorted this for you.
In your recent game chat you indicated that you may be too young to play our games. When that happens a temporary block is placed on the character and a request is made for a senior person in the support team to review the account. The senior team will either allow the account back to play or send an email with details about further steps you need to take to offer age assurance.
Unfortunately there was small delay in the notification to the senior team, and during that period you attempted to log in while the account was temp blocked but before the review was complete.
That review has already been completed and the temp restriction has been removed so you are good to go. Sorry if we gave you a scare but trust you can understand we need to be cautious in situations where players indicate they may be under 13.
It did take us a little longer than usual to process this case and I can see that caused some unnecessary ...
Read moreI hope this is me one day - big GZ ❤️
Full credit, this is a pretty damn good response that doesn't hide away from directly addressing specific community concerns while avoiding just vaguely gesturing at issues and giving non-specific assurances. This was enough for me to put my membership back to auto-renew.
Obviously need to see this attitude continue and be acted on consistently, but this gave me a lot of hope and for the time being makes me willing to extend back a lot of the goodwill that was lost with the recent mess.
Welcome back. Here's to hoping there's not another reason for you to change your membership again!
I was trying to listen to the conversation through a critical lens and even still I feel that he was able to at least speak very directly about the concerns that the community was having, so I'm looking forward to him following through on that vision!
I'm glad it came across that way. We purposefully did not want this to be scripted - yes we prepared questions in advance, but all of the responses are authentic and from North directly.
If only all game developpers were half as passionate about their work as you guys are, the gaming industry would be so much better for players. Keep up the good work! Jagex mods are the reason why I still play this game after 10 years
Thank you for the kind words. At the end of the day, none of us would be here if it wasn't for people like yourself who not only play the game, but have faith in us too!
6:48 - "It shouldn't need to be said out loud, but there will never be microtransactions in Old School Runescape. Ever."
That's all I needed to hear. I have no doubt OSRS will continue to be as great as it has been for the past 12 years.
Also, the tob stream with Ayiza, North and 3 other mods would be an amazing stream. Hope it can happen sometime soon!
I will make the stream happen one way or another!!
Honestly a much more honest and open interview than expected. If they stick to what is said here then the community seems to be in good hands!
It's certainly looking positive!
Looks like I can start my farming and slayer runs back up.
Go get those gains
"...I actually think there's no reason why these communities can't grow healthily for the next sort of 5, 10 years. And to be honest, in the case of Runescape 3, I think we need to think longer than 10 years, it needs to be 25, 50 years in the future. There's no reason why these games can't have another 25 years in the case of a game like Runescape 3."
Great answers overall, but I'm curious why he singled out Runescape 3 as being a game that would live another 25 years, twice. Am I alone in interpreting this as him believing there's something about OSRS that would make it not that way?
I think it was just the way the conversation went - OSRS isn't going anywhere and we all feel that! If you look at the numbers, it's quite apparent we're in a really good spot so most likely just a case of providing reassurance for RS players.
If turn my arc light to ember light will I be banned?
These are badass, but I'd like to throw out a little more challenge into the mix to see if we can do better:
Can we do a two syllable or fewer word? All other runes adhere to this rule, and it makes them nice and snappy to say. I really liked the "Ether" suggestion, but it overlaps a bit much with Revenant Ether.
I think cosmic soul runes are a tough one. What is the soul of the cosmos? It's almost begging a question of the lore. Maybe we need to get Ed involved...
For the rune, Soul+Cosmic = "Darkness Rune". The Mark of Darkness Arceus spell is 1 cosmic 1 soul, so you could cast it with 1x Darkness Rune
Just jumped off for the evening but this is cooking
Actually I do have one note
Slightly worried that the meta for ToB speeds etc will become waiting 5 mins outside each room for your Adren pot CD. Idk if it would be better if it just didn't cool down between rooms (similar to spec in Colo) or whether room completion should reset it (which sounds quite busted). Have you thought about this at all?
Something I'll add to the blog tomorrow but I imagine those cooldowns should reset on using a pool or a room reset etc., could be wrong but anywhere that an Imbued Heart resets would likely also reset Surge pot CD.
Why dont people like toa invo? I feel the opposit, damn love the invocation mechanics wished all raids had that, best god damn thing. What is the cons people raise about them?
In general it's a feeling that individual invocations (short of some highlights like Insanity) don't really do all of that much and that higher Raid Levels are mostly tougher because of higher enemy Defence/HP/damage dealt rather than fundamentally more challenging fights.
Make irons be able to use the ge for items after you’ve obtained a collection log slot
gz on the fishing level!
Really hoping this mining method is something like was teased in game jam
Mod Rice never stops cooking... 👀
For armor shards: How will the self craft version interact with the Collection Log?
I'd imagine that they wouldn't fill out clog entries, similar to other crafted items. If you're clogging, you gotta collect it rather than just buy all of the stuff that you need and make it!
How much faster are these abyssal worms planned to be? If the endgoal is to remove these supply drops from pvm, Im hoping its a very drastic catchrate increase rather than 10 or 20%
So fast that Anglerfish will be falling out of your pockets for years to come, they'll be coarse and rough and irritating and get everywhere!
In all seriousness, we don't have specifics like that just yet - but if they pass a poll and wind up being super underwhelming then we can always re-assess. I imagine they'll prove better than the numbers indicated in your comment.