Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Just a visual bug, the 'Check' message is broken. Your infusion is still being tracked, so you're not wasting any charges - we'll get it fixed!


Will raise with the team. Obviously the Crystal armour can't be corrupted in the first place, but that messaging probably shouldn't be appearing here.


Originally posted by PureIllenium

Will the keys for Bryo and Obor be looked at as part of Summer Sweep Up?

I believe that is one of the things that we're planning yeah, but that's all you're getting out of me! Wait and see for the rest, there's way more than we shared at RuneFest!


Originally posted by HypeKB

Is it really necessary to not include the scythe in the auto charge list? I get that it’s a bit more involved than inventory charging but that’s exactly why it would be so nice to have

Perhaps not 'necessary', but we still think thematics are important! Naturally the Scythe works a little differently to other weapons under the hood so it'd require custom behaviour in the first place, but we're keen to keep world-building elements in place where they exist rather than just culling them and calling it QoL.


Originally posted by TheNamesRoodi

So I guess the idea to corrupt the shadow has been scrapped. It was never outright said, just whenever the charges QoL was initially talked about, the shadow was pictures with no names named.

Can't speak for the whole team but I've never personally been privy to any conversations about corrupting the Shadow. Think it makes more sense for items that require specific target-farming for their charge provider, but Shadow using solely runes leads me to believe it's not something we'd explore - it's important to sink runes where possible, and there aren't a great deal of Soul rune sinks in the game at all.


Originally posted by AtLeastItsNotCancer

Sick changes to chargeable items, this is exactly what we needed!

I think one area where the bank interface still needs major improvement is the way it stores multiple charged items of the same type. Having multiple duplicate barrows pieces in your bank is a legit infuriating experience, they keep jumping from one slot to another when they go from full condition to slightly used. Same thing with items like ring of shadows, if you want to own multiple so that you can get back to your gravestone quickly after dying, you have to give up multiple bank spaces for the privilege. It all results in an ungodly amount of clutter that makes the bank more annoying to organize than it needs to be.

Perhaps you could change it so that multiple items can go in the same bank slot, and when you withdraw, it first gives you the one with the most/least charges (probably best to make it configurable)?

Then there's also the issue of not being able to store things like barrows/moo...

Read more

I'm not sure that this would be simple enough to do for it to be worth the relatively small QoL improvement. Currently happens because items with different numbers of charges stored on them are distinct, would involve a lot of refactoring to make this possible. Not to say that we'd never do it, but more to say that it's not something I'd expect we could commit to in the near future.


Originally posted by e1744a525099d9a53c04

For quiver, once you’ve blessed one it would be nice to be able to bless others for free. This would also preemptively cover the issue of being unable to use the maxed cape variant once sailing comes out. The other bis capes are pretty fast and cheap to reobtain, but blessing another quiver is expensive for mains and a long grind for irons.

Will raise as a suggestion if this is something that's possible!

04 Mar


It was great meeting you, thanks for sharing the pics I really wanted to get this one! Hope to see you and the cosplay group next time :)


Originally posted by jamie1414

Leak his boss log so we can judge him purely based off of his OSRS bossing achievements.

I'd be screwed if you asked for mine then LOL


Hey all, just wanted to say while not everything is being replied to, we are listening. We think its completely valid you'd have questions regarding Mod North's professional background given how important the role of a CEO is. In the coming days we will be updating you all with a Q&A that covers this and much more of what has been raised so far. We're checking across all platforms but it'd be huge if you could direct specific questions via our survey, it really helps us in making sure the most asked ones get prioritised.

Link to blog with the survey.


Originally posted by DollarDollar

With recent world events it’s hard to take any “trust me” at face value

We’ll be watching

I'd expect nothing less, all I can ask for is patience as that trust can hopefully be built up over time


Originally posted by chaderic

Please grace us with 0% APR on annual mortgages… i mean memberships

Can we do both?


Originally posted by SomeoneBritish

"What This Means for the RuneScape Games...this transition does not signal a change in monetisation strategy".

Wise of them to address that right away, lol.

Anyway, thank you Mod Pips for helping to get OSRS to where it is today, I absolutely love this game! Obviously some stumbling along the way, but nobody is perfect.

I hope you enjoy whatever it is you do next, and ignore all the negative little goblins that inevitably leave horrible comments in this thread.

Thank you for the kind words, he'll likely see it himself anyway but I will share it as I'm sure it'll be much appreciated!


Originally posted by Frosty_Engineer_

He worked for Jagex roughly 3 years until 2018, then went to 6 different companies before finally ending on CVC.. 6 companies in 7 years is a lot. He is not a loyal Jagex employee, his last role was a loyal CVC employee who got put in a position of power.

I can completely understand scepticism, I think its fair to be so given the nature of the change! But after personally spending time with Mod North I can safely say I do not believe this change will be at the detriment of either games. He is very passionate about both RS and OSRS, and maintaining what we've been doing until now is definitely a key priority.

I urge you to share any specific concerns you have via the form in the blog as I'll use it to guide the next update North is due to provide!


Originally posted by Paganigsegg

Pips was a major reason MTX never entered OSRS and he oversaw the game during its most successful period.

I hope North continues this and isn't some shill put into place by the owners. He does have a long history with the game so that's good at least.

I just wanted to say that after personally spending time with Mod North, it's clear he has a huge passion for the games and maintaining what we're doing on both OSRS and RS is a priority. I have faith that this change will not be at the detriment of either games.

If you'd like to share any particular concerns please fill out the form in the blog as I'll use that to help guide any questions and answers in the next update North is due to provide :)

03 Mar


Echoing Rice's comment here, have been taking a break today (and perhaps tomorrow) for RuneFest recovery but this is the result of a lot of last-minute changes amidst all of the other pre-RF stuff going on. We'll be back with a lightly updated blog soon and asking for some concentrated feedback during the week. Even if I'm OOO tomorrow I'll endeavour to update the image and table here to avoid confusion.

Can only apologise, stressful time and a few bits have slipped through the cracks! Hope you're as excited for Yama as I am regardless!


This one's probably my fault! I kept tweaking the numbers and asking Goblin to change them last minute, after the blog had been "Finalised." He's gonna cook me tomorrow I'm sure. (Send prayers)


Hey! It was my first RuneFest here too! You all were amazing, so many highlights from the weekend!! 🫶 I was around the Sailing LAN area and one of my favourite interactions was sitting next to someone asking how they’re finding the Alpha, watching them sail in a Raft and then seeing someone in the Small Boat sail past and say “nice boat loser” 😂 I went round every PC (there were 200 of them) trying to find that person from their name and eventually got to speak to them. They were lovely and giggling away. So cute! ❤️


Thank you so much for being there, and for sharing your experience. I'm glad you had a great time, it sounds like you certainly made the most of it!

It was an awesome event made possible by you and everyone else in the community - we owe you all one and I can't wait for the next one <3