Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Originally posted by zachoss

Sorry so are duos or solos best for those chasing pet? In the blog post where it states "the more titans you take down, the better odds" - does this mean faster KC in general is best, or more personal kills of each titan in your name?

Pet chance is not contribution-based, so more kph means more pet rolls/hr at the same rate, so duoing is always better to obtain the pet.


Originally posted by thewisetemp

nex wr locked in i guess

Will be chatting to the team about resetting this one, I don't think any amount of power creep is going to top the current WR...


Originally posted by ilovezezima

Confirming that this only happens if on standard spellbook?

When using the Alchemy spell on the Explorer’s Ring, Runes will now be used from your Inventory before consuming the Ring’s daily charges. If no Runes are available, the Explorer’s Ring will automatically provide the necessary charges to cast the spell.

Yeah, the existing behaviour meant that clicking High Alch would use Ring charges before Runes. This change means that clicking High Alch (meaning, you're on the Standard Spellbook) will use Runes (if you have them) before Ring charges.


Originally posted by TakinShots

Would there be a way to manually input a name of an NPC to tag on mobile? Some NPCs such as implings, superiors, etc. aren't permanently around, so it would be helpful to tag them in advance so they are highlighted when they eventually show.

Will raise this with the mobile team, there's every chance they have it noted down already, but I wouldn't be able to make any guarantees about implementation or timelines!


Call it a feature! If it looks to be problematic then we can re-assess down the line, check moryo's comment for a little more context on where it sits!


Asked the team to take a quick look and hate to be the bearer of bad news but it looks like you dropped your plank sack about 26 minutes after obtaining it :(

08 Feb


Don't worry fam, you'll get it on the next one... or the next one... or th

07 Feb


Hi hello! I'm not sure if you'll see this so I can always reach out via DM in case this gets missed.

We did a bunch of digging on this for you and thought it unusual because we didn't have a bunch of other UIMs reaching out with similar. After asking the team to take a look, it looks like your loot piles had ~10 minutes left on your last logout, and we suspect that your deathpile tracker plugin might have been out of sync. When testing manually using a copy of your save before that last logout, your loot pile with the Shadow despawns within 15 minutes, with the other two despawning within the next couple of minutes - as opposed to the ~40 minutes that your plugin is indicating.

Additionally, when poking around it looks as though the actual locations for the deathpiles are different from the tiles that are marked for Deathpile in your screenshot, which leads us further to suspecting that it's potentially a plugin desync issue.

In this instance we ...

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Genuinely such a sick run, loved this

06 Feb


Awesome! Great job :D


Appreciate the positive words and feedback! The team are thrilled to hear it :)


This is one of the Reddit post titles of all time, especially in light of the Edit that you included in the screenshot!

05 Feb


The cards are sick! Loads of the team play MTG, not uncommon to see a game spin up over lunch (though I'm too stupid to get involved, I just like the art)


Updated today's newspost at 13:45 GMT, they were a late addition to this week's content and just got missed in the post. Our bad, but you can see all of today's changes here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/royal-titans?oldschool=1


Originally posted by upsurper

So I require a friend?

You can solo it, but it's a good bit tougher on your own!


Originally posted by LukeDogg90

So do the moss/hill giant bosses still require keys?

For now yes, but this is on our radar this year and something we'll look to adjust in a separate project.


Originally posted by 97071302

So if I understand correctly, both players will get a drop, if they’ve done enough damage?



Originally posted by DiceRuinsBattlefield

do you have to do these bosses with a partner or can they be solo fought?

You can solo them, but they don't scale down, and casting both of the element types without a Twinflame is a bit of extra mental load


Originally posted by den15_512

Are dessicated pages stackable? Could this theoretically be a way to stack up massive amounts of RC xp in one go?

In theory yes, it'd take ages to stack them but you could get a big XP drop off of it. Not sure how various third-party sites might need to manage that in terms of 1h/6h records though


Originally posted by OSRS_Socks

Is there anyway you could ice giants into the rotation for a mid game slayer master? Maybe unlocked via points or we could unlock the generic giants task that way. The only slayer master who gives ice giants outside of the wild is Vannaka so if you wanted to do the ice boss you would have to camp that master hard.

They might make for a neat addition somewhere now I suppose, think Vannaka's is the only task list that features them so far