Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

24 Jan


Originally posted by SyncingShiip

Does this mean we can kill them damn splashers on rats or does it only apply to other players?

Splashing rats in a PvP zone is not safe


Hey there,

Mod Kelvin from Player Experience here. It seems like there’s a bit of confusion going on regarding your account. No worries, I’ll do my best to clear this up!

I can see that your account was accessed by a third party, following which it was banned. It looks like you then regained access to your account (good to see!) and attempted to appeal the ban. However, in your original ban appeal, you didn’t supply the right information for the account in question, which resulted in a response from us explaining that your ban appeal didn’t lead to an existing account with a ban:

'You're receiving this email as you've recently tried to appeal a ban, however the information you've provided doesn't link to a RuneScape account that has been banned.'

It seems you may have misunderstood this and thought that the account you’d regained access to didn’t have a ban. It seems like a simple confusion regarding the wording in the email. 😊 I can see tha...

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Originally posted by jesse1412

I assume this doesn't change boxing on npcs?

Correct :) only combat vs other players


Originally posted by SippinWindex

Overlapping clicks on the minimap orb no longer also count as clicking on the minimap.

Biggest QoL update. Nothing tilted me more than constantly opening and closing and reopening the map just to start running again.

I'm very happy to see this one too


Originally posted by Hankpwnz

Was just trolling friend :hug:

Appreciate all the hard work

Hard to tell sometimes


Originally posted by Hankpwnz

Yikes. $11 and our update rotated the spade, fixed anti santa panties and corrected poor grammar.

Sick game

I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with the update. We feel it's important to clean up these little things from time to time and now seemed appropriate with the first big launch of the year just behind us and lots of things ahead.


Originally posted by borky__

hey /u/jagexgambit can we please find out what the f**k is going on with aus servers your maintenance TRIPLED THE f**kING PING and nobody has said a single f**king word as to what's going on.


We're looking into it

23 Jan


Originally posted by TridomKing

Wow, thanks for replying!

Primarily I’m looking for historic GE pricing data, as is available on the OSRS website, albeit not in a form I can use.

Other “would be nice” data items would be things like historic cumulative player engagement at different times of day, most common tasks being engaged in, and other similar game-related demographic information.

I’d like to make it clear that I am NOT looking for any information related to players themselves or their individual characters, or any information that JaGex may find sensitive in regard to their platform.

The cool thing about this kind of rule extraction research is that it provides you with information about trends and relationships in data that you wouldn’t even know to begin looking for. Which is why I believe it could provide utility to both JaGex and the computationally inclined player base.

Edit: whoops, this reply was meant for you u/ModMatK

Were there specific items that you have in mind for the GE data and how far would you need it to go back.

As for player engagement, do you need concurrent users logged into game?

As for tasks being most engaged in, that is a very difficult question. The data sets are huge as is where different tasks sit. To manage and read this data ourselves we have a team of data scientists and data engineers using the latest machine learning technology to put it into a usable form. So, I don't think I can get that one.

The problem we have with data is that we collect huge amounts (measured in the mutliple terrabytes a day I believe) so it is very difficult to display and share in a usable format. The other problem is that a lot of it is confidential, so anything other than concurrent players (which is on the website) is probably not going to be possible.

Let me know on the first two points and I shall see what I can do.


Originally posted by BasicFail

How long do we need to watch?

I have been watching that space for the past hour without losing eye contact...

For ever,.


Originally posted by Emperor95

thanks for the answer, you quoted the wrong person though :P

Big oof.


Originally posted by Emperor95

if the "konar loot table key" is a standard drop rather than an additional like the RDT, how does it not affect the chances of gaining particuar items? every konar key is a lost roll on the normal droptable whan it previously dropped in addition to the normal drop.

Can the lunar spells such the cure poison (cure me, cure other, cure group be given a poison immunity for 90 seconds? It doesn't have any use as is. Also Law Runes seem like weird rune for this spell maybe 10, 20, 30 earth and water runes?

If there's areas where this would be to powerful then maybe a "magical force" would prevent you from casting the spell here.

The Key will not replace rolls on the monster's normal drop table, it's simply to replace what you would have received from the KDT. Apologies if the phrasing came across as ambiguous.


Originally posted by olthatremain

You planning another data stream? Always been my favourite to watch mate.

Yup. Watch this space - well not this space, watch the website for news.

22 Jan


Post your questions for this week's Q&A!

Questions that provoke discussions are valued over Yes/No questions.



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Originally posted by Carsian

Honestly I think you guys should move towards Badass' table a bit more. I feel like the one that we got still feels pretty weak compared to where it started. Feels alot less like the middle and still more like a hard nerf.

It's stronger than the original table.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Thermald

KDT was just updated, obviously they made a mistake w/ noted/unnoted items /u/jagexgambit

Whoops - that's been fixed