Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by IKillFire

I am so in favor of the crystal quiver. Hopefully that kind of item passes in a later poll.

Fingers crossed


Originally posted by tommylk

Thank you Jagex this will be my fav update ever! Just wanted to say thank you for adding this to the game cause I’ve been waiting for a long ass time and I just can’t wait!! Also, as gentle tractor already mentioned, keep the outer walls the same as before if possible, I really liked them!

We're glad to see you're excited for this - we are too!


Originally posted by coldwave44

Jagex moderators in 2007 said they wouldn’t add prif because the ability to do it justice and follow through on the vision was not there.

I hope this is not rushed, I hope this is cohesive and well designed.

I assure a lot have work has gone into this from the project team spearheaded by Mod Ed


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Looks good. I'm not sure how I feel about the new gate and wall design; I kinda like the walls being solid crystal, but I wouldn't mind the buildings in the city using the wood and crystal design. Also, I'd like to see all the stuff in the other feedback section (Crystal Sword, Crystal Staff, Crystal Quiver, Crystal Tree) offered in the next Dev Blog.

The only thing I'd want to see before polling is the estimated Crystal Shards per hour. They are used pretty heavily with the Armor and Tools and while we are given the values needed to make and recharge, we don't have the context of how easy they are to obtain. If it is planned to AFK 100 per hour, that is a major difference from AFKing 20 per hour. Or perhaps it will only be 10 per hour AFK but like 50 per hour with Zalcano. But when you say the Armor needs 300 Shards and the Tools need 120 Shards, it does little good if all we are told is "you get them in Prif".

That's fair - I've seen a lot of people saying similar things about the Crystal wall and interior style. It's been passed onto the Art Team for consideration


Originally posted by ArchFen1x

Yeah, the game seriously doesn't need another

Agreed - that's why it was pulled :) here's hoping you like what we offer there instead


Originally posted by MotharChoddar

I can't find it but I know for sure I saw a jmod say this. Maybe it was a tweet or a reddit comment.

It's true. Think about how many people do Slayer compared to regular herb runs. Also bear in mind that 15 herb boxes with 10 herbs in each can be claimed daily from NMZ.


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on tomorrow's Q&A!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.


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Originally posted by AwkwardStyle

Mod Acorn isn't on the mod list ;(

Fixed :)

25 Feb

23 Feb


Originally posted by Benscrog

Hey man I want “Splooge drenched cum dumpster fire” back. Plz help

Sounds reasonable. Oh wait, too many characters.


Originally posted by TheDubuGuy

My friend has had the name “dildopussy” for over a week now, how has that been allowed? Lol

We didn't know about it. Until now.

22 Feb


The name was removed with the best intent, you don't need to do too much thinking about it to end up with an inappropriate theme of the name - but in fairness we have reviewed this and decided that on balance, the name should be allowed, so we've applied it back to your account. Although we have clear guidelines for obvious off naming, others that are more subjective very often come down to a judgement call and different staff will interpret names in different ways, if nothing else it does show that the support team is human!

21 Feb

19 Feb


Post your questions for this week's Q&A!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.


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18 Feb


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

  • Make the Graceful Set Effect scale per piece worn. This could be same as weight reduction (3% Hood, 5% Top, 6% Legs, 3% Gloves, 4% Boots, 4% Cape, and an extra 5% for using full set).

  • Add Right Click Spellbook Options to the Ancient Altar, Lunar Altar, and Dark Altar in the POH. Currently, only the Occult Altar has this option while the others have a left click Venerate that opens a dialog with 1 or 2 options.

  • Allow the Rowboats on Fossil Island to row to all locations. Currently, the Base Camp Rowboat cannot row "Out to Sea" (Diving Area) and you need to go to the Northern Coast, then Out to Sea instead.

  • Add a Right Click Reset to Hunter Traps like Bird Snares. Currently, only Box Traps have a reset option.

  • Make Fungicide (refills) stack. Allow a Fungicide to be used on a Fungicide Spray of any amount to top it up to 10.

  • Make Fungicide Spray automatically reload the refill from inventory when ...

Read more

Excellent list - thanks for this!


We're approaching the final week of QoL month dedicated to Other/Miscellaneous changes that don't fit the previous categories.

If you have any changes you'd like included in the final poll for QoL month that aren't Combat or Skilling related and haven't been polled before - let us know here!

External link →

14 Feb


Originally posted by Mylife212

what would the drop rate for divine be and would it impact the drop rates of other sigils?

A good question - having talks about this and the poll question will make it clear when it goes live


Originally posted by Crayonstheman

Vorkath's head gives 1000xp but ensouled dragon heads give 1560xp? Jamflex why

Because this can be done in bulk and instantly - without any favour requirement