Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

That was fast

plot twist OP is me on my alt account


omg the players are so cool especially reddit ones


Originally posted by Chriskies

MAKE sure that the zap does the same damage as HMT too ! it only does 14 damage in HMT solos.

That's in there too dw!


Originally posted by Noksdoks

Collection log highscores when? (Or ever?)

Would this make players feel forced to do the Clog? I asked the devs and they were concerned that adding a HiScore would incentivise this activity in a competitive way. Mixed feelings, it's a collection log not a completion log. Idea is liked in concept but just worried about the outcome - do you know if the community feels the same way?


Originally posted by Anxious-Resolution63

Verzik Ph2 1 red crab when ur alone QOL PLS

Expect this to release sometime after Varlamore release. It will happen but with Varlamore releasing on March 20th that will take priority.


Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Thank you for the clue changes, both are good. An hour seems kinda overpower, but on the other hand - clue juggling isnt a terrible cheating anyway :). Now I can try it too, one day.

Will the clue warning work for impling jars, if you have a clue banked? Previously there was a nice warning when opening jars with a clue in inventory - but it didnt work when the clue was banked (you just opened as many jars as you wanted without any questions). Would be nice if now we have at least this sort of warning, at the price of one chance lost.

Yes, impling jars will let you know as well! (if your clue is banked)


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

You are now told if you would have gotten a clue but didn't because you already have one.

Is there a way to toggle this for an individual tier? I'd love to know that I didn't receive an easy/medium/hard/elite clue, but seeing the notification for beginner clues every 3 minutes when skilling would be annoying.

Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing either a cooldown for these notifications or disabling the beginner clue scroll ones. Please let us know if this is still a concern for you after playing around with it and we'll send that to the devs to resolve!


Originally posted by Bo5man

[13:10] You would have received a beginner clue scroll!
[13:10] You would have received a beginner clue scroll!
[13:11] You would have received a beginner clue scroll!
[13:12] You would have received a beginner clue scroll!
. . .

Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing either a cooldown for these notifications or disabling the beginner clue scroll ones. Very valid piece of feedback so leave it with us!


Originally posted by thescanniedestroyer

Added a new line to the Terms and Conditions text outlining our Privacy Policy.

Don't be such a cock tease, what's the line?

Hiiii. I'm sorry for teasing you. The text states Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. The text is in the same line as the old privacy related links and the whole line is centered. Clicking on the new text will open https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/privacy#do-not-sell.


Originally posted by dieselboy93

how long are servers offline

30 minutes of downtime (which is now standard). Allows us to save game worlds in case anything bad happens. They go down at 11.30am and brought back up at 12 noon!


Originally posted by quenox

Looking forward to Varlamore! Will we get to see what the quiver and other bits of gear look like before release?

We are too! Keep an eye on our socials next week! (Should be shown on socials on or around Saturday, 16th March).


Originally posted by Fxrguss

can we see what quiver looks like pre-release? and boots

Keep an eye on our socials next week! (Should be shown on socials on or around Saturday, 16th March).

05 Mar


We recommend you use a password manager for stronger, more secure passphrases / passwords.

You should also setup an authenticator app, for additional security.


Originally posted by kfudnapaa

Good but it's already been there too long, should have been removed the second leagues 4 ended and just used the existing less intrusive reward shop in catherby

I do agree, something we'll handle better next league - post League cleanup stuff :)

29 Feb


Originally posted by The_left_is_insane

My problem is you concentrate on Pkers while it should be on pvp. PKers are just toxic people who want easy money killing people who for the most part don't fight back. They are the worst

Don't disagree that newer PKers will absolutely get their reps in on PvMers/clue scroll doers etc., but the overwhelming majority want to graduate to fighting with other PvPers because there's more money in it.

That being said, we've seen a lot of this kind of comment and it's partly why we included specific mentions of things like DMM and Emir's Arena coming up, but also wanted to challenge it lightly by making it clear that the number of real players engaging with this content has absolutely increased as a result of a little more attention in the area!


Originally posted by hallwaypoirear

Such a hard push for this content for seemingly no reason. There is literally no need to create go generating content. There are plenty of other incentivised ways like the chaos altar utilizing XP gain.

Easy No's on vote. f**k your clans jmods.

It's not a push at all? We're polling stuff that players voted for us to explore at a rate of 88% Yes. If it fails a poll, it fails a poll and we'll look elsewhere or find other ways to fill up that team's time.

The Chaos Altar is less XP/hr than using a POH altar, but has an opportunity cost due to the quantity of bones you save that effectively make it a GP/hr method by mitigating loss - but people hate getting PKed there because there's no strong incentive to stick it out longer and gear up, leading to interactions that are 'logout as fast as possible' or 'use as many bones as you can while dying'. I don't think many people on any side of the PvP fence would argue that the Chaos Altar drives a particularly healthy engagement.

Still more than welcome to vote no, but wanted to say that literally none of the people working on this are in any clans. We have some team members scattered throughout Iron/Completionist/PvM clans, nobody on the team is in a PvP clan and t...

Read more

Originally posted by shoo14

Nobody cares about risk.

This term is made up by pkers. If people liked this sort of game play more people would do it. You can already do everything agility has to offer in a PvP situation on PvP worlds. These updates are meant to bait low level players guess. Not sure how that’s better.

Easy no. This stuff will ruin the game in the long term.

Completely understand your perspective, but wanted to say that this sentence in the blog 'This number of players has increased significantly over the last ~2 years' was added because more people are doing it when we do more out there. The relative increase in the number of players engaging with Wilderness content (whether as PvMers/moneymakers or PKers) has increased at a rate higher than playercounts.

We're not looking to bait low level players, if you don't want to lose your stuff then there are loads of safe alternatives to make money or gain XP that might require some better stats or more effort etc., but they're all entirely risk free.

Cheers for sharing your feedback!


Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Question 4: Should we approach these adjustments with Option A or Option B, as described in the blog?

Please do not forget the option C: none of the above. Or an option to Skip question. This is important. You want to know which variant the community prefer, but how about those who are against the whole idea of a tradeable Chivalry scroll? There should be an option to bypass the choice between two ways to improve it, otherwise a part of answers ought to be random - from those who oppose the idea, but still want to complete the poll.

Just to make it clear in case I'm misunderstanding, this is dependent on the outcome of Question 3 (should we adjust) which is in turn dependent on the outcome of Question 2 (should we add). If this question gets to the point of relevance, it's because players will already have voted to add the scroll and adjust the prayer. If neither of those come to pass, Chivalry won't be touched. That being said, there'll be a skip option also!