Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Mar


Originally posted by WareWolve

The video was well worth the 10minuts to watch it

Having Jeporite do it as well, was awesome!


Originally posted by SnowyRune

Props to the one that draw the map. Love it.

The brochure was done by the very talented GentleTractor :)


Originally posted by ArtDoes

Can we get a confirmation with how the perilous moons bosses will work with group iron prestige? It's often difficult to tell when an update does or doesn't have prestige specific rules. I'm assuming it's fine since every player has a personalized health bar?

This shouldn't effect Group Iron Prestige :)


Originally posted by Fridaysgame

I'm currently on a bit of a thieving grind but it's really boring so Im excited to try the new thieving option off the bat!

I can personally share the new theiving method brings some life to training, especially when you get yourself a key!


Y'all are gonna be disappointed - might want to check out the newspost and head to the highlighted location east of Varrock!


Originally posted by Technical_Road4516

Probably because it is in no way a glaive

Yeah, I think there was discussions after all of your discussions!


Originally posted by MKeepo

auto pickpockets? afk thieving?

This isn't the case constantly and only happens when the citizens are distracted which will be for a short period of time.


Glad to see everyone is as super excited as the team is! We'll be keeping a close eye on everything with this update, so don't hesitate to reach out to myself via here, Twitter or Discord <3


Originally posted by Kykykz

FYI Mods, Hunters guild is spoken about twice on the post

Thanks! I've removed the second mention :)


Originally posted by Hulda_357

Are we really getting 4 new quests on release?



Originally posted by Big_CB

They can't even get the PVP rota's right. Prepare for downtime and touch some grass, I feel there are going to be teething issues today

That's now been changed and that was on me!


Originally posted by Justanotherstick

did the glaive of ralos name get changed? saw it called "Tonalztic of Ralos"

Yeah, that is the Glaive's new name :)

18 Mar


Originally posted by thefrencharefreaks

This read like a five year old girl responding, anyone else agree? Somehow accumulated all the hostility missing from every single jagex response ever and has put in there response.

That certainly wasn't my intention, I was sorting by 'new' and it was a very quick reply to offer the reassurance the player wanted and answer specific questions they asked.


Whilst Jagex are listed as a 'Partner' of EAC on the EAC website, EAC isn't present within the Jagex Launcher or any Old School RuneScape client.

It's also worth noting that EAC have said that any exploit isn't from their end: https://twitter.com/TeddyEAC/status/1769725032047972566

If you're missing context, it's all regarding cheating/exploits in Apex Legends. They just postponed their Finals. That's about all I know.

So, no, no need to be concerned. Yes, the client is safe.


Hey u/Serious_Day4842

Sorry to hear you're having trouble recovering the account. We have stringent requirements for recovering accounts, but I understand it's really frustrating to get appeals denied.

Could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

One of the primary reasons an account gets locked is if suspicious activity has been detected.


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Hey u/Sharklo22

Mod Melora here to help!

Your best course of action would be to get into contact with us here, providing as much information as possible about the account you're trying to locate, and we'll do our best to point you in the right direction.

The 'default character' you're seeing may be as a result of creating a Jagex account that does not link to any existing characters. If you previously logged in using a user...

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Hey, Mod Melora here to help!

I can see that this is frustrating, while I can't say for sure what the problem is, could you please submit a ticket here and one of our tech team will take a look at it.

Hopefully we'll be able to get you back up and running shortly.

- Jagex Support

15 Mar


Originally posted by The_Wkwied

Thank you and I'm really sorry that was missed, I will make sure to include this in my report on Monday and bring it up directly.


Originally posted by Joshx5

You aren’t? I thought question 3 was making it game wide if it passed

ah yep youre right that was a change made through planning that i misremembered.