Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Apr


Originally posted by UnwoundTime

I remember when Elemental Workshop 2 came out. It was magic.

I beg you, please can we have more self guided adventures in the workshop?

Elemental Workshop III is definitely one of the quests I want us to do the most.


Originally posted by ajckta

I know but let’s extrapolate that into finishing out the other quest lines. I know you guys have big plans, the grandmaster quest for morytania is probably on the road map already. But by your own admission, quests don’t get the love they deserve. One thing I will commend you for is adding replay-ability to quests. This makes the dev time spent a little more “worthwhile” I think this sentiment is shared by you guys and players. You guys are basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wish you guys got more support from the higher ups.

I’m just upset cause I love quests and there’s soooo much left untold, and I know some of those quests won’t ever get looked at, or put at the bottom of the list ad nauseam.

We get a lot more support from leadership for quests than we used to. Obviously I'd move for them to come along and tell us to make more quests but I totally get why they don't. They want us to focus on other areas because that's what large parts of the player base want as well. Sure, we could develop more quests, but to do so would mean fewer PvM updates or something similar. That wouldn't go down well with a lot of people.


Originally posted by Bentoki

The reclaiming of West Ardougne, overthrowal of the king, awakening of the clan leaders in much of the same locations with much of the same methods, both fighting the dark lord... but taking the dark lord mechanics out and replacing him with budget nomad really didn't sit right with me. It would be really cool if you guys took a bit of initiative and wrote your own stories rather than piggy backing off RS3.

While Guthix Sleeps and Dragon Slayer II ect, just kind of annoys me. Adding Corp without the accompanying quests (Summers End being one of the best written quests in RS3 to this day) you could have added a really really cool interpretation as to how corp got to the wilderness but you decided to not do ANYTHING. Lore in OSRS seems to be an afterthought, just tacked on with the quests that people want without any real consideration.

I know that I'm not alone on this, as somebody with multiple quest capes on both games the fact that whenever a major quest comes out...

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I totally appreciate that you have a strong opinion on this and that I'm not going to change that. Unfortunately we're never going to be able to create something that makes everyone happy.

That said, while you can sh*t on us for so many things (and believe me, you'd be totally right to do so), one thing you are wrong on here is the suggestion that we'd ever treat any aspect of the game as an afterthought or that we'd cut corners. That's not how the Old School team works. I've never known a group of more passionate individuals. Every person on the team truly care about both the game and the players.


Originally posted by ajckta

Yeah but it took 1 year and 7 months for those quests lmfao.

Sote was #6 in July of 19

X marks spot #7 at Feb of 19. Quality is cool and all but at this rate these quest lines won’t be finished ever.

Song of the Elves started development as soon as X Marks the Spot was finished. Such a big quest was always going to take a while to make. We could have made it smaller and released it sooner, but I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't have been happy to see us rush it out just for the sake of having more quests in a year.


Originally posted by Bentoki

Why do you have to copy entire quest designs and in some cases dialogue from RS3? It would have been cool to see a different approach to Plagues End/SoTE but you essentially copied the entire plotline, that's so disappointing to me, it seems like you guys will cut corners anyway.

I can assure you we don't just copy entire designs from RuneScape 3. If you play through Song of the Elves and Plague's End, you'll see that they are very different quests. They have similarities in many places of course. That shouldn't be too surprising considering they both follow on from the same set of quests and as such are ending the same storyline. They still end that story in different ways though.


Originally posted by Xyborg

If you're looking for places to go, something I don't see mentioned basically ever but think would be really cool is a continuation of the Path/Prisoner of the Glouphrie storyline that's been a cliffhanger in rs3 for over a decade and would eventually let us into Arposandra.

Yup Arposandra is definitely on the list.


Originally posted by Lambeaux

I feel like it's always going to be the case that people, in the abstract, would request continuations of current storylines over new quests. But in the case of specific new quest ideas being introduced (Misthalin Mystery, Kourend quests, etc) the reception is generally very positive as well. Could this just be a case where in the abstract people like familiar lines they associate with quality but in reality like interesting ideas and quests, standalone or otherwise?

I suspect for a lot of people it's a case of liking the standalone quests but wanting the same love to be given to the old iconic storylines.


Originally posted by Politic_s

I'd take ten mid-level/nostalgic-based quests such as Shilo village, Ghosts ahoy, Holy grail, Fight Arena, Nature Spirit, etc, rather than one Song of the Elves/DS2 or other long grandmaster quests. Probably a very unpopular opinion.

Well that's just the thing. In a game like OSRS, there's lots of differing opinions. That's why when it comes to quests, we try to delivery a variety. Every quest might not appeal to every person but hopefully at least one of them does.


Originally posted by Theycallmemrlurker

I get it 100%. I've already gotten mqc in rs3 so I don't need osrs to follow the same story. Mm2 and ds2 are absolutely fantastic quest lines. I love how osrs has approached their own grandmaster quests. But I do have a soft spot for rs3 entering a new age. Feels cool having your character be alive during massive changes.

I do hope that with zeah existing, eventually a grandmaster quest revolving around xeric may appear.

Osrs has enough to worry about like menaphos and zeah instead of bringing the gods back to life.

Regardless, I love what you have created Ed.

I do hope that with zeah existing, eventually a grandmaster quest revolving around xeric may appear.

That's the long term plan. Hopefully by then we'll have finished off many of the older storylines as well.


Originally posted by Sleipnirs

I'm really curious about what you'll be doing with that quest line and if there will be similarities with the original one. Ritual of the Mahjarrat and the quests around it were awesome!

Potentially something similar to what we've done with the vampyres and elves where it takes inspiration from the original quests but adds some elements unique to Old School. That said, considering where the Mahjarrat story ended up in RS3 (RIP Guthix), we'd probably end up diverging a bit more heavily than we have before.


Originally posted by JayVJtheVValour

Nomad’s Requiem type of quest?

Would be interesting to see if people would prefer a remake of Nomad's Requiem or a new quest involving him.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

The books I did for the Theatre of Blood will always be a personal favourite of mine.

And a bane for any noob trying to fill the bookcase in their POH =P Though I suppose this will become a lot easier with Story Mode. But I think the lore books were a good way to handle Raids, even if that is changing now. I guess the main thing I worry about is needing everything to have some explanation or be gated behind a quest. A lot of the old bosses just sort of showed up (quite literally for Chaos Elemental) so the whole "it doesn't make sense to just appear; there was no quest" for stuff like Nightmare, Corp, Raids, etc has always felt a bit out of place. And using Nightmare as an example, I think that boss is explained pretty well despite not having a quest about it/to unlock it so I am not sure what a quest really would have added to the update.

And a bane for any noob trying to fill the bookcase in their POH

Sorry about that.

When I think about doing a quest alongside more big updates I don't think they need to actually be hugely tied to the update itself. Just something to add life to any new area. Imagine a Getting Ahead style quest set within the Sisterhood Sanctuary for example to go with the Nightmare release.


Originally posted by aquaticstarvation

I remember as a kid being stoked for those big rushes to hit new quests. Fremmy trials day 1 was incredible with more people than you could shake a stick at, all striving for that sweet horned helmet

When I was younger I primarily played for the quests. Nothing beat playing a big quest on day one.


Originally posted by krysaczek

I'm always surprised how not standardised old quests were and also like how cobbled together they feel. From surprise stealth mechanics, weird interfaces to unique quest minigames and obscure agility mechanics. Can never be angry about quality going up, moreover when the mechanics keep appearing as well.

You should see the code behind some of them. It's amazing half of them even work at all. Game development was very different back then.


Originally posted by Nezukoh

Please, yes. Nomad and mahjarrat i want to see touched apon more than any other storyline.

Well we have Nomad in game now so hopefully we can do something with him at some point.


Originally posted by lilbuffkitty

I agree with you but the quests don't need to add much to the game, just expand to lore a little bit, give a couple QPs and give a small exp lamp or something.

With that being said I absolutely love the quests you've worked on, they're all top quality and unlike some of updates in the OSRS, they are just as good if not better than the original quests. The best part about them is for the most part they feel like they belong in OSRS.

Thank you for the kind words. If we can keep the quality, I'd of course definitely love us to do more quests.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Honestly, I am not sure if every major update should get a quest. At times it feels like the community wants quests so badly they put them where they don't belong. For example, while I don't think it was a terrible addition, I can't say Fossil ISland really needed Bone Voyage since it already had its own unlock mechanic in Kudos and the quest didn't add much lore-wise that dialog couldn't have. Back in the day a lot of things were just added with no rhyme or reason; now the community expects a quest from those sorts of updates. I think it is perfectly valid to give the lore for updates in ways other than quests. Like I wouldn't want everything to be told in lore books, dialog, and the like, but if that suits the content then there is no reason to squeeze a quest out of it when there are other stories more deserving of quests yet to be told.

Yeah maybe saying every big update was a bit much. A lot probably depends on what the update actually is.

I do very much enjoy exploring different ways of telling stories and there's definitely other ways of doing it that don't involve a quest. The books I did for the Theatre of Blood will always be a personal favourite of mine.


Originally posted by Regenitor_

I definitely agree with you there, which is why I brought up variety. Where this MMO really shines next to others is that our quests typically aren't just "talk to X then turn it in" or "kill X of this creature". Quests like Bone Voyage are a great example of an easy quest done right (the boat steering section was awesome). Misthalin Mystery is another goodie.

However, I feel that some have sailed pretty close to the wind as far as lacking any sort of interesting gameplay goes and that's what I'd like to see less of going forward if the trend of favouring development of novice/east quests continues.

I think it's less about lower level quests being favourable and more about them being easier to make. If we took all six of those Novice quests, the combined time needed to make them all would still be considerably less than the time needed to make one Grandmaster quest. If it was a choice between six Novice quests or one Grandmaster I'd go with the Grandmaster myself in most situations. However, the actual choice was six Novice quests or nothing much of note. At that point it's a pretty easy choice.

As for gameplay, it's inevitable that smaller quests won't be as exciting compared to the larger ones. That said, I still think they have interesting stories and are of a good quality for what they are.


Originally posted by MrStealYoBeef

Absolutely, that's understood. Unfortunately, RS3 gets to put an MTX shop button right where the chat button used to be on mobile because that makes money while OSRS quests don't get that kind of attention from the higher ups. It is frustrating to see Jagex operate in such confusing ways.

You guys just keep doing what you're doing with the quests though. I know you don't get a say in that kind of stuff. Hopefully the good stuff shines through and eventually gets the attention it deserves.

When I first joined the team quests were considered a complete waste of time. We've come a long way since then. Even if we don't do as many as I'd like, at least we're now in a place where the quests we do make are given the time and effort they deserve.


Originally posted by MrStealYoBeef

You guys do have extremely high quality new quests coming out, I will say that much. Your modern quest design is very clearly a thousand times better than many of the quests from RS past. I do wish that they come more frequently, but only if it keeps this kind of higher effort that has been consistently applied these last few years.

If we could deliver more quests whilst retaining the quality I'd love to do so. Nothing comes for free unfortunately though and we only have so many resources.