Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

23 May


Originally posted by gijsro

Oi Wolf, whats the last boss of the inferno calles again?



Originally posted by shrugsnotdrugs

Hey Mod Wolf, very well actually! My school uses a +/- grading system for GPA, and the lowest I've gotten is a B+. OSRS has been there for me on study breaks and during the holidays, so it's been a healthy balance tbh.

Good! Get them gains and them grades.


Yeh, but how's the studying going?


Originally posted by Gnarwhalz

It truly is breathtaking. The amount of work that went into this facelift is astounding, as someone who recognizes how much time and effort things as outwardly simple as designing a small town's layout or modeling a low-poly brick building can require.

You've done an amazing job, as did everyone who had a hand in giving Hosidius the look it deserved and now has.

It really is just plain GORGEOUS. It's cozy, charming, organic, oozing with flavour and polish. Outdone doesn't BEGIN to describe it.

From one fledgling game designer to one with much more experience... PLEASE keep this trend going.

Thanks! It means a lot, truly. World building is a passion of mine and many parts of Zeah are missing a level of cohesion and character that I’ve been wanting to fix for a long time now.

Big reworks like this one are difficult to get out due to the push back from changing things and the massive amount of testing required. I’ve plans for other houses too but it’s too early to share, but hopefully they’ll be just as good :)

Thanks also go to Mod Maz for making sure all the content worked and Mod Bruno for testing it all! (And all the rest of the team for feedback and play testing)


Originally posted by ChaseusOSRS

Damn thanks bro I can die happy now



Originally posted by ChaseusOSRS

If you reply my life will be complete



Originally posted by Beratho

Is there a general idea for how long exactly it will take to make the dungeon? I was really looking forward to some of the content in there.

No public ETA just yet. It'll be blogged and polled before release, though!


Originally posted by peevedlatios

So if you were to enter tithe farm while there's, say, 3 players in the first instance, you would enter a second instance by yourself?



Originally posted by [deleted]


There's a deposit box in the middle of all the saltpetre deposits. It's arguably a little easier now :P


Originally posted by Urnukka

Someone get your account there before it's fixed

God I hate map changes...

For the record we always hotfix those areas once they've been found (it was fixed after about 11 minutes) and we usually aren't kind enough to teleport people back out. They have to home tele so it's generally preferable to stay away from those areas when it happens unless you want to potentially be stuck in the area for 30 minutes.


Originally posted by eddietwang

This was for poll results.

She has since been released.



Sorry for any inconvenience caused! The moving of players is to stop them from being stuck within scenery due to the updated area. We have no intention to teleport players to any new pieces of content that are added in the future.


Originally posted by DabalonWaxson

Since its smaller would it not be a good idea to instance the minigame?

It is instanced. But it's instanced similarly to raids, where just a few players go in each instance.


Originally posted by EncryptologyOSRS

I thought it was meant to be inquiries.

Ah right, I think they are fairly inter-changeable, inquiries may be more American-English but I'm not an expert!


There are two stalls without guard dogs here

which you can steal from like you could before.


Originally posted by EncryptologyOSRS

First paragraph under “Email Responses” first sentence spelling error just so you’re aware. Love the closer interaction on these very important issues though

I don't see the error .. what is it?


Originally posted by ThaggleS

I'd like to see more PMods in the game to mute the bots and toxic people and scammers. I can't even tell you the last time I saw a PMod in game.

We've recently added a few hundred more, and we have an active recruitment drive rolling over the next few months