Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by Vilifiedlol

I bet he installed this just to make this joke



Originally posted by NoShakabrah

Mmm... mmmm... k

Are you my wife?


Originally posted by Send_RWBY_Pictures

Wow, you guys way overpay for Barefoot. It's about £3.55 at most liquor stores I've been to. Also, how did you get the brand from an unlabeled bottle?

I like barefoot. I could tell it was that bottle...read into that as you will.


It's happening!


But who'd try to smuggle Barefoot Pink Moscato? It's cheaper than membership - only £5.50 at Sainsbury's other supermarkets are available; please drink responsibly


Why am I Voldemat? I'd have rather been DumbleMat.


These are so so good. More ed Edd n Eddy versions of these please!

Someone else said it but that mystic hat fits Edd perfectly

04 Jun


Originally posted by fanklok

Don't you have work to do. You can't just sit on reddit all day posting in runescape fan art threads.

Edit: why in the flip did I get gold for poking fun at mod Wolf for being a cool dude and interacting with the community.

At 10PM at night I don't tend to be working.


Love the pop art-esque style going on with this!




If you are attending RF this year bring it with you and I can see about running around helping you get the OSRS team signatures :).

03 Jun


Originally posted by Tularean

Fun fact, I was the first person to discover this bug!



Originally posted by waffle_fry

When I saw a Jmod replied I had a feeling it would be you.

Trust trying to connect more with the community I love :)

I do post helpful things sometimes, I promise! See: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/bwaus7/bank_pin_is_useless_atm_the_timer_shows_if_the/epwe6wx/


Originally posted by Elway_Be_Thy_Name

Wolf with the sneaky copyright questions.

It's more because I'd like to show it off in a future Q&A and need to know the source :)


Holy moly! Is this your own OC or was it made by someone else?


Originally posted by KreaHS

Ok so what am I supposed to do with this Pitchfork? The emporium said no refunds...

It's been 2 months on the calendar! Maybe swap it for flowers and chocolates.


2 things:

Any response from the clientside code is falsified to make it feel quicker and more responsive than it actually is; the server only receives information based on the game's tick system (every 0.6 seconds). If there's a delay as small as you are mentioning, it is based on the person's computer - not the server communicating. This is how we make all interfaces feel smoother than they are.

Secondly, as some people below have suggested might be the case, the check is only actually done once all numbers have been submitted. Not after each number entered. That'd be silly!

Hope this helps get rid of any fears :P