Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

21 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not particularly a priority at the moment I'm afraid. It's on the list.


Originally posted by Forkward

The chatbox will remember if it was previously closed or opened when logging in and out of the game.

This is fixed for hopping too right? Can't describe how annoying this was lmao

Hopping technically logs you out and back in, so yeh; it works the same :)


Originally posted by throwaway28383882837


🦀🦀🦀 I did 🦀🦀🦀


Originally posted by [deleted]


We love Woox, though we were thanking those that contributed to finding the answer to the clue first.

The link is now fixed.

I'd recommend watching yesterday's Q&A VoD on Twitch for more information on hiding poll results.


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

Damn no Seed Vault again... Any ETA on when it will be out?

I discussed it on stream this week. Our aim is 3-4 weeks; may be more or less depending on several factors.


Originally posted by M2dis

https://i.imgur.com/99ynOli.png literally unclickable

This is fixed now.

20 Mar


Originally posted by WhiskeyWolf

Sincere question, would a VPN explain certain drastic location changes or can you guys see through that? I have been curious of that since I started using one due to my work and new geographic location.

It could make it appear as though you have drastically changed locations but we wouldn't use that alone to conclude that you're not the account owner.


Originally posted by krazeykev

But don't you find it strange how according to your own words, the OP is not the original owner and that the original owner now ( or did ) have the account back. If it was in the hands of the owner in your eyes, why would wealth be moved? Because the recovery system is flawed or because there is something more going on?

Possibly because the original owner wanted the wealth but had no interest in keeping the account.


Originally posted by brodaki

So, for a second time, you're going to lock an account just for me to unlock it?

This is all really interesting though, thank you for being more transparent on what information you were given in the initial recovery appeal, because it sounds to me like my information was entirely compromised, more than I even thought. The hacker's geo-location or whatever, whether it's spoofed or not, he was not the account creator. Because that is me. This is not a case of an account seller then recovering the account.

A for the whole 5000 mile thing, I have been upfront with this the entire time. For all intents and purposes, I live in two different countries and travel back frequently. And I live for the most parts, in the US with my brother, who I pk with on occasion. After sending in the recovery appeal from the UK, and seeing in my email that it was successful, I immediately hit up my brother and told him to get on my account and let me know if the untradeables were dropped...

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I followed all the wealth that left the account and none of it has been sold.


Originally posted by treesprite82

It's good that you've provided the information the decision is based off of this time, looks better than just a plain doubling-down.

but has now been convinced not to keep it

So before handing it over to OP, the friend recovered the account from themself? Why would they need to do that?

I'm still concerned that you might have just given the account back to a hacker, given OP's story from the first post seems more consistent with the given information than your guess (supposed-owner/hacker went to Uni with OP, so will have a close geolocation match, whereas OP moved to America. OP claimed they'd be in UK where the account was created from Sat to Tue, so the 5000 mile movements were already completely expected in advance)

Obviously only OP and/or the creator would know the answer as to why they recovered it again, rather than just registering OP's email back on the account. I can only speculate that it was an attempt to make it appear as though the OP was the one recovering the account from the original location.

The IP address for both this recovery and the first one that started this chain of events are identical and the OP is the last one to log into the account. If we had indeed given it to a hijacker, I'm not sure how the OP would have managed to regain access to the account.


Originally posted by Noxidx

So you've locked it again? Why didn't you just do that in the first place so OP or the accounts creator wouldn't have lost their bank?

Because the account creator was in control of the account


I've seen quite a few comments in this thread (and the last one) from people who are both confused as to what happened with this account and concerned that they might find themselves in a similar situation in the future. I'd like to hopefully ease some of those concerns by providing a timeline of what happened with the account and some limited details that will hopefully explain why I came to the conclusion that the account was not hijacked.

At the start of the month, we granted a password recovery for the account. This recovery contained very strong information, such as passwords, contact information and a good geo-location match with the account creation.

After reading OP's first post, I looked at the account and noticed that, on the day that OP first appeared on the account:

  • The login location moved 5,000 miles in 10 minutes
  • A new email was set on the account
  • A new password was set on the account

I then check...

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19 Mar


Originally posted by acwriting

Hi Mod Kieren can you say "Hi"


Much love

Gam gam xx



I'll jump in on this - just to say I think this is down to a miscommunication with the blog.

I certainly hear you and the others in the team do too. We understand a lot of you feel the fact you can see the poll results means you feel it is pointless to vote - and that matches what people told us when I asked what reasons people have for not voting a couple month ago on the Q&A too.

It's not the one exclusive reason though, and there's more problems with polls than just hiding / showing - we want to understand those too :).

Apologies it wasn't clear - I'd be blown away if anyone hasn't seen the amount of times you all have asked about hiding results and the explanations for why you want it done - the crabs have been everywhere :P.


Originally posted by S3nosrs

What does addressing “toxicity in game” mean, that’s very vague I don’t want to get muted or banned for telling someone to f**k off lol

Also “hide poll results” means we want them hidden until voting ends, that’s all

Also authenticator delay should be essential

There are a few comments about the definition of toxicity - apart from the obvious serious community safety stuff, we're interested to know from you, what are the most toxic things that disrupt your gameplay - in the survey we'll be sending out, we will really dig into this to understand it in detail.