Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

06 Dec


Originally posted by rekopek

I would rework the quest log tab into a player's adventure tab with buttons to open a quests interface, a achievement diaries interface, a collection log, and so on

We're taking a look at this idea!


This is possible - we chose not to do it on release considering some categories will almost certainly never turn green. But if the community wants it...


Originally posted by smchenry_

I was kind of hoping the log would be available as part of the core interface - specifically, as a page in the quest list tab. Along with other ongoing game progress tracking information, i.e. quests, achievement diaries, and Kourend favor, I feel like it’s perfectly at home there.

This is possible if it's what people want


Originally posted by Black_Mirror_RS

$5 to anyone who can complete the master clue log

Screenie this one guys.


Originally posted by darkhawk1005

Does the collection log show the KC you got a drop at? It'd be interesting if you hover your mouse over an item and it told you what KC you got the drop at.

Edit: hovering your mouse, not a house

It doesn't currently but I like the idea!


Originally posted by 99AllStats

I was thinking adding another star to the "quest tab" similar to how favour was added. But there wouldn't be much room for text unless you removed something. You could replace Kourend favour with the collection log (and maybe bundle in the boss/slayer log too). It would be neat to access all these interfaces from the game's UI.

Hmm - not a bad shout if it can squeezed in.


Originally posted by osrs_sub

None of the untradeables were counted, even tried taking pets/fire capes out of the house and it still didn't check them off. E: thanks, relogging fixed it.

If you relog, this should be fixed!


Originally posted by [deleted]


We had a think about this and came to the same conclusion. However, I'm sure players will race each other regardless :)


Originally posted by 4otobemaG

Allow collection log to be accessed by the price checker!

An interesting idea - does anyone else think this is a good place for it?


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Excited to track drops and fill the log. Not excited that all previous kills cant be tracked but i understand (not a btw).

Tracking drops wasnt something i did prior, so i have no idea if im lucky or not. Will be great to see now.

Glad you understand that tradeables already earned aren't in the log - I hope you enjoy the challenge of filling it up!

    on News - Thread - Direct
This week sees the release of the highly anticipated Collection log, changes to the Deadman Mode Tournament ahead of its start on the 8th and various bugfixes.

05 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


As an artist I think it’s fair to want more colours. She does play the game, check out the start of last weeks Q&A :)

I see from other comments there’s talk about not speaking much on stream and I think it’s important to realise just how daunting being on stream is, especially when it’s essentially your first time. Every moment someone is waiting for you to mess up, say something not everyone agrees with or just judging you in general - it’s not an easy thing to do.

The rest of the team have had plenty of practice. Give it time. Remember when Mod Gambit never said anything? Now the dude is capable of hosting a Q&A all by himself.