Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

28 Nov

25 Nov


Well there is all that Duel Arena tax money lying around that you were asking to be put to good use...

The serious side of me should however state that I doubt it would be effective as they’d just constantly change what gets said. I do hope for improved systems that will better tackle this kind of stuff in general though.

23 Nov


Originally posted by Tatertots1911

is the collection log ever going to come out?

Hopefully early December!


Originally posted by zimm363

Just got 99 hunter and I'm seeing an average of about 2.5 nests per house....

That’s the exact expected amount at 99


Happy thanksgiving mate!

22 Nov




Originally posted by 78particularsofa7888

f**k yourself



Originally posted by Tyrans96

Best name out there amirite?

It sure is!


Originally posted by Tyrans96

I like his name

I like yours too


Originally posted by MajorVegas

I think you might have goofed something then, I just did a run, got 4 nests as well with the magic birdhouses. My clan is saying similar things for magic birdhouses.

We'll keep an eye on it but after double checking, there's no sign Magic houses specifically are bugged. Remember that you're a small sample and Magic houses are one of the most used.


Originally posted by ItsOnlyTheCaptain

Since we don't get to vote on Integrity issues, can we have some sort of ability to revisit these issues in 2 weeks or a month?

Like, see how much nests are worth, how many people do birdhouses now, how the reduction of birdhouses may impact tree seed prices leading up to Kebos, so on?

Yep - we'll monitor the changes and the effect they have to inform us of any necessary tweaking.


Originally posted by [deleted]


consider me very triggered /s


Originally posted by MajorVegas

I'll do another one later, but if possible I'd like to see how the drop rates are calculated. It just sounds like either bad rng or the formula for magic bird houses is unbalanced.

It scales almost perfectly evenly. I'll look to get you all the exact scaling soon!


Originally posted by MajorVegas

Don't forget about me pls </3

I won't! I asked Ash to double check the Magic bird house code specifically and there's nothing peculiar - still sounds like bad RNG.


Originally posted by Spoon_E11

I'm consistently getting under 3 nests at 79 hunter with magic houses.

There's nothing specific to do with the code referring to Magic bird houses that would indicate there's a bug or that they behave differently. Sounds like bad RNG.


Originally posted by MajorVegas

I think most of these changes were a bit overkill. Can you guys (/u/JagexGambit) take a look at these again for next week/week after? Magic birdhouses seem to be broken, and while I don't PVP it sounds like the angler change is overkill

We'll keep an eye on the changes and tweak where necessary :)


Originally posted by MajorVegas

I think you might have goofed something then, I just did a run, got 4 nests as well with the magic birdhouses. My clan is saying similar things for magic birdhouses.

Sounds like bad RNG. Similar to Farming, your nest "yield" will vary.