Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Sep


If you enter a name that is invalid / already taken the account creation on the website will suggest names you could use :)


16 Feb



Wasn't sure about the bloodvelds myself, thanks for the feedback, I'll get them sorted.

Mod Ghost.

26 Jan


Zeah is an area that can evolve visually as we progress with OS updates, so it's definitely a valid request.

I've been working on a few updates to the appearance of Arceuus in my spare time that I'd hope to poll with future updates, so I'd definitely consider giving this area a bit of polish in the distant future.

At the moment it looks like we've got quite a few QOL jobs to get through, so that's my focus for the next few weeks. That said, it's good to know that people are passionate about working with us to improve areas on Zeah.

Mod Ghost

19 Jan


Originally posted by master_reub

Mod Ghost,

Thank you for replying so promptly and professionally. You're a real asset to the Oldschool team.

The key issue I (and it would seem others too) have with the textures is that they are very blurry. When a player runs over the textures this effect is amplified by the constant visual change based on the motion of the game window.

Overall I believe (and I am sure that most would agree) that the area has been very well designed, and we all respect your continued attention to detail across the board.

Might I suggest that the juxtaposition of the textures causing the blurriness be attended to?

I hope this makes sense. Once again, thank you.


I've checked this out in game and see that the sand inbetween the floor slats does flicker a lot and makes the area unclear when the camera is moving.

I'd be more than happy to remove this sand, so I've asked Ash to put a last minute poll question in to make sure the community is happy with this change.

Thanks for getting in touch and explaining the issue.

Mod Ghost


Thanks for your contribution, it's great to read ideas from the community and the time you have spent on this post shows how passionate you are about our amazing game.

I'll leave it to rest of the community here to give you feedback your ideas, best of luck, I hope it does well.

Mod Ghost


Originally posted by eskimoRS

Would it not be possible to make the game think you dont have a haircut whilst wearing headwear?

Hi, here's a reply to a similar question.

We have a system where a head model and a hat model can be placed on a player; the head item having the hair. For full helms or larger hats we model the head gear into the head model and place nothing in the hat slot.

If we wanted to adjust the models to accommodate large hairstyles, we'd have to go through every worn hat model (326 in total) and create a new head with the hat built in and update all the hat object configs to use just these head models and no hat.

NPC's that have a specific hairstyle and hat would need to have unique models and their configs updated.

Then there's the time it would take to QA test every new head/hat model in game and check which NPCs wear a hat and if their configs have been updated. This task would be expanded further for NPCs that have multiple versions of themselves for things like quests.

To resolve this issue the resources required would be quite large, so unfortu...

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Originally posted by Feneskrae

Love the idea of new hair styles. Just an idea I want to throw out there about large hair styles that clip, would it be possible to have those hairstyles have some sort of check when equipping a head item such that when such an item is equipped, the hair on a players head defaults to a "close to the scalp" yet similarly shaped cut so that things wouldnt clip? For example a female player with long hair with a large ponytail coming out the top of it would, when equipping a helm, default to a long haired haircut without the ponytail so long as the item is equipped, and revert back when unequipped?

We have a system where a head model and a hat model can be placed on a player; the head item having the hair. For full helms or larger hats we model the head gear into the head model and place nothing in the hat slot.

If we wanted to adjust the models to accommodate large hairstyles, we'd have to go through every worn hat model (326 in total) and create a new head with the hat built in and update all the hat object configs to use just these head models and no hat.

NPC's that have a specific hairstyle and hat would need to have unique models and their configs updated.

Then there's the time it would take to QA test every new head/hat model in game and check which NPCs wear a hat and if their configs have been updated. This task would be expanded further for NPCs that have multiple versions of themselves for things like quests.

To resolve this issue the resources required would be quite large, so unfortunately it's better to just offer some larger hairc...

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18 Jan


Originally posted by dank69memes420



I'll be discussing changing them to suit the original post put on here before I implemented feedback from Twitter.


Originally posted by Fe-Sun_tzu

''We only have 2 graphic designers, so we can't get done much''

Please dont spend time on this awfull looking dead content cosmetic shit

This sphere on an existing head model, recoloured, took 10 minutes. A lot of what is asked on stream is in excess of 2 hours or more.

That said, this January we are able to offer small QOL updates like this requested by players and poll them to see if people want them.

This post is just putting out some feelers, if you don't want them please just say so politely.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Can we actually improve the game instead of adding dumb ghetto hairstyles nobody will use? thanks

These are requested by the community as part of a series of small QOL updates we will be releasing over the coming weeks. If you don't like this update, hopefully there will be some other graphics QOL jobs which you can enjoy too.

Also, remember that these will be polled, so you will ultimately be able to have your say then.


Originally posted by LordHope

No one even wears that awkward looking head cushion though.

Read 3rd comment in, we need to consider that people do when we create updated like this.


Originally posted by LordHope

Also, let's have some with lighting bolts down the sides!!!! Afros with spikes too! Wow that would be amazing! Let's see your imagination run wild ghost! Pures would love these for pking, as long as it is worth wearing for them. Anyone else have any ideas on how to make these Afros the most wicked Afros to exist in all eternity?

The designs must be kept basic to keep modelling times down and so not to devalue the existing afro available from clue scrolls: http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Afro


Originally posted by FriedKiwi

Devalues my afro elite clue reward.

Multi colour afros will not be offered and the scale of the afro will not be as large.



Further to my recent post requesting ideas for haircuts: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/5npnjm/new_hair_model_suggestions_wanted_sadly_not/

A common request on Reddit and Twitter has been for an afro haircut.

Whilst I would like to create this haircut unfortunately an afro added to your player as a haircut will clip massively with some head items: ...

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Sorry guys, I was very happy with this area when I designed it, I don't see the issue here.

Can you be more specific with how this is causing you visual issues please as, I will need very specific evidence to present a case to remap the area.

Many thanks, Mod Ghost.


Originally posted by MiniwarRS

Bowlcuts pls

This is already in game.


These are in game. The wilderness sword and easy, medium and hard achievement diary kits I do believe. You'll need to complete their respective achievement diary task to acquire them.


The agility courses were created by mod Reach using preexisting animations I believe.

13 Jan


---Post updated 19/01/17---09:26


I've completed a selection of 7 male haircuts and 1 female haircut to fill the remaining spaces on the haircut interfaces.

I chose these styles by saving all the images posted to me, and observing the popular trends and replicating them as best I could to work within the limitations of our game engine.

The final result can be seen here: http://imgur.com/a/Y9gDD

As previously discussed in "Post updated 18/01/17---14:12," the afro haircut was one of the most popular requests on both Reddit and Twitter. Whilst we cannot offer this as a haircut, I can confirm that we will be polling the option to obtain a selection of basic, single coloured wigs from Party Pete.

Thanks everyone for taking part in this discussion, it'...

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