
Overwatch Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Sharing your own personal experience with the topic is always the most useful feedback we can receive. Tell us what’s causing friction, how it’s affecting your play experience, how it makes you feel.

We can pull numbers until we’re red in the face. Anecdotal feedback about player experience provides said numbers with context that’s impossible to quantify.


Hiya folks,

This issue is also is listed in the known issues thread found here

We are aware of an issue that is causing players to sometimes not receive credit for completing Junkenstein’s Revenge challenges. The team is actively working on a fix for this issue, which we expect to deploy in our next update. Until that time, we recommend supplementing your games played by playing additional matches in other modes.

We are working on a solution to ensure that all affected players receive their event rewards...

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15 Oct


A few thoughts on this

  • with rare exception, I don’t believe that any community is wholesale more or less toxic than any other community. People are people, and people have complicated personal experiences. Everyone has bad days.
  • Even communities as amazing as the Overwatch community go through difficult times. It’s 100% understandable that extended gaps in communication and engagement would manifest itself in ways that, on the surface, make it look like it’s a “toxic” space.
  • As the ...
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By doing exactly what I’m doing in this thread :wink:


Focused feedback threads are something I can take into consideration. Normal caveats, no promises.

I tend to try to observe and be a participant in community conversation rather than leading it. I am self aware enough to understand that my presence in a thread is a way of guiding or leading community conversation, however I’d rather create space for players to help identify the best moments to jump in.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is actually the least useful kind of feedback for almost any development process. Jumping straight to the solution without having a thorough understanding of the root cause of friction minimizes the role of designers and can often lead to “fixes” that don’t take in the full width and breadth of a given area of frustration.

We do love to see player inspired designs and ideas. We tend to contextualize the...

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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

I often times find that the things that shouldn’t have to be said need to be said more frequently, if only to effectively manage expectations.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

There’s a general rule of thumb that’s known by most community professionals:

  • Less than 10% of all players will ever even look at your forums or owned channels

  • Of that 10%, less than 10% will ever be an active participant in the conversation on these owned channels

It’s important to understand that this in no way diminishes the usefulness of community discussion hubs (like forums). Forums serve as a microcosm of the larger OW community, representing viewpoints from many different segments of players; casual, what we call “Core Players”, competitive players, representation from marginalized groups such as BIP...

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14 Oct

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

For those that are interested, I recommend watching Stylosa’s breakdown. It’s a great synopsis of the AMA presented in a format you can have on in the background while listening to.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

To be transparent with you: it’s challenging to schedule these earlier in the day due to the rigors of day to day development. Later in the afternoon is easier, with folks having more open schedules around then.

That said, it’s a point of feedback that I’m happy to take into consideration.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll eventually get to the point where we can host a Q&A here in the forums. I still need to spend some more time on the boards, working with all of you, to create an environment that would lead to a productive session for all involved.

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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

For future AMA’s it’s likely.

For this one, we specifically targeted the r/Competitiveoverwatch subreddit with minimal lead up in an effort to garner high quality questions, giving Geoff and Josh the chance to provide meaningful answers to hot questions in the community right now.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for putting all of this together Baja.

We hope everyone found the contents of yesterday’s AMA informative and useful :slight_smile:

Originally posted by eatmyfacekek123

rip doom rollouts.im not sure how doomfist can really work as a tank especially with the game being 5v5 now.

if it was still 6v6 and he was a off tank i can kinda see it? my guess is that hes going to use his CC to push enemies into bad positons or something.

i just hope i can still do rollouts and stuff because that is what made doomfist challenging and very fun to play.

is there any hints you can give on how doom as a tank is going to work? everyone in the doom community is super anxious and curious on what doomfist is going to be in ow2.

if he doesnt work as a tank in ow2 is he going to remain as a DPS with the same kit?

if it was still 6v6 and he was a off tank i can kinda see it? my guess is that hes going to use his CC to push enemies into bad positons or something.

Yep, this can still be a big part of his kit. For example, one thing we're testing is for Rocket Punch to create an area knockback around a target he impacts, creating a new ability to knock multiple enemies away (or into walls!).

i just hope i can still do rollouts and stuff because that is what made doomfist challenging and very fun to play.

Doomfist's high mobility is a huge part of his kit and that's not going to change. In fact, its part of what makes him potentially a good tank, being able to initiate fights for your team.

if he doesnt work as a tank in ow2 is he going to remain as a DPS with the same kit?

This is tricky tbh. In a world where almost all crowd control has been removed from non-tanks, Doomfist ...

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Originally posted by IdocraseOW

are the devs content in how tanks performed in the pro playtest/how they play in their tests or is there the possibility for them to get more health?

does it feel like some of the tanks take damage too quickly? for example, does d.va get demeched too quickly or does it sometimes feel like a tank peeks a corner and gets instantly melted?

We're certainly still experimenting with many different ways to ensure that tanks are powerful and satisfying to play in this new format. One of those experiments is seeing how far we can push tank base health up before the gameplay starts to breakdown.

Some of the tank results have been surprising. D.Va specifically has ended up much more relatively powerful with only an extra second of Defense Matrix energy. She has other changes as well but that one did some heavy lifting! Roadhog as well had several experimental buffs along the lines of more damage reduction, resetting Hook cooldowns, or even being able to cleanse himself of things like anti-heal that were taken out because he ended up being just so impactful at a base level (largely due to how valuable an early Chain Hook can be in 5v5).

There are still some problematic mechanics we're working to resolve like Orb of Discord being nearly always on a tank or Echo Duplicate choice coming down to being the best on...

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Originally posted by TerminalNoob

Was there any feedback from the pros playing the playtest that you didnt expect?

Is there any you are already planning on acting on?

Finally, theres been a bit of talk about Zarya's bubble cooldown in OW2 as it exists now. Has there been any talks of potential changes to this, such as an async cooldown for each bubble?

Was there any feedback from the pros playing the playtest that you didnt expect? Is there any you are already planning on acting on?

Yep, we had a good mix of things we expected and things we didn't expect. Probably the biggest surprise for me was just how good they thought Sombra was in this iteration. We had been playtesting those changes for at least a few weeks and while she felt strong, she never really felt like she taking over our games or anything.

Obviously when you get her in the hands of pros with amazing game sense and coordination it makes confirming kills a lot easier. We've since focused a bit on her numbers and tweaked her down a bit to try to keep her under control while still allowing her new kit to play well.

Finally, theres been a bit of talk about Zarya's bubble cooldown in OW2 as it exists now. Has there been any talks of potential changes to this, such as an async cooldown for each bubbl...

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Originally posted by HappySleepings

Do the role passives really make sense from a balance point of view, or are they causing issues - Not just with ensuring unique hero identity but also general game balance?

e.g. 1 I have always thought that one of the things that was a balance point in the support roster was that Mercy and Zen have a passive self heal but can't heal themselves under fire. Now the supports that are able to heal themselves while under fire are additionally getting a passive self heal. Is this something you have considered? Should Mercy and Zen also get a way to heal themselves while under fire?

e.g. 2 Does it really make sense for a hero that slows you down (Mei) to also passively move faster than you? What about heroes that already moved faster? Are they now moving too fast?

So far the role passives have been great, and helped quite a bit with both balance and hero design, in general.

have always thought that one of the things that was a balance point in the support roster was that Mercy and Zen have a passive self heal but can't heal themselves under fire. Now the supports that are able to heal themselves while under fire are additionally getting a passive self heal. Is this something you have considered? Should Mercy and Zen also get a way to heal themselves while under fire?

Yep, this is something that we talked about quite a bit when working on these passives. We still want Mercy and Zen to be better at healing themselves, but we're just raising the minimum self-healing bar from zero to "some small amount". As we're designing support heroes, this is a constant question we struggled with in the past and this role passive allows us more flexibility in designing future heroes.

Does it rea...

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Originally posted by noah-keaglet

what was your thought process behind adding in the 25% healing reduction for the first four seconds (or however long it was), even if you aren't keeping it in.

Were supports really that busted in play tests that you tried without it? If so, can you give us some reasonable insight on how you are planning to solve this issue in a way that wouldn't be a hard nerf to all support heroes?

What we've found from our internal playtesting is that generally support heroes have become the most impactful role by a wide margin with overall less incoming damage on the field and with the reduction of a tank, fewer high health pool targets to try and keep up. This led to the average time to kill becoming much higher and many fights stalling out longer than we'd like. Not only healing output but utilities like Mercy Resurrect, Ana Sleep Dart/Biotic Grenade, Zenyatta Discord, etc are even more impactful in a 5v5 world.

The general approach was to reduce healing output by some amount, but we don't really know what that amount is on an individual level. A little peak behind the scenes for game dev: The blanket passive heal reduction with a new concept of being "in-combat" is a shortcut for us as designers to find an approximate value of what it should be changed by since to adjust the value from playtest to playtest, we only have to change that one number rather than edit ...

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Originally posted by Lopad_NotThePokemon

What is your planned direction for the design/balance of support heroes for making sure they are still impactful? I'm sure you already know, but there's been a lot of people worried, myself included about the direction based on the balance changes we see in the videos.

It seems like you want to move away from healing considering the 25% healing reduction, but you also nerfed the utility with the removal of brig's stun and cooldown increase on Ana's sleep dart. Some people have brought up that you maybe want supports to frag more but why play a support over a dps at that point? It's just very confusing what you are trying to so.

Also, is Brig's shield bash just a place holder for now or is the increased damage with no other effect the final product?

What is your planned direction for the design/balance of support heroes for making sure they are still impactful?

Even in this 5v5 environment, Supports are still feeling very impactful. In many ways, they are actually more impactful than in OW1 currently. In 5v5, there is less damage going around to both teams, coupled with the ability to focus heavily onto your single tank it becomes actually easier for both teams to sustain longer fights.

Which leads directly into the next question

It seems like you want to move away from healing considering the 25% healing reduction, but you also nerfed the utility with the removal of brig's stun and cooldown increase on Ana's sleep dart. Some people have brought up that you maybe want supports to frag more but why play a support over a dps at that point? It's just very confusing what you are trying to so.

Theres 2 parts to this question so l...

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