
Overwatch Dev Tracker

30 Jul


Originally posted by BrandonD1002

What does a typical day look like for the Overwatch team? Suppose life is normal and back in the office.

It differs a bit for everyone, but we usually start each day with a team playtest. Every other day we have a quick "team standup" where we discuss major initiatives we are working towards. And it's an opportunity to keep the team on the same page with where we are and where we're going and to celebrate achievements. For the rest of the day we are typically collaborating with one another in smaller strike teams, meetings, and individual work to drive features forward. At the end of each day we have another team playtest. Every day is different than the other and different for some individuals than others, but that's the very basics. The good thing is that it hasn't changed too much with COVID, though we do miss the face to face. Virtual face to face isn't quite the same. :)


Originally posted by MiniFellow

What is the biggest current priority in terms of game design right now, are any more class reworks coming like for tanks a while back? Is it 2cp and Horizon/Paris reworks? Will there be changes to the current double shield meta?

the most immediate priority is a balance patch aimed at the double shield meta. this will show up on the experimental card in the next few weeks.

we don't have any reworks immediately imminent for any hero, although we are discussing some.

2cp is more of an ongoing exploration for us. we've tried many, many things and have yet to be satisfied with any of the results.

paris has gotten some attempts at a rework but we weren't pleased with our results, so we paused. we haven't started looking at horizon again yet.


Originally posted by InfiniteTurbine

How does the team view the medal system? Do you think it’s fine, or maybe needs adjustment, or maybe you’ve considered its removal?

One of the things we're always looking at are ways to provide positive notes to players after they finish a game, even when they lose. The medal system was one of those, along with the card voting system during the end of round.

However, the medal system provides only view of the match results, when why someone earned gold, silver, or bronze can be way more complicated than just reflecting your skill. This is one of the reasons we want to look into systems that can help you understand key questions like "Did I play well?" and "Did I do something awesome?" whether you win or lose.

That might be an improved medal system, or something else. We'll see!

Originally posted by Geminiboys12

How many unused concepts of heroes have you guys made?

This is actually really hard to answer actually.

Most of the time heroes go through a ton of iteration, and single abilities or weapons get cut. Often times we'll end up using an older cut idea on a new concept. For example, Orisa's first ult was an idea where she could "teleport" away (we'd probably kit this differently though), and then 'drop' anywhere else on the map via drop pod or something similar. This was back when she was extremely early and we didn't have a character yet, so I was sort of imaging a character more like Dutch from Predator (hence the mini-gun, etc). It ended up not really working for the gameplay, and really didn't make sense once we started developing Orisa's character.

Much later we were working on Doomfist and thought we could revist that old idea and thats how he ended up with his ult!


Originally posted by Obbzay

When is Summer Games happening?



Originally posted by DeltaFirexx

if you were to give percentages, how much do you listen to pros feedback vs the casuals?

well there are about 200 pros and 50 million casuals.... but we both know you're not asking for that percentage breakdown =]

we listen to everyone's feedback. it's all important. when it comes to balance, we primarily balance the game around owl, gm/masters.


Originally posted by Chickenfacee

What hero would make the best scrambled eggs? Very important stuff

I've heard that the French perfected scrambled eggs (via my eggs-tensive research on the internet), and so I think it'd be Widowmaker.


Originally posted by Blaze_iRaven

How much of the Overwatch universe lore do you want/plan to show the world? I find every single hero very much amazing in their own regards, but I don't see enough background stories or interesting details. :(

we have many years of lore planned for the overwatch universe. there are so many aspects that we're excited about -- far reaching plot lines and individual character arcs. there are also a lot of heroes, places and world groups we want to tell more stories about. we're also excited about telling stories in new ways and using new mediums.


Originally posted by Neggy5

Hello, I am a HUGE Overwatch fan despite being Bronze lol. I've got all the Lego sets and OW is a massive inspiration for me going into art and getting qualifications in Illustration. The game really helped me get through my autistic life and I can't stop thinking about it! I want to thank you guys for the accessibility, artistic and fun aspects of Overwatch. Don't listen to the haters (unless they actually are constructive lol).

I have a couple of questions:

  1. How do you feel about Overwatch as a "multimedia franchise" along the lines of Star Wars and Marvel? Have you ever planned about it becoming that big with probably a Cinematic universe and many more genres of games? What did you plan Overwatch to "become" best case scenario?
  2. This question is for the artists, if you were to make your own event theme what would you base it around? I, myself drew a picture of Zarya in 50s rockabilly style that I'd LOVE to see. I sketched it yesterday, thoughts?:
  3. ...
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Artist answer here - I really like the themes for the lunar new year events, and I look forward to working on those every year. I'm not sure what I would do if I got to create my own event, but the rockabilly idea and sketches are cool!


Originally posted by Space_CatUwU

Will there be a summer games this year? Since the first one held was based heavily on the Olympics and that this years is canceled will there still be a summer games event and around what time would it be held since it’s the end of July and starting into August my thought is that I will be held at the beginning week of august and run until the end of august

yes the summer games are returning this year. information is coming very soon


Originally posted by cleggydorkxa

I want to question the mechanic wherer a new account loses much more SR than an older one, where an older one would lose 25 SR, the new one could lose up to 100. This is supposed to help the smurfing problem? wouldn't it keep smurfs down after some dumb loss, and make the problem worse? Why not flip the switch and award more SR for a win on new accounts? I honestly feel that, although not perfect, it's better, because if someone gets boosted to a higher rank than their skill or gamesense, they get pummeled and sent back down until they stabilize, and smurfs shoot right back up.

Hey there, this is a good question. The matchmaking system gains confidence in its evaluation of your skill as you play more games.


Originally posted by Raconteuro_o

So, I’m a young kid and just wondering something about the development of Overwatch and OW 2. Does the Overwatch 1 team also work on Overwatch 2? Or did you hire separate people, and once OW 2 is out, OW 1 devs find another job? If the OW 1 team works on OW 2 as well, how do you maintain and keep that work schedule, especially during these times?

the same team that works on and made overwatch is also making overwatch 2. we did find the need to grow the team quite a bit in order to do both and also because overwatch 2 is a much larger game than overwatch. the team that shipped the original game was approximately 70 developers. the team is closer to around 160-170 now. it's a very tricky balance and often very stressful working on two projects at once. the reason we chose to do things the way we did is because we wanted to maintain consistency of vision and direction over the game and the franchise and not make things feel too splintered. for an individual developer, they usually have a clear task that's either for the live game or overwatch 2. but we often find ourselves context switching between the two games.

Originally posted by felixw1

Do characters that exist in the story (like Mauga, sanjay, dae-hyun) have a chance at being heroes in the future?

This is always a possibility! Ana is an example of a hero that came from the story. She wasn't created initially to be made a hero but we saw a cool opportunity while making a new support to have it be her and it worked out great.

That said not every character/personality in the story will (or even should) be a hero, but we'll see!


Originally posted by Jamfadoya

When you were first designing the competitive mode you said that you were planning to limit it to 6 stacks only. Can you tell us more about how you changed your mind on this, and if you ever wonder if you should have stuck to your guns?

Sure! There were several factors in the decision to switch to the more flexible queue system we currently have.

  1. There were concerns that a 6 stack only competitive queue would prevent some players from participating. While they do want to play competitively, improve their skills, and test themselves, there are many reasons they might prevent them to play as a team with others.
  2. Six player only teams solved some matchmaking problems (you're responsible for finding teammates, not the matchmaker), but would create others such as making it more difficult to find fair matches at extremes of SR.
  3. Requiring you to find your five teammates to play can be a logistical issue. Let's face it, queueing solo is just really convenient. You can do it at any time of the day, when your teammates are sick or on vacation, etc.
  4. Finally, let's face it... If we didn't have a solo queue the first thing people would of asked when we introduced competitive play would ...
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Originally posted by Arthur-I-Have-a-Plan

What was the hardest ability to put in the game?

From a tech perspective, I think the hardest might have been Echo. Her ability to duplicate an opposing hero brought a ton of challenges and bugs. In most areas of Overwatch, our ideas for what we would like to do are ever expanding in complexity. But we need to make it work with assumptions that we made years ago. Sometimes they don't mesh well. With Echo, it was a difficult clash to work out. In the end, she turned out to be a really fun hero, so it was worth the work. But there was a lot of engineering grey hairs generated around that one!


Originally posted by LordRegent303

Can the matchmaking system tell the difference between level 1 and 101?
Because each time I pass over the next star threshold, I start getting into matches with complete beginners for a while.

Hey there, the matchmaker COULD be aware of the level of a player but it isn't something that we currently take into account when matchmaking.

The reason we don't specifically take level into account is because it's an indicator of time played on a specific account and not the skill level at which someone performs. While it is true the more you play the more skill you're likely to gain, it's also true that skill gain will be reflected in the matchmaking values as well.


Originally posted by CJGamr01

u/blizz_geoffgoodman Why is Sombra DPS instead of Support? She has no damaging abilities beyond primary fire (unlike all other DPS), and if she was a Support, then it'd be more equal (8/17/7 is a weird spread of heroes, 8/16/8 makes a lot more sense). TIA!

Actually, im not sure if people are aware of this even, but Sombra was initially prototyped as a Support hero. In fact, it really went far beyond prototype, she only became a damage hero in the stretch of her development.

She had some of the most significant changes while going through developement. Her whole kit used to be centered around staying invisible and landing hacks on the entire enemy team (you could hack more than one target at a time). But hack worked differently then: It used to last a lot longer and it reduced your healing and damage output instead of making you unable to use abilities.

This meant even though you had one less healer as a support, you theoretically made up for it by reducing the enemy team's damage. It was a pretty fun little mini-game for her, but people were ultimately very frustrated by being debuffed like that, even if they knew on paper she was reasonably balanced. In fact, we've tried a couple times to try a damage-dealt debuff (W...

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Originally posted by duckpolarbear

Appreciate the AMA! If as you guys say that you’ve been trying out a bunch of reworks to the 2CP mode, what other changes did you guys try? What worked and what didn’t?

we've tried a number of things over the years:

  • changed the capture points to work like control points (meaning KOTH points)
  • added defenders spawn rooms closer to point a
  • added a "middle" capture point between a and b
  • moved the defenders spawn point back on b
  • made it so that capture happens regardless of if defenders were on the point

those are just a few off the top of my head. lots of level design changes.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Speaking for myself here - I play a lot of competitive Overwatch. I play 10-20 hours of competitive Overwatch every week, and I love it. I used to play flex. I truly enjoy playing a wide variety of characters. Lately I have been focusing on Tanks and Healers, as my friend plays DPS.


Originally posted by spicy_rotini

how's the lore coming

we're in a really great place to move forward right now. over the past year we were lucky enough to get jeff chamberlain to become our new creative director. jeff was the director of our original announcement piece for overwatch back in 2014 (as well as some amazing blizzard cinematics over the years -- WOTLK intro for example). we've also added some really amazing narrative designers and are partnering with our story and franchise development group (they make the animated shorts, origins movies, comics, statues etc) at an insanely intense level. there are some very cool lore developments coming.