
Overwatch Dev Tracker

07 Dec

06 Dec

05 Dec


I’m locking this topic as it’s taking a negative turn.

Thank you.


I’m locking this topic as it’s nonconstructive and taking a negative turn. Topics like these bring nothing constructive to the conversation around Overwatch. To avoid temporary account suspension, please refrain from posting threads of this nature.

Thank you.

04 Dec


I’m locking this thread as it’s taking a negative turn.

Thank you.


Thank you for your kind words, and more importantly, thank you for being a positive player in the Overwatch community. Good luck and have fun! :+1:

03 Dec


Hello everyone,

The Overwatch World Cup Viewer has been disabled. We hope you enjoyed the real-time perspective of professional esports from the comfort of your home and thank you for using this new observer tool to follow the Overwatch World Cup 2018 action!

Users who wish to free up disk space can uninstall the observer tool from the Battle.net App.

  1. Open Battle.net App
  2. Click on Overwatch
  3. In the Region/Account drop-down menu select Overwatch World Cup Vie...
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