Pagan Online

Pagan Online Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by Seymdeil

Hey Uros!

First of all as a Spanish-Serbian user I must say I'm amazed about this gem! Damn I love that I can understand few references!

As an Early Access I must say it was pretty neat, you can be proud of your masterpiece.

I saw that you received a lot of good words and a lot of people is expecting the best from this game. Me, myself I'm putting all my hopes on your game. I just came from Battlerite the game I put more hours of my steam library. In the beginning everybody had very good words and expectations for Battlerite, the company even made a ROADMAP (that they didn't followed) and nowadays in Reddit everybody is literaly cursing on them, what I mean with this is that you should not lower your guard!

I want to take advantage of this situation to ask if you a few questions:

- Do you have any intention to add a PVP system in the game?

- The Co-op's will be focused on 2 persons or it we will be able to run the dungeons with 3, 4...

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Hey Seymdeil, thanks for the support! - I've talked about pvp in a couple other answers so make sure to check them out as well for a bit more info. TLDR -we're not gonna be adding PvP for the sake of PvP, or just tell people we have it. We're brainstorming and playing with different game modes (including PvP) and as soon as one stands out as a fun one, it's going up on the priorities list of our roadmap. So the answer is - we're brainstorming and prototyping, nothing is for sure except for - if we implement it, it's gonna have to be awesome. - We will start small with 2 player coop, and right after listening the feedback and watching you play, we're gonna expand to 3-4 players slowly and wisely :) - Roadmap is still chaotic bunch of possible features waiting for the audience response and feedback from you guys. Most likely, as we have more time to analyze everything you've said so far, in a month or two, we're gonna have better paved path in front of us, which we might present to y...

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Originally posted by Dreamforger

Ahh that sound like a nice thought :) can’t wait to see how it will unfold as time goes on :)

The Mods should pin your answers at the top of the posts, for us to read :)

I try to recommend my friends this game, but they might wait for Co-op :)

Coop should kick in real soon :)


Originally posted by decyphier

Where is endgame content on the priority list? Just wondering how far out we can be expecting some teasers of it.

Endgame content is basically a sum of many many features to come (some of them are mentioned in other replies on this thread, make sure to read through), so ETA for different parts of it vary from smaller ones that are gonna be added in a month or even less, to the huge ones which might be added though several iterations over the course of the year. The most important thing is that improvements and additions should be seen on a regular basis.


Originally posted by Dreamforger

That’s awesome, did think you would, since it could go against you philosophy where the heroes are the different “skills/playstyle”:)


Philosophy definitely stays that we want unique playstyles with each hero, and that we're aiming for our heroes to be something like "builds in regular RPG games, just on steroids", but still - even these heroes must have customizations :) Beside that, that feature is taking your whole Legacy into account, so it will be not just hero specific, but also overarching goal to strive for :)


Originally posted by BloodLetterGames

First order of Business: I have only played 5 hours of the game, and already I'm blown away. Even with the limited features the game is FUN, and I have only completed ACT I and unlocked Lukian (very interesting playstyle from this guy, by the way)

Now down to the questions:

  1. Monetization. I know this is a scary subject, but as I am developing a PBBG and the development hosting server for that is a tiny bit pricy (on a web hosting page??) I can't image your fees. I worry about these buy-to-play games, because look at Diablo 3. No more income to speak of and development stopped to a halt. Servers are expensive, and I think you will eventually need more. People seem to hate microtransactions but I like them done right, AND it keeps our favorite games a live. Any plans for, well, not running out of funds/getting discouraged?
  2. Guilds/Clans - I know a lot of us want this, are there any plans to implement them? IF so can we expect some sort of guild wars/...
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Hey BloodLetterGames, thanks for the love! May the Golden Chicken spawn and survive in every encounter of yours! :)

I don't have a proper answer to the first question, it's more on a publishing side - Mad Head Games is in charge of fun only :) For the second and the third question, I have only one vague answer unfortunately - we're brainstorming, testing and pre-producing different game modes, including pvp ones and guild based activities. The thing is that these are all in pre-prod phase, which means it's not gonna be live soon (not during next 6 months for sure). The thing is that we don't want to implement features for the sake of saying we have them. As soon as we figure out fun in some of the PvP modes, or find a true value of Guilds in the game - it will go to the top of our roadmap priorities. Other than that, none of these features is gonna make it to the live build if it's not fun, or it doesn't live to our expectations. Still, I'm pretty confident that during th...

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Originally posted by Heli0nix

Hello Uros, first of all i would like to say how astonished i am. I discovered Pagan Online and heard for the first time about it yesterday right at early access start. As a passionate and dedicated ARPG player i decided to give it a try directly, ended in a really long session and i don't regret it not even a second.

My question now is do you plan to add an Hardcore mod in the futur ?

Somehow i feel i could appreciate the experience the game is really smooth both on technical and gameplay part. I have other questions but it target mostly the UI so i guess it can wait a bit or i can post them in a separate topic - Thank you for providing this game, getting back to grind now ;) Keep up the good work :)

Thank you for all the kind words Heli0nix, may the Legendaries drop for you like crazy!

I can even spare a little secret with you now, but don't tell anyone... hardcore mode in Pagan Online is coming, and it's not gonna be called "Insane", "Hardcore" or "Pro"'s gonna be...."Paganic mode" :)

Still no ETA on when it's gonna be live, but it's coming :)


Originally posted by Pu3Ho3

Well, FeelsSadMan. Online PvE grinding games w/o any kind of trading is pretty much a guaranteed fail in the long run(there is a lot of examples), D3 after expansion is just the most obvious one.

We know that Auction Houses and Trading have huge impact on the game economy and whole game experience. The fact that it's not in the production at this very moment doesn't mean we haven't discussed it or that it's not gonna happen - it's just a matter of doing it right. And for doing it right, we need to listen to the people for a longer period of time, look at them playing for many more hours, and figure out how to bring such a huge feature to Pagan without sacrificing or screwing up anything. It's a huge challenge, but we're up for the challenge, as soon as we figure out how to make it a killer one.


Originally posted by Tilted_Till_Tuesday

How are the servers holding up? The latency for item handling is frustrating - any plans to address?

Otherwise I'm loving it - great decision for WASD movement.

Huh, every praise of WASD controls make butterflies in my stomach go crazy :D

We're actively working on backend, and that's one huge reason while the game is Early Access game - there is still ton of work to be done, and hopefully, over time you'll see many of these glitches and inconveniences disappear :)


Originally posted by kajidourden

Understood. No comment on the arbitrary order in which heroes are unlocked? Why not simply have one currency and allow people to choose which character they wish to unlock with the currency they have earned?

Edit: Additionally, allow me to give an example of why I don't think this system makes sense.

Player A and B are both new to the game

Player A is interested in playing Lukian

Player B is interested in playing whoever the last unlock on the track is

Player A unlocks Lukian and begins playing their preferred character within 5 hours of play

Player B must play through several times more hours in order to unlock their preferred hero, why?

Additionally, with the way the system is currently set up Player A can easily farm to his hearts content for Lukian's cosmetics since the assassination mission is very low level.

Player B on the other hand must farm the most difficult assassination mission available in o...

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Hey kajidourden! Thanks for the comprehensive feedback! Kudos for presenting the problem, and presenting the train of thoughts, that's how we roll in Mad Head Games :)

I won't get into too much detail with the answer (trying to manage all the answers at once :D ) as we plan to write down the article about the progression - what we're gonna be working on, what we think is good, what went wrong etc. This article might actually address concerns you've mentioned above. There are a couple of strong points for this type of progression, along with a couple of strong ones against it (like you mentioned). Certainly, nothing is carved in stone - and the way the heroes are unlocked could be changed or tweaked, and we want it all to be changed based on educated decisions - decisions that make the game loop more fun and gameplay experience smoother. We're still aggregating reviews and feedback, and based on that, very soon we'll be sitting in our geeky meeting room, thinking on ways ...

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Originally posted by 2Lainz

Praise the Sun!

Gods favor dodge to mouse!


Originally posted by Malphasik

I Played from IV Trial - very interesting game turned out! Thank you! When is the release of Acts 6-7 planned?


Thank you Malphasik! Act 6 is coming quite soon, and final Acts 7 and 8 are coming together, in a couple of months most likely :)


Originally posted by Deprox93

Me wasn't able to participate on trials, I got invite and stuff but not the Phoenix pet, cause I didn't manage to log in at the trial (I decided to wait instead of contacting the support =(.) . Is there any chance to get it afterwards? I mean, you could just send me the code via pm, I won't tell anyone ;)'re tearing me beetween being a good cop and a righteous cop :D


Originally posted by Pu3Ho3

Maybe it was already asked, but will there be Auction House/Trading system? It's a major dealbreaker for A LOT of potential players and for me as well.

No Auction house planned atm


Originally posted by Dreamforger

I would like small icone showing what the dmg is:) the colour is great and all.

But skull:poison

Lightning icon: lightning

Flame icon: fire

Etc :)

Forwarded to the Dev team! :)


Originally posted by 2Lainz

I have some concerns on melee heroes and cc. I picked Kingewitch as my starting hero and he feels very clunky to play. His m1 and m2 animations seem very long and hard to pull off in a lot of fights because of how much cc is in this game. A lot of it seems very hard to dodge with WASD because half the time you are stuck in an attack animation and can't react in time. Things like the big orange artillery dude's ground pound and the robots that pull you. Dodging with WASD is pretty second nature after 700 hours of Battlerite but I feel like you are very impeded at doing that in this game. Movement skills sending you in your current WASD direction (instead of your mouse direction) and not having a cancel cast button I believe add to that.

As soon as I unlocked Lukian, who is a ranged character that can hit multiple targets AND move during his m1, I was kinda floored at how much more smooth the gameplay was, aside from the enemies that pull you. DANG.

Are ther...

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We're checking out anim cancelation options, along with the option to choose between "dodge to mouse" or "dodge to WASD". Will update you if it's ready for the implementation soon!


Originally posted by Dreamforger

You done really great so far! Really enjoying it!

Just wish we could chose between more heroes. It takes a bit too long to get to Dameer and the lot :)

And wish the skill-tree had a bit more woaw-effect like some of your legendaries :) Maybe with pros and cons. “X”- ability got no CD but increase ressource cost of “Y”%.

Change of effect from cone to targetting aoe, from static to moving etc.

hey Dreamforger!

Make sure you read-though the other answers I wrote on this thread - there was a lot of talk about Skilltree and stuff. TLDR - working on it, but it requires time to get live :)


Originally posted by Jeracan

I find the game really fun so far! :) I'm wondering, will the progress we make now, carry over to full release of the game?

Really hope the game will have cool end-game stuff to do, and something that motives farming for many months ahead :)

Keep up the good work, the game feels fantastic so far :) <3

thanks Jeracan, may the absent and not so absent Gods favor your way! :)

I've been talking about endgame content in many other answers to make sure to check them out! Also, regarding progress - we have no plans to wipe any progress, unless we screw the database big time during this turbulent Early Access phase with many bugfixes, updates and all these development shenanigans :) So - wipes are not planned, and will be our last resort if something goes wrong :)


Originally posted by polop95

stupid buy to play games

you break our little developer hearts :(


Originally posted by dzudzubajac

Legendaries! :D

and thanks for the support Citrow! :)


Originally posted by Citrow

I'm loving the game so far! Any information yet around how to gear up?

Legendaries! :D