Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Dev Tracker

20 Oct


Originally posted by Own_Conclusion2909

Man this sucks, I just wanna play the game on my switch :/

If it’s possible please bang more pots and pans to get this fixed. I wanna play the game!

Patch should be live now! Please check that it works.


Originally posted by Mr_Jaxobeat

I’m sure you guys are frustrated too. But is there any update on the patch for switch? Even bad news is better than no news

Should be live now! Please check if it works for you.

19 Oct


Originally posted by Entire-Cost-1305

It took three weeks to get out that you just forgot to test the switch controls....

Technically, it wasn't exactly 'forgotten'. Testing involves loading a multitude of saves in various spots of the game to check that everything behaves right. There are deeper ways of testing, but as Switch version is essentially a streamed PC version of the game (with a year of bugfixing behind), this would normally be enough.

But a very unlikely and unfortunate collision of events happened, where the bug was both very serious AND located exactly in the blind spot. Because when loading an existing game for the tests, you already have a prepared set of abilities and items. You don't really need to add or change anything, so you don't use the context menus. As a result, it went genuinely unnoticed. Was it possible to predict? I'm honestly not sure.


Originally posted by Sparrowlegend

strangely I want to believe in what you say and if this is the truth then yes I imagine how it must not be easy on your side too, so yes I want to believe it and maybe our anger veils us a little the face and it's up to I'm going to keep your game for a while longer because on top of that I have no doubt how happy it will be to play it normally, but please do your best to make things happen for you, and for us... thank you in advance 🙏

Me and some other folks on the team are literally "Are we there yet?" "And now?" "What about now?" donkey from Shrek for some time now already xD

As soon as any news are available, I'll update the main post.


Originally posted by Both_Frame9873

This is the sort of responce that fans and the people wanting to play your game want. This responce has actually restored a little bit of faith.

it feels more heart written, it feels like you actually had feelings about me questioning your integrity. We deal with enough politicians in a the world without dealing with political answers from game makers that we want to give us enetertainmen.

We always try to be as honest as possible with our audience and believe it is the best and the most correct way of communication. Of course it's not always possible to share something due to legal or NDA reasons - think Kingmaker situation, for example, where we spent years taking the beating for the state of console edition of the game that we didn't own since 2019 (guess the frustration).

But most of the time we can talk, and we believe it's always better to explain the situation to our players.


Originally posted by Noah1609

Im playing in Xbox one and It seems Like i have a Bug that jubilost the Alchemist dont get His bombs Back after a Rest. Is there an ingame Option to Report this Bug. I Love the Game but thats nasty.

Hello, yes, you need to push both sticks at once to do so. Would help also if you write down the first line of the report text to me so I can find it in the database. Thank you!


Originally posted by Bitter_Disk1925

Isn't Jubi a PF1 character? not a 2? If so, this is the wrong game post.

There's a cameo of Jubilost in Wrath, so it's all fine.


Originally posted by Bitter_Disk1925

I, for one, totally understand and believe you (despite being one of those who chose to get a refund.) I mostly got the refund to have some kind of resolution to the situation so that the stress would stop effecting my migraine disorder (I'm disabled, and my migraines are set off extraordinarily easily.) I have every intention of getting the game once there's an actual resolution, and I thank you for being as transparent and keeping in contect with us. You're certainly getting kicked in the teeth from everyone and it's a thankless job you've got.

I am deeply grateful for understanding, and really sorry that you are having to stress over this.


Originally posted by AlternativeEcho2098

Thank you for this. Even though I have already gotten a refund I am still wanting to see this game succeed. Though when you mention a minor bug, that minor bug makes the game unplayable. The game should of been delayed on switch at least. Best game creator of all time said “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.” ― Shigeru Miyamoto

I have faith in Owlcat as a company to turn this around and make it right, just wish it was right when released, and not 3+weeks later. I’ll check back to see when any of the ports are stable enough to play and pick it up then, till then I wish the best of luck to the company.

It's minor in the sense of complexity of fixing it, not in the effect it makes on the game. Sorry for the confusion.


Originally posted by Both_Frame9873

This is very disappointing, I was looking forward so much to playing this game.

for the truth to come out that you have not only not created a patch, but have lied to all your customers that had faith in you. It’s heart breaking. Many of us carried on wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are no longer worth my time or hope.

The fix for the problem has been ready in like a few days after the launch. We aren't some heartless monsters that grab your money, make an evil laugh and then toss you aside to suffer being unable to play the game. That's not what Owlcats are about. Sadly I don't know what kind of a technical reason prevents the patch from showing up for their technical support, but that's absolutely certainly not because it hasn't been submitted.

There is our clear fault in the fact that this problem slipped through the testing into the launch version in the first place, but it's certainly not in unwilling to solve it. It's a real nightmare that it takes so long to deploy a single minor fix, and we've spent all possible options to speed it up by now. All we can do now is wait.


Originally posted by AlternativeEcho2098

Okay so after talking to Nintendo this is what I was told. According to Nintendo they have not received any request for a patch installment. It doesn’t mean that one hasn’t been submitted, it just means that they don’t have anything to patch at the moment. Because of what I shared, what people have reported in, and the length of time having a game that is unplayable they are going to give me a refund!

Patch is absolutely certainly submitted quite a while ago by now. Unfortunately I don't know what kind of a technical reason can prevent them from seeing it in their system, but it's definitely not because it wasn't uploaded.

It's important to understand that we want the game to be playable for you AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as much as you guys do. Frankly, this is a single minor fix that was ready after like a day or two after launch, standing between you and the world of Golarion. It's extremely frustrating that it takes so long to deliver it, and it's a loss for all involved parties.

Given all the circumstances, I understand that you guys have waited long enough and have absolutely all moral rights to be frustrated and angry. Honestly, this frustrates me greatly as well, but what we can do in this situation is very limited. So now it's either wait a bit more (patch will be there eventually), or it is only fair if you contact them for a refund, if you don't want to wait...

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Originally posted by Sparrowlegend

impossible to have concrete answers for the switch patch, does anyone have more info please or a link? this story is starting to stink and we will have to give accounts at some point

Hello, Nintendo gave today as a date, but reports some technical issues. I'm keeping the hand on the pulse, as soon as I have any info I will let you guys know. It's really frustrating, I know :(


Hello, is this PC or console? Did you leave a bug report? Also which location is this?


Originally posted by Both_Frame9873

Oh wow so u respond to anotther issue but won’t give switch players an answer

Hello, Nintendo is reporting technical issues (again -.-). Sadly that's all I know at the moment, we're pushing all levers we can. I'll come back with more information as soon as I have any.


Originally posted by HandOfTheKing5230

Playing on ps5, I've had three nasty bugs which are killing me because I enjoy this game. Sometimes, the action bar disappears, so I can't use any moves. Also, for some reason, it says my health is 0/2147483647. Lastly, the cursor will sometimes lock up and not move in battles.

Hello, can you please report the bug with health by pushing both sticks and then giving me the first line of text you wrote in the report field, so I could find it in the database? Other issues are known.


Originally posted by TheGreatZhangCaosun

I'd assume the inability to rename the Azata's Court is not fixed, just like the inability to play a second playthough of Midnight Isles rouge-like is still yet to be patched

Yep, not in this patch yet.


Originally posted by raymondrewalker

I have been filing them... since launch. The bug is repeatable, go into combat then go to inventory and try to pull up context menu on an item. ...or after combat when trying to loot, triggering context menu on items in loot screen. These are pretty basic functionality aspects of the game. I'm disappointed that this is not a line item on the xbox console buglist and just seemingly clumped into general bugs.

You mean the context menu sticks into other screens and doesn't go away until reload?


Originally posted by Ok_Comfortable589

Is owlcat going show the survery monkey results eventually down the road to show what the community voted for? like the top 4?

Let's call it this way: the results confirmed our concerns/expectations, and it led to important decisions for the future roadmap that you guys will enjoy.