Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

30 Sep


We're now in the fourth week of the Blight League! To keep you in the loop of what the team has been working on recently, we wanted to share a preview of the upcoming 3.8.1d update that is scheduled for this week. We're keen to release this patch on consoles as soon as possible after its deployment on PC.

Please note that the patch notes listed below may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Blight Improvements

  • Improved the visibility of Blight Boss icons on the minimap.

  • Progress towards the "Spend Blight Resources" challenge is now granted to all players in the area when any player builds or upgrades a Tower.

  • You can now use the Anoint Items option when talking to Cassia without having completed the Blight Tutorial encou...
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18 Sep

We're in the process of deploying the 3.8.1 update that contains a large amount of improvements and fixes to the Blight League. You can find its full patch notes below. While this patch should address the majority of recent community feedback, we'll continue to keep an eye on reports and make further improvements to Blight if possible.

Blight Improvements
  • Increased the amount of reward chests from each lane in Blighted Maps.
  • The rewards from Blighted Maps can now include Oils.
  • Reduced the amount of monsters that spawn during Blighted Maps. The intention is to reduce the impact on performance while still retaining difficulty.
  • Reduced the chance that Blighted Monsters will create Beyond Portals on death.
  • Blighted monsters can no longer have the Cannot Die, Shroud Walker, Soul Conduit, Fractured or Group Frenzy on Death modifiers.
  • Blighted monsters that cast Proximity Shield c...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

We're in the process of deploying the 3.8.1 update that contains a large amount of improvements and fixes to the Blight League. You can find its full patch notes here. While this patch should address the majority of recent community feedback, we'll continue to keep an eye on reports and make further improvements to Blight if possible.

The 3.8.1 patch for consoles will be deployed as soon as we have it tested and approved. We don't have a firm date for it yet, but we're tr... Read more

16 Sep

Last week we announced the upcoming improvements and fixes to Blight. The majority of them are planned to be released in the 3.8.1 update which is scheduled for this week. The 3.8.1 patch on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC. While you're waiting for its deployment, check out a preview of its patch notes.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Blight Improvements
  • Increased the amount of reward chests from each lane in Blighted Maps.
  • Reduced the amount of monsters that spawn during Blighted Maps. The intention is to reduce the impact on performance while still retaining difficulty.
  • Blighted monsters can no longer have the Cannot Die, Shroud Walker, Soul Conduit, Fractured or Group Frenzy on Death modifiers.
  • Blighted monsters that cast Proximity Shield can no longer cast the skill if they are already ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

15 Sep


Last week we announced the upcoming improvements and fixes to Blight. The majority of them are planned to be released in the 3.8.1 update which is scheduled for this week. The 3.8.1 patch on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC. While you're waiting for its deployment, check out a preview of its patch notes.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

... Read more

24 Jul

As we announced earlier, this week we'll deploy the 3.7.4 update that includes the stackable Fossils feature, various improvements and bug fixes. Today we've prepared a preview of its patch notes for you to check out.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

  • Common Delve Fossils can now be stacked up to 20. Rare Delve Fossils can now be stacked up to 10. All Delve Fossils can be stacked up to 5,000 in the wildcard slots of a Currency Stash Tab.
  • The amount of Rage that you have is now displayed as a numerical value above your Mana Globe.
  • Exclamation marks above NPCs can now also be seen on the minimap.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug introduced in patch 3.7.0 where the "+x% to Fi...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

23 Jul


As we announced earlier, this week we'll deploy the 3.7.4 update that includes the stackable Fossils feature, various improvements and bug fixes. The 3.7.4 patch on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC. In the meantime, check out the patch notes below.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.


  • Common Delve Fossi...
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11 Jul

The team is finishing work on the next patch with improvements to the Legion and bug fixes. We're planning to deploy the 3.7.3d update by the end of this working week on PC and as soon as possible on consoles. In the meantime, we wanted to share the full patch notes with you to keep you in the loop regarding what we're working on.

Please be mindful that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Legion Improvements
  • Added a visual effect and audio that plays when an Incubator's requirements are fulfilled.
  • Added audio to the indicator that displays on a Legion monolith if a General has spawned.
  • The modifiers granted by passive skills that are conquered by Timeless Jewels are now displayed underneath the native modifiers that it gra...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

10 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is finishing work on the next patch with improvements to the Legion and bug fixes. We're planning to deploy the 3.7.3d update by the end of this working week on PC and as soon as possible on consoles. In the meantime, we wanted to share the full patch notes with you to keep you in the loop regarding what we're working on.

Please be mindful that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Legion Improvements

  • Added a visual effect and audio that plays when an Incubator's requirements are fulfilled.

  • Added audio to the indicator that displays on a Legion monolith if a General has spawned.

  • The modifiers granted by passive skills that are conquered by Timeless Jewels are now displayed underneath the native m...
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03 Jul

In a few hours we'll be deploying the 3.7.3b patch with server performance improvements as well as several bug fixes and crash fixes. While you're waiting for this update, why not check out its patch notes?

Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of this update.
  • Fixed a bug that caused monster AI to consume too many server resources. This also fixes many cases where monsters were using their skills more often than intended (such as The Shaper in the Uber Elder encounter teleporting around too often and The Brine King using his Bubble Shield too often).
  • Fixed a bug where the Master of Metal ascendancy passive could cause server performance issues.
  • Fixed various cases where monster skills would not display correctly if you had left the area and ret...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

In a few hours we'll be deploying the 3.7.3b patch with server performance improvements as well as several bug fixes and crash fixes. The 3.7.3b update will be deployed on consoles as soon as possible after its release on PC.

Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of this update.

  • Fixed a bug that caused monster AI to consume too many server resources. This also fixes many cases where monsters were using their skills more often than intended (such as The Shaper in the Uber Elder encounter teleporting around too often and The Brine King using his Bubble Shield too often).

  • Fixed a bug where the Master of Metal ascendancy passive could cause server performance issues.

  • Fixed various cases where monster skills would not display corr...
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26 Jun

In addition to a small 3.7.2b patch, which was deployed earlier this week, the team has been working on a bigger 3.7.3 update with many improvements and fixes. We're planning to release it by the end of this working week on PC.

As usual, we have prepared a preview of its patch notes beforehand, so you can get an idea of what to expect. Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of the 3.7.3 update.

Legion Improvements
  • Most, if not all, on-kill mechanics now work during Legion encounters.
  • Added a visual indicator near the Monolith if either faction in a Legion encounter contains a General.
  • Some Legion monsters can no longer generate Endurance, Power or Frenzy Charges. This is solely to reduce the impact on performance.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

In addition to a small 3.7.2b patch, which was deployed earlier this week, the team has been working on a bigger 3.7.3 update with many improvements and fixes. We're planning to release it by the end of this working week on PC, and as soon as possible on consoles (after its release on PC).

As usual, we have prepared a preview of its patch notes beforehand, so you can get an idea of what to expect. Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the relea... Read more

19 Jun

Later today we're planning to deploy the 3.7.2 update with Legion improvements and some fixes we mentioned a couple of days ago.

Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of this update.

Legion Improvements
  • Improved the visibility of the Legion Symbols that appear above monsters and chests that contain rewards.
  • Added an effect that is placed on your character while you are near the activation crystal in the Domain of Timeless Conflict.
  • Legion Monsters can now be Frozen and their corpses can be destroyed after being broken out from their crystals.
  • Legion Chests can now be affected by curses.
  • Re-enabled the Stygian Vise reward from Abyss rewards.
  • Reduced the range at which various Legio...
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