Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

04 Nov

We're in the process of deploying the 3.12.4d update that introduces the Stash Tab folders and affinities system, as well as a number of improvements and bug fixes. Check out the full patch notes below:

  • Added support for Stash Tab Folders and Stash Tab Affinities. Stash Tab Folders can have stash tabs placed in them, allowing you to organise your stash tabs however you'd like. Additionally, stash tabs can now have Affinities applied to them. The Stash Tab Affinity system allows you to designate a stash tab to store selected specialised item types in. Ctrl+clicking an applicable item from your inventory into your stash will always send it directly to the stash tab with an affinity set for that item, regardless of which stash tab you currently have open. Affinities are available for the following item types: Currency, Map, Essence, Divination Card, Fragment, Unique, Delve, Blight, Metamorph and Delirium.
  • Perception doors in Repository Heis...
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03 Nov

We are currently in the final phase of testing the new Stash Tab Folders and Stash Tab Affinities systems. If we find no issues during testing, they'll be deployed tomorrow! In the meantime, we wanted to share more information on exactly how they'll work.

Stash Tab Folders Stash Tab Folders allow you to sort your stash tabs into categories. This allows you better options for organising your stash tabs in order to save space and make it easier to navigate between your tabs. Any stash tab (other than league-specific race reward tabs) can be put into a stash tab folder.

To create a new stash tab folder, navigate to the tab you'd like to put in the folder then click the 'folder' icon. This will automatically put that tab into a new folder and lets you give the folder a name. To add more stash tabs to an existing folder, simply cli... Read more

02 Nov

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community.

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

Click here to watc... Read more

01 Nov

Last week we started our Hideout Competition[] and have already received dozens of awesome submissions! To give you some inspiration, we'll be showcasing some of the entries in the coming weeks. For today's news post we recorded a video with several hideouts submitted by our players since the start of the competition.

Here is a list of hideouts featured in this video:
  • Luxurious Forest by ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

28 Oct

We were previously targeting a launch date of December 11 for our 3.13 end-game expansion. As we discussed last week[], our new development methodology gives us confidence that we'd be able to hit this date with a high quality expansion. Yesterday, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will now be released on December 10. We do not want to put our players in a position of having to choose between these two games, so we have decided to step out of the way and delay the release of Path of Exile 3.13 u... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

27 Oct

We've prepared several pieces of concept art of the cosmetic effects released since the launch Heist. If you liked the Glimmerwood, Temple and Darkwood microtransaction series or if you're interested in seeing the work of our art team, check out the concept art below.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

26 Oct

We're continuing to ask our community's opinion on a new microtransaction design. Last week we determined a Skill Gem that would receive a new effect - the majority of the players voted for Cyclone. We're getting really close to finding out the end result! Today we're opening a new poll in order to know a theme of the upcoming Cyclone effect.

Cast your votes in this thread![]

25 Oct

Over the years, many supporters have purchased the ability to design a Divination Card to make their mark on Path of Exile forever. We've heard a lot of stories behind the scenes about the meanings behind their designs and we wanted to share these with you. In the first of this series, we talked with ReignFreeze who designed The Bitter Blossom Divination Card to learn the story behind the design.

I joined the Path of Exile family in Closed Beta. I got my beta invite two days before my birthday in 2012 and I was pretty excited. I have always loved RPGs - I grew up with Diablo 1 and 2, HeXeN, Baldur's Gate, and many others. They had occupied my mind in a positive way that I'd never experienced with any other hobby before. Jumping into Path of Exile felt like coming home. There is a special place in my heart for the first time I defeated M... Read more

23 Oct

New Skill Effects - Celestial Dominating Blow, Demonic Eye Banner Skin
and Viper Molten Shell We've just introduced three new Skill Effects. Check them out if Dominating Blow, Molten Shell or Banner Skills are part of your build or click here to get yours[].

Huge Sale on Weapons and Shields This weekend we're running a sale on a hug... Read more

22 Oct

If you enjoy creating hideouts or have an interesting concept you'd like to recreate in Path of Exile, be sure to participate in our new hideout competition! The winners will be rewarded with awesome prizes, including physical items and lots of hideout decorations for further creations!

Prize Pool Top Three Winners
  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout
  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge
  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb[], Shaper[], ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].