Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

07 Oct

Today we've gathered several pieces of concept art for some of the cosmetic effects introduced in our recent Twilight Mystery Box. If you're interested in taking a sneak peek into the development process of the box, check out the artwork below!

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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

06 Oct

Bright as dawn and mysterious like the starry night, the Twilight Mystery Box[] has easily become one of the most popular Mystery Boxes of all time. As an appreciation for your continued support, we're making the soundtrack of this Mystery Box available as a free download.

To download the Twilight Mystery Box soundtrack, click (or Right-click, “Save link as”) on the file type you prefer: .flac[] or ... Read more

05 Oct

For the Heist expansion our art team created not only new NPC models, but a lot of new assets and materials, as well as updated some existing ones. Stan, one of our environment material artists, has written an article about creating materials for the Heist expansion.


Hi! I'm Stan Brown, an Environment Material Artist at Grinding Gear Games. I joined the team in May 2020 to work on the exciting Path of Exile 2 project, I also had the privilege to create materials for Heist League.

Creating materials for a game already rich with history and lore is a lot of fun and gives an opportunity to add details from already existing parts of the game. An example of this is the Mansion area in Heist. The marble floor mosaics are based on the stained glass windows in th... Read more

01 Oct

Earlier this week we discussed our plans[] about improvements to the Heist league for the immediate future. The team has been working on a new patch which contains some of the things mentioned in that news post, as well as other fixes. We're planning to deploy the 3.12.3 update as early as possible next week (Monday or Tuesday NZT). Today we've prepared a preview of its patch notes to give you an idea of what to expect.

Please note that the patch notes below may be changed prior to release of the 3.12.3 update.

Heist Improvements
  • Enabled questlines that lead towards The Twins and the Nashta, The Usurper Heist boss encounters.
  • Significantly increased the likeliho...
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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

30 Sep

We've prepared a small update which should fix the portals to the Rogue Harbour from Heists, as well as a handful of other issues. We're planning to deploy the 3.12.2b update by the end of this week, likely today (Thursday NZT). In the meantime, check out a preview of its patch notes.

Please note that the patch notes below may be changed prior to release of the 3.12.2b update.

  • The Rogue Harbour is now a private area which only you and your party members can access.
  • Fixed a bug which caused Grand Heists to sometimes fail to spawn an entrance to a Wing.
  • Fixed a bug where Agility Jobs could sometimes not be completed in Underbelly.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.12.0 where Skitterbots preferred pathing towards allies, rather than enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where Animated Guardians didn't lose their items when they died.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when stealing a modi...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

29 Sep

During the development of the Heist expansion, just when we were about to record voice lines for the league, New Zealand went into a second lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Nick, one of our narrative designers, has written an article about the process of recording the Heist voice acting from Level 3 lockdown.


Earlier this year, New Zealand, like much of the world, went into mandatory lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus -- right in the middle of development for Harvest. Thankfully, Harvest was relatively light on narrative, and we were able to record Oshabi's dialogue after restrictions had been eased. Harvest's simpler story let us put more effort into Heist, which was intended to be much more story- and character-driven.

I'd started concepting characters a month or two before development began in earnest, and had run through more narrative ideas than I can actually remember.... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
We're now in the second week of the Heist league and the team is continuing to monitor your feedback and reported issues. In this news post we'd like to give you an update about some recently reported issues and to provide a general indication of what we're working on. Please note that a lot of the plans here are early and may change as they undergo development and internal testing.

Experience from Monsters in Heists While there's currently no experience penalty on Heist monsters, we agree that in actual gameplay, they don't grant enough experience. We plan to significantly increase the experience that Heist monsters grant, with a focus on monsters encountered during Lockdown.

Heist Areas (in maps) are too long We're going to standardise the size of Heists so that once you hit maps, they don't get any larger than the current Tier 1 size. You'll find a greater density of reward rooms in the higher-tier ones, of course.

Opening Job Doors in Heists We have r... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

27 Sep

In Path of Exile: Heist we introduced 13 new Rogues which assist you in Heists. We are very happy to see that a lot of players are enjoying the personalities of these NPCs and their interactions with each other. We'll talk about the process behind creating their lore and dialogue in the coming weeks. In the meantime check out the pieces of concept art of the Rogues created by our art team.

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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

24 Sep

Prior to Heist's launch, we revealed the Cursed Words divination card which redeems for the Maw of Mischief Unique Item. I was generously given the opportunity to design this card by one of our players and was also able to design a unique item that the card redeems for. In case you missed it, check out the Cursed Words card below!

We have so far kept the Maw of Mischief item secret but it's coming out soon so it's time to finally reveal it!

Death Wish is a channelled skill with thirteen stages that selects one of your minions per channeling stage. While channelling, the selected minions have immense Attack, Cast and Movement Speed and have the ability to pass through enemies.... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

23 Sep

The team is currently finishing testing the 3.12.2 update with a fair amount of improvements to the Heist league. We're planning to deploy this patch by the end of this working week (or early next week).

Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of the 3.12.2 update.

Heist Improvements
  • Rebalanced the amount of Alert Level that Reward Room and Main Path Chests generate when opened.
  • Many existing Contract and Blueprint modifiers which didn't already do so now grant Alert Level Reduction, Time Before Lockdown and Maximum Alive Reinforcements bonuses.
  • Added additional Reward Types to various Heist Jobs.
  • Breach, Harbinger, Delirium and Legion rewards now require level 68 or higher before they can be found as Chest Rewards.
  • After completing The Rogue Harbour quest, you will be placed at the top of the stairs when arriving in The Rogue Harbour.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].