During the development of the Heist expansion, just when we were about to record voice lines for the league, New Zealand went into a second lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Nick, one of our narrative designers, has written an article about the process of recording the Heist voice acting from Level 3 lockdown.
Earlier this year, New Zealand, like much of the world, went into mandatory lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus -- right in the middle of development for Harvest. Thankfully, Harvest was relatively light on narrative, and we were able to record Oshabi's dialogue after restrictions had been eased. Harvest's simpler story let us put more effort into Heist, which was intended to be much more story- and character-driven.
I'd started concepting characters a month or two before development began in earnest, and had run through more narrative ideas than I can actually remember....
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