Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

14 Aug

We're running a sale on all cosmetic microtransactions introduced in the Thaumaturgy Mystery Box. More than 50 microtransactions are available at discounted prices, including the recently released Thaumaturgical Hideout.

This sale will run from the time of this post until 9PM, August 17th PDT.

Check out the Thaumaturgy Mystery Box trailer below to see everything that's available or press M in game to view the full selection of discounts.

Thanks so much for your support! Have a great weekend!

13 Aug

A few days ago we concluded the Harvest Fan Art Competition where we asked our community to create fan art inspired by any content introduced in the Harvest expansion, including Oshabi and the Sacred Grove, Delirium and new skills. Over the past month our players have submitted more than a hundred entries to the competition. We've looked through every single one of them and are ready to announce the winners!

We're also offering a special prize (Demon Parasite Armour Set, Demon Parasite Back Attachment, Blood Guard Character Effect, 2x Angels and Demons Mystery Boxes) to the most popular submission amongst our community. We've uploaded all the submissions listed below to this album[]... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Aug

There are five weeks left in Harvest which means things are starting getting closer to the launch of our 3.12 expansion in September. In the meantime, you may be wondering what the future of Harvest looks like. We're ready to share our plans!

In short, Harvest will not immediately become a core gameplay mechanic but may be reintroduced in the future.

When we designed Harvest, we wanted to experiment with a more deterministic crafting system that would enable players to access powerful items earlier in their character progression. In this sense, we feel that the crafting system has been very successful. However, at the top end of gameplay, Harvest has made it too easy to gain very powerful items that previously required a lot more work and investment to ac quire. This was acceptable for a temporary challenge league but poses problems for the long-term health of Path of Exile's item economy if allowed to remain in its current state.

As such, Harvest woul... Read more

11 Aug

It's that time again! Today we'll be breaking down which Ascendancy classes players have been gravitating towards in the Harvest leagues on all platforms.

Let's begin by looking at level 70+ characters in both Harvest leagues on PC.

Level 70+, Harvest Standard (PC) Necromancer 23.45% Trickster 9.33% Assassin 8.41% Gladiator 7.58% Saboteur 5.62% Berserker 5.07% Juggernaut 4.67% Elementalist 4.66% Chieftain 4.09% Slayer 3.67% Hierophant 3.51% Occultist 3.20% Guardian 3.03% Deadeye 2.88% Ascendant 2.49% Champion 2.45% Pathfinder 2.31% Raider 1.87% Inquisitor 1.70% Level 70+, Harvest Hardcore (PC) Necromancer 23.34% Trickster 11.68% Juggernaut 11.04% Gladiator 7.22% Chieftain 6.68% Hierophant 4.69% Guardian 4.62% Champion 4.54% Occultist 4.16% Saboteur 3.51% Assassin 3.42% Elementalist 3.25% ... Read more

10 Aug

By the end of this week we're planning to deploy the 3.11.1f update with several bug fixes. Check out a preview of its patch notes below. The 3.11.1f patch on consoles will be released as soon as possible after being deployed on PC.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

  • Messages intended to be sent to a Global Chat Channel which contain "WTS" will now automatically change the chat window to a Trade Chat Channel. This has been done in a way which should not affect legitimate words that end in 'wts', such as newts.
  • Special characters are no longer required when searching for public parties.
  • Fixed a bug where you could access the Sacred Grove in non-Harvest leagues.
  • Fixed a bug where the label for the portal to the Sacred Grove could be visible before interacting with the Seed Cache in various map areas.
  • Fixed a rare bug ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
September 1st marks the 10-year anniversary since the announcement of Path of Exile! At that time Path of Exile had been in development for four years. It's been 10 years and we're still continuing to expand Path of Exile to bring fresh new gameplay mechanics to the shores of Wraeclast. Shortly after the anniversary we'll be announcing our third expansion of this year, while continuing work on Path of Exile 2. The past decade has been extremely busy, productive and full of amazing memories. We can't help but feel nostalgic already!

Path of Exile has grown immensely over the past 10 years and you, our community have grown alongside it. Whether you joined us several years ago or just recently, we're sure each of you have warm memories related to Path of Exile. We would love to hear them!

07 Aug

Dazzle your enemies with a Warcry imbued with cosmic powers or smash them with bloody red ice crystals! The new Celestial Warcry and Automaton Ice Crash replace the standard visual effects of Warcry and Ice Crash Skill Gems. Watch the videos below or press M in game check out these effects in the store.

It is also a Stash Sale weekend, where we're discounting every type of Stash Tab available, including the recently released Blight, Metamorph and Delirium Stash Tabs.

Press M in game to view the full selection. The sale ends at Aug 10, 2020 8:00 PM (PDT)

Thank you for your support! Have a nice weekend everyone!

06 Aug

We're finishing this week by showcasing artistic talents of the community once again. By the way, this weekend is the last for our ongoing Harvest Fan Art competition, so if you haven't submitted your art yet, you have only a few days left to do so. In the meantime, check out the recent pieces of fan art made by our players over the past month.

The Strange Voice by Natilo

Age of Exile by NatsataAble

Lunaris by calljtoday

Headhunter 3D Model by zensei
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
At the end of this month Zizaran as well as other community members and streamers you all know are organizing an 8-day Racing Gauntlet Event. Players will compete and earn points in a Private HCSSF Harvest League by levelling their characters and killing bosses. The winners will share a community-crowdfunded prize pool and microtransaction bundles provided by us.

Start Time: August 22nd: 3:00PM (GMT+1) (countdown available here)
End Time: August 30th 3:00PM (GMT+1) (countdown available here)

The event will have ALL Damage Mods enabled via the Private League System. Players will receive points based on levels and specific boss kills. The event has a crowdfunded prize pool by Community Streamers like Zizaran, RaizQT, Steelmage, Nugiyen, Datmodz, Tytykiller and more!

Prize Pool:
  • 1st: 30%
  • 2nd: 20%
  • 3rd: 10%
  • 4th: 8%
  • 5th: 7%
  • 6th: 6%
  • ...
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04 Aug

As a follow-up to the Harvest statistics posted last week, today we'll have a look at the most popular crafting options as well as distribution of lifeforce and Avatar of the Grove encounters.

First, let's take a detailed look at which crafting options players are using the most.

Click here to view detailed crafting statistics.[]

That is a lot of data. We felt that it was interesting and important to expose as many numbers and percentages as possible, so there can be transparent discussion regarding Harvest crafting. Let's highlight a few interesting tidbits from all of the above statistics!

  • 41,299 sockets became White sockets
  • 37,770 items hav...
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