Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

30 Aug

In just a couple of days we'll be announcing our September expansion! Alongside the announcement we'll also introduce a new set of league supporter packs. In addition to their usual content, these supporter packs will contain a new type of Character Effect which we've wanted to try out for a long time.

These character effects start with a minimal visual effect which charges up as you slay monsters. There are six visual phases until it's at its full glorious effect. After a short time without killing monsters, it will phase back down to its original look.

We've prepared a preview of one of them today. Watch the video below!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

26 Aug

If you've ever wanted to design a microtransaction for Path of Exile, now is your chance! In this series of news, we invite the Path of Exile community to cast their vote on a selection of options to design a new microtransaction, these options range from its type, theme, colour scheme, effects etc. Our team will create the final result and make it available at a later date.

We're starting this process with today's poll which will determine which type of microtransaction we design. You get to choose from the following types of cosmetic effects: Helmet, Character Effect, Weapon Effect, Weapon Skin, Skill Effect, Shield, Portal. The poll is available from the time of this post until Tuesday September 1st (PDT) next week. Note that there will be several versions of this poll across the other language news and we'll tally the results together before determining the outcome.

We're very curious to see what will come out of this!

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In 2018, we introduced a Private League system which allowed our players to create their own Path of Exile leagues with different mods. The community have frequently requested that we increase the player limit of Private Leagues so they can run larger leagues. We're happy to announce that we're increasing the size of Private Leagues today!

As of the time we posted this, we've already increased the Private League member limit by 1,000. This means you can purchase more player slots now and increase your Private League up to a maximum capacity of 3,000 players. We'll continue to incrementally increase the limit every day until we reach a cap of 10,000 players or if we hit any issues with size limits. The reason for doing this slowly is to ensure that there aren't any technical issues that occur by having too many players in a Private League.

We look forward to seeing how the community incorporates these larger limits into their group play!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

24 Aug

We can't believe how quickly time has flown by but here we are, getting ready to announce our third expansion of this year! The press tour has just begun and this means the announcement is only a week away. We'll reveal the details next Tuesday, September 1st at 2pm (PDT).

We're still aiming to launch this expansion on September 18th (PDT), although this date may still be changed. We'll confirm the launch date with the announcement.

As usual, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC alongside the announcement. This time, however, the Supporter Packs launched alongside Harvest will stay in the store for the duration of 3.12 league, so you'll have more time to decide whichever supporter pack you prefer - the old one or the new one. Console players will be able to purchase new supporter packs after the new expansion goes live on consoles.

We're really excited to show you the results of our work and we hope you'll like this expansion a... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

23 Aug

We're happy to introduce a community event organized by Brittleknee, AFK Creators and SoftGiving. The first charity relay race starts on September 5th at 8pm UTC (check out the countdown here). This event will be open participation, and support a host of charities, like our very own community-created GDQ! There’s also a prize pool for the racers and a multitude of giveaways to celebrate the event.

Each relay team of four players will choose a charity to represent, and by participating, ensures a certain allocation of this pool goes to the charity of their choice. The higher they place, the more the charity receives. The race will take place in a Harvest Standard Private League with a 2 Minute Death Penalty, there won't be additional mods. Each member of the relay will have to defeat Dominus before the next member can start their run.

Casting will be done by ZiggyD and Octavian0.

Prize Information (supplied by SoftGiving):
  • 1st Place Team...
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21 Aug

The Racing Gauntlet[] community event starts in less than a day, on August 22nd at 3:00PM (GMT+1)! During the next 8 days players will compete and earn points in a Private HCSSF Harvest League by levelling their characters and killing bosses. The winners will share a community-crowdfunded prize pool and microtransaction bundles provided by us. We hope everyone who wanted to join managed to apply in time. Good luck!

This weekend we're also discounting Footprints, Portals and Character Effect microtransactions, with more than 150 cosmetic effects available at discounted prices, including the Void Portal Effect, Dragon Hunter Apparition Effect, Celestial Footprints and many more. Press M in game to check out the... Read more

19 Aug

While we can't talk about our upcoming September 3.12 expansion yet, here is a small announcement we're ready to share - Path of Exile is coming to macOS alongside this expansion!

This version of Path of Exile is fully integrated into the main worldwide Path of Exile PC realm and is entirely identical to the PC version. The macOS version will follow the same schedule as PC, so our Mac players will get all the updates simultaneously with the PC players. It uses the same accounts as the PC version, so it's easy to switch back and forth between the two depending on what computer you want to use.

We do not plan to launch Path of Exile on the Mac App Store at this stage, but expect to have the macOS version directly available via our site and on Steam.

We're excited to welcome new Exiles to the community and can't wait to show you what w... Read more

18 Aug

We're back with our fourth and final Harvest League statistics post. Today we'll be taking a look at which uniques are most-used by players across different level brackets and game modes, as well as which maps are the most popular, and which areas players are dying in the most!

First, let's look at Harvest itself. We'll look at level 70+, level 90+ and all levels of characters.

All Levels 70+ 90+ Tabula Rasa Thread of Hope Thread of Hope Thread of Hope Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye Atziri's Promise Primordial Harmony Atziri's Promise Lion's Roar Rumi's Concoction Lion's Roar Primordial Harmony Atziri's Promise Primordial Harmony Rumi's Concoction Cinderswallow Urn Goldrim The Wise Oak Lion's Roar Wanderlust Tabula Rasa The Wise Oak The Wise Oak Cinderswallow Urn Primordial Eminence Rumi's Concoction Primordial Eminence Glorious Vanity
Looking at All Levels, we can see multiple uniques that ar... Read more
Last week we told you about the 3.11.1f patch we've been working on. After further investigation and testing, the team decided to include some improvements to the bloom technology in this update. We expect this patch to go live on PC later today. In the meantime check out its full patch notes.

  • Bloom is now applied after Exposure, resulting in a game-wide reduction of bloom's intensity, especially in dark areas.
  • Added a Bloom slider in the Graphics Options, allowing you to adjust the intensity of bloom effects from 25% to 130% of their base intensity.
  • Adjusted many area environments to be less bright.
  • Reduced the intensity of Bloom effects from Delve Flares.
  • Messages intended to be sent to a Global Chat Channel which contain "WTS" will now automatically change the chat window to a Trade Chat Channel. This has been done in a way which should not affect legitimate words that end in 'wts', such...
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16 Aug

Last Friday we announced the results of our recent Harvest Fan Art Competition. As always, our community has outdone themselves, having submitted a lot of amazing pieces of fan art inspired by the latest Path of Exile expansion. Due to the huge amount of excellent entries, we're happy to reward additional runners-up with a helmet effect of their choice.




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