Delirium Ends Soon The Delirium League on PC ends on Monday June 15th at 3pm PDT, so you have only this weekend left to complete your unfinished challenges!
When the league ends, its exclusive Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever. Check it out, If you've been enjoying Delirium!
If you haven't played Delirium, don't worry about missing out on the content of the league! The Strange Voice and its realm of horrors will become a part of Path of Exile's core in the upcoming Harvest expansion. You will start encountering the Delirium content from the Torched Courts in Act Five. Once you reach endgame maps, you will be able to increase the chance of Delirium encounters by adding other league mechanics to your maps. As for Cluster Jewels, you'll now have a greater chance of finding them through Delirium encounters, tied to the number of rewards you earn during that encounter.
50 Point Sale We're running a 50 Point Sale with a huge selection of cosmetic effect...
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