Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

17 Jun

It's been one year since our Korean community joined us. To celebrate this anniversary, we've created the exclusive Dragon God Hat which all players can get when they slay Kitava in Act 10! You'll only be able to get it during the Harvest league, so make sure you join the festivities and get yours!

The full patch notes for Path of Exile: Harvest have been released! We've also gathered all of the Passive Tree and Item Filter information in order to help you plan your builds and update your item filters for the upcoming launch.

Click here to read the full Harvest Patch notes. []

Click here to find out more about item filter changes. []

15 Jun

Every expansion provides an opportunity for us to reassess the current meta, improve game mechanics that are currently weak and reduce the power of those that are excessively strong. You'll see more detail in the patch notes tomorrow but in the meantime, our team has outlined some of the changes you'll be reading about and the goals we had in mind while making these decisions.

Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're putting much of our balance focus on Brands, Warcries and two-handed weapons. As a result of Delirium going core, we've also taken the opportunity to balance cluster jewels and their place within the game. We've worked to improve two-handed weapons with big slow hits by improving these investment options across the board.

We've also lowered the output of some of the most excessively powerful builds from Delirium like those that utilised the Purposeful Harbinger notable passive and the Archmage Storm Brand builds. Simultaneo... Read more
In Path of Exile: Harvest, there are three significant boss fights which all lead towards Harvest's pinnacle boss. The first person to slay this final boss in Harvest's Hardcore Solo-Self Found league will win a laptop provided by Alienware! The exact way to reach this boss will be explained in more detail closer to launch.

Alienware has generously provided two Alienware m17[] gaming laptops as part of our Harvest end-game event.

Alienware m17
  • 9th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-9750H
  • Windows 10 Home
  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2060 6GB GDDR6 (OC Ready)
  • 16GB DDR4 2666MHz

In addition to the first player to slay the en... Read more

14 Jun

Last week we previewed several new crafting options that can be acquired in Path of Exile: Harvest. There are over 200 new ones being introduced which means there are still plenty left to reveal. Later this week, we plan to reveal the full list of them. In the meantime, we're ready to preview another thirteen!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Jun

Delirium Ends Soon The Delirium League on PC ends on Monday June 15th at 3pm PDT, so you have only this weekend left to complete your unfinished challenges!

When the league ends, its exclusive Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever. Check it out, If you've been enjoying Delirium!

If you haven't played Delirium, don't worry about missing out on the content of the league! The Strange Voice and its realm of horrors will become a part of Path of Exile's core in the upcoming Harvest expansion. You will start encountering the Delirium content from the Torched Courts in Act Five. Once you reach endgame maps, you will be able to increase the chance of Delirium encounters by adding other league mechanics to your maps. As for Cluster Jewels, you'll now have a greater chance of finding them through Delirium encounters, tied to the number of rewards you earn during that encounter.

50 Point Sale We're running a 50 Point Sale with a huge selection of cosmetic effect... Read more

11 Jun

The Harvest League introduces 40 new challenges. Upon completing them you will earn exclusive microtransaction rewards, such as the Harvest Footprints, Harvest Cloak and Harvest Portal (at 12, 24 and 36 challenges respectively). Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Harvest Totem Pole Hideout decoration.

You'll be able to check out the full list of challenges to complete for these rewards when Path of Exile: Harvest launches on PC on June 19th!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
In Path of Exile: Harvest, we've created a new category of skills called 'Slams'. We've introduced one new support and one new slam skill while several existing skills have been recategorised as Slams. Today's news post reveals which skills are now considered slams, how they've been improved and information about the new Slam called Earthshatter!

In general, we're looking to provide more support for two-handed playstyles and builds that hit slower but hit harder. These changes come alongside improvements to two-handed base types, more passive skill tree support, improvements to Warcries and more.

The Fist of War Support Alongside our announcement of Harvest, we revealed the new Fist of War Support that works with all slams except Vaal Slams and Ancestral Warchief. Every few seconds an ancestor appears above your character and performs your slam in unison with you, creating a supercharged slam dealing much more damage with an increased Area of Effect.

The fol... Read more

09 Jun

In Path of Exile: Harvest, you'll cultivate your Sacred Grove, grow dangerous monsters and slay them to use their Lifeforce as a valuable crafting resource. The potential of Harvest crafts is immense and should open up powerful options for leveling and end-game players alike. Today's news post reveals a preview of some of the possible new crafting options.

There are over 200 new crafts introduced in Harvest - these are just a few of the more exotic ones! Note that the Lifeforce values here are placeholder and arbitrary.

You can find out more about crafting in our FAQ ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're rebalancing over 50 unique items. Some have received numerical buffs, while others have received new mods and mechanics. We're really excited about the possibilities that many of these unlock. While we plan to reveal more of these over time, we're prepared a preview of 10 rebalanced uniques to whet your appetite.

Rigwald's Savagery & Rigwald's Command

Rigwald’s Savagery no longer grants increased attack speed with swords or chance to bleed, but now has a new mod that increases your maximum Rage by 25 while wielding a Sword. Rigwald’s Command no longer grants increased physical damage with axes or chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on kill, but now grants a multiplier to you... Read more