Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

20 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
The Angels and Demons Mystery Box[] has been one of our most successful Mystery Boxes to date. Our art team did an amazing job creating such glorious cosmetic effects. If you're interested to know what outcome they strived for when making this Mystery Box, have a look at pieces of artwork of the Angels and Demons effects we've gathered in this news post[].

16 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
This weekend, GGG Co-Founder and Managing Director, Chris Wilson will appear as a guest on the community-run podcast Baeclast with TarkeCat[]! You'll also see all the usual Baeclast crew, ZiggyD[], RaizQT[], Octavian0[] and Nugiyen... Read more

15 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Later this week we plan to deploy Patch 3.11.1c which includes the improvements to Storage Tanks and crafting descriptions we mentioned yesterday[]. It also includes several other fixes and a few improvements. While you wait, we've prepared its patch notes for you to preview!

As always, please note that this only a preview and the patch notes are subject to change prior to the patch's deployment.

Harvest Improvements
  • Storage Tanks can now hold up to 1,000 Condensed Lifeforce.
  • Added a larger Storage Tank which can be created through Harvest Crafting.
  • Improved the visual clarity of Harvest Crafting descriptions.
  • Added slots ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

14 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Later this week, we're planning to deploy Patch 3.11.1c. It contains a few small fixes but most notably, an increase to the capacity of Storage Tanks and some improvements to Harvest Crafting descriptions.

Storage Tanks The current plan is that the base capacity of a storage tank will be increased from 300 units of Lifeforce up to 1,000 units. We also plan to introduce a new type of storage tank with a capacity of up to 5,000 units that you'll be able to purchase for a significant amount of Lifeforce.

If you own one or more of these new larger tanks, a placed tank will have a 'swap' button on it that you can click which will automatically swap the new large tank with the existing tank that you select. Any Lifeforce contained in the smaller tank will be deposited into the newly-purchased larger tank.

Harvest Descriptions We've also revised the highlighting of key words on the Harvest crafting panel. It will have colours that make it easier to see at a glan... Read more

08 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Sometime within the next week, we're planning to deploy patch 3.11.1b which includes various fixes and improvements. While you wait, we've prepared the patch notes for you to preview.

Please note that these are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment.

Harvest Improvements
  • Added currency icons to the Harvest Crafting UI to more clearly display what a given crafting option does at a glance.
  • Added additional colouring to the highlighting on key words in Harvest crafting descriptions.
  • Reduced the amount of time that the 'Harvest Ready' notification is displayed to 5 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • It is no longer possible to Upgrade Essences, Oils or Maps when viewing the Stash through the Harvest Crafting 'stash view'.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to upgrade Oils in a Blight Stash Tab would result in the Oils being deleted if you were viewing the Stash through the Ha...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

07 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
The Angels and Demons Mystery Box[] introduced not only 38 new glorious cosmetic effects, but also a new amazing soundtrack! As an appreciation for your continued support, we're making the soundtrack of this Mystery Box available as a free download.

To download the Angels and Demons Mystery Box soundtrack, click (or Right-click, “Save link as”) on the file type you prefer: .flac[] or .mp3[].

Thanks fo... Read more

05 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
Today we've prepared several pieces of artwork of the cosmetic effects released since the launch of the Harvest Expansion. If you enjoy seeing the work of our art team, check out the concept art in this news post[].
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

02 Jul

    Bex_GGG on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're in the process of deploying the 3.11.1 update with improvements and fixes to Harvest and other Path of Exile content. The full patch notes are now available here[]. The 3.11.1 update for Consoles will be deployed next week.

We'll continue to monitor your reports and make additional improvements to Harvest where possible. Thank you for your feedback and support!

01 Jul

Earlier this week we concluded the Harvest Boss Kill Event[] on PC, that would reward the first player to kill the Heart of the Grove boss in HCSSF league with Alienware m17 gaming laptop[], provided by Alienware. As you may know, Waggle was the first person to achieve this goal!

The second player who would win a laptop has been chosen by a random draw from 3502 characters who managed to kill the Harvest's ultimate boss across all Harves... Read more

30 Jun

With Path of Exile: Harvest, we introduced a new character, Oshabi, the warden of the Sacred Grove. Today we're going to talk about her development and where she fits into the Path of Exile world and narrative as a whole.

Before we get too deep into the nitty gritty of how and why Oshabi came about, be sure you don't mind having some things spoiled, as we are going to touch on a few story elements!

When we're developing a league and need to introduce a character, it's often the case that the art comes first. This was the case with Oshabi. We often create concept art for characters that may or may not ever see the light of day. If a character concept sounds like it might fit a league's theme, we'll get a model made and start figuring out who that character is. In Oshabi's case, her art came from concept art that we had created for an apparition microtransaction.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].