Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

26 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

23 Sep

The third week of the Blight League just started and we wanted to give you a small update about what we're working on at the moment. While we don't have a big patch scheduled for this week, we're still planning to fix some of the remaining issues by deploying client-side hotfixes.

The following crash fixes are ready and will be deployed as soon as possible:
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when using Shield Charge if you leveled the gem up while it was being used.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when using Leap Slam with the Harlequin Leap Slam Effect on Predictive Networking Mode.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when using Mines.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur in the Act 6 and Tower Map Brutus and Shavronne encounters.

The common crash with Vorici Betrayal encounters is still being worked on, as well as the cases when the Blight portals spawn too close to t... Read more

20 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Performance and Stability Game performance and stability have been hot topics in the community recently, so we wanted to give an update about our understanding of the current status of several of the important issues, and to reassure you that we are working on them. For many of the issues, we haven't yet identified their causes, and we'll update with more information as soon as we have. We felt it was important to post this before the weekend so that you know that the concern has been heard.

Blighted Map Instance Server Performance
When we talk about instance server performance, we're referring to the performance of the game server software that is running on one of our server machines. Normally we can fit dozens of instances per CPU core, and they take a fraction of a millisecond to process your actions for the frame. Under extreme gameplay circumstances though, the instance server can slow down due to the calculations taking a full CPU core more than 33ms (the se... Read more

18 Sep

We're in the process of deploying the 3.8.1 update that contains a large amount of improvements and fixes to the Blight League. You can find its full patch notes below. While this patch should address the majority of recent community feedback, we'll continue to keep an eye on reports and make further improvements to Blight if possible.

Blight Improvements
  • Increased the amount of reward chests from each lane in Blighted Maps.
  • The rewards from Blighted Maps can now include Oils.
  • Reduced the amount of monsters that spawn during Blighted Maps. The intention is to reduce the impact on performance while still retaining difficulty.
  • Reduced the chance that Blighted Monsters will create Beyond Portals on death.
  • Blighted monsters can no longer have the Cannot Die, Shroud Walker, Soul Conduit, Fractured or Group Frenzy on Death modifiers.
  • Blighted monsters that cast Proximity Shield c...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

17 Sep

As is tradition, at the beginning of a new league we showcase its concept art. For this news post we've prepared the concept art of Sister Cassia and also included several work-in-progress images to give you a little insight into the development process of the Blight League.

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

16 Sep

ExileCon[], the first official Path of Exile convention, is now just two months away! Today's news post includes information about a lot of different topics, from the prizes of the race finals and a list of planned developer presentations to a preview of some ExileCon merchandise!

Keynote Presentation Livestream If you're not able to attend ExileCon in Auckland, New Zealand on November 16-17, then it's possible to still experience the expansion announcements by watching our livestreamed keynote presentation. This is being held on the Saturday morning in New Zealand, so that'll be Friday afternoon in America, or Friday evening in Europe. We'll post more information about exact times and how to view this closer to the event.
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Last week we announced the upcoming improvements and fixes to Blight. The majority of them are planned to be released in the 3.8.1 update which is scheduled for this week. The 3.8.1 patch on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC. While you're waiting for its deployment, check out a preview of its patch notes.

Please note that these patch notes may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Blight Improvements
  • Increased the amount of reward chests from each lane in Blighted Maps.
  • Reduced the amount of monsters that spawn during Blighted Maps. The intention is to reduce the impact on performance while still retaining difficulty.
  • Blighted monsters can no longer have the Cannot Die, Shroud Walker, Soul Conduit, Fractured or Group Frenzy on Death modifiers.
  • Blighted monsters that cast Proximity Shield can no longer cast the skill if they are already ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Sep

Last weekend we launched the Blight expansion, and we're happy that you've been enjoying it so far. Our team has been constantly monitoring your feedback and reports throughout this week and has outlined some things to improve as a result. Today we'd like to give you an update about the fixes and improvements to the Blight League that we're currently working on.

The following issues are currently being investigated and have high priority:
  • Crashes with the exception 'Present' error.
  • Blighted Map performance. Honestly, the most realistic way we're going to get this to acceptable levels is to slightly reduce the number of monsters being spawned. We're going to be very careful to make sure that the encounters are still hectic, fun and rewarding, but it'll probably involve slightly fewer entities being tracked and rendered.
The following issues have been resolved and are currently being tested:
  • The to...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Ever since the launch of the Delve expansion a year ago and after its implementation as a Path of Exile core mechanic in 3.5.0, we have received a lot of requests from our community to make Fossils and Resonators stackable, as well as to add a special Stash Tab for storing them. With Fossils and Resonators being able to stack in Path of Exile: Blight, we're happy to introduce the Delve Stash Tab that allows you to store each type of Fossils and Resonators in stacks of up to 5000. You can also name your Delve Stash Tab and make it public for trading.

Press M in game to get your Delve Stash Tab!

Thank you so much for your support.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

11 Sep

Our team have been hard at work on a variety of Blight improvements that are coming soon. Tomorrow's news post is a roundup of what we're improving. Today we wanted to take a moment to talk about our plans for the future expansions.

In the week following the release of a new expansion, many members of the development team shift their focus to designing and creating the next one (while others continue to improve the recently-released league). We have now begun this process with 3.9.0, which will be released in early December. This particular cycle is an interesting one because of the presence of ExileCon (November 16-17), so we wanted to explain how it'll work timing-wise.

As you know, we release new expansions (which contain challenge leagues, balance changes and new game features) every 13 weeks. We do not expect to vary this timeline in the near future, so over the next year we're roughly looking at:
  • Early December 2019: 3.9.0 Expansion...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
With every league release, we traditionally introduce a new Mystery Box. These offer a range of new microtransactions designed around a specific theme. For example, the Carnival Mystery Box was released alongside Blight. Today we're introducing an entirely new type of box - the Salvage Box.

Unlike a themed Mystery Box, the Salvage Box contains microtransactions from all past boxes. It can yield most microtransactions introduced with a themed Mystery Box that weren't specifically marked as exclusive to that box. The microtransactions from each new box will be added to the Salvage Box's reward pool at the point that those microtransactions are added to the store (one month after their box goes off sale). For example, the Frontier microtransactions will become available one month from now, and the Carnival microtransactions in ... Read more