Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

09 Oct

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

08 Oct

Last week we started a competition that is open to Path of Exile themed artwork, and have already seen several excellent submissions. As usual, we'll be showcasing the highlights of every week of the competition until its end. We're starting today by showing off some of the submissions we've received over the first competition week.

... Read more

07 Oct

Since the launch of the Blight expansion we've introduced three new microtransaction themes to the store: Miracle, Havenwood and Void Emperor. Each of these themes were created by different artists, and today we'd like to share their work on these cosmetic effects by showcasing several pieces of concept art.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

06 Oct

It's been four weeks since the Blight League launched and today we want to take a look at how / which Blight Oils are being used. What are the most popular Notables and Ring Enchantments? Let's take a look at statistics from the past week.

Top 20 Notable Anointments
  • Alacrity
  • Ravenous Horde
  • Diamond Skin
  • Beef
  • Thief's Craft
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Expertise
  • Utmost Might
  • Aligned Spirits
  • Death Attunement
  • Grave Intentions
  • Wisdom of the Glade
  • Agility
  • Weathered Hunter
  • Path of the Savant
  • Gravepact
  • Spirit Void
  • Depth Perception
  • Divine Judgement
  • Prodigal Perfection

First, let's look at what the most popular Notables are, based on what has been anoint... Read more

03 Oct

In Path of Exile: Blight we introduced a new NPC, Sister Cassia, whose hummings and divine power have quickly found their admirers among our community. Our narrative designer Nick has written an article about the process behind creating Cassia, which we'd like to share with you today. We hope you enjoy reading it!
Whenever we introduce a new NPC alongside a league, I am filled with a confusing blend of excitement and dread. Sister Cassia, the NPC introduced alongside Blight, was no exception.

NPCs like Cassia have to do a lot of heavy lifting. They are often your first point of contact with the league, and are thus responsible for helping teach the league's mechanics and intricacies. But on top of that, they also have to provide a lot of context for the mechanic. It's one thing to add tower defence into Path of Exile. It's another to make it fit within the world, and to give the player a purpose to interact with it beyond t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

02 Oct

Our players have always been surprising us with their artistic skills, and after receiving a lot of great artwork inspired by the recent Path of Exile content, we decided it's time for another fan art competition! As always, we're prepared a prize pool that includes microtransactions, T-shirts, art books and more!

Prizes Top Three Winners
  • A custom forum avatar made from your submitted art
  • A special forum badge
  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)
  • Signed Path of Exile Art Book
  • Chaos Orb Keychain
  • Brutus Art Print
  • Your choice of Weapon Effect from the list below
  • Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list below
  • Your choice of Armour Set from the list below
4th and 5th Place
  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb,...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

30 Sep

We're now in the fourth week of the Blight League! To keep you in the loop of what the team has been working on recently, we wanted to share a preview of the upcoming 3.8.1d update that is scheduled for this week.

Please note that the patch notes listed below may not be final and are still subject to change before the patch.

Blight Improvements
  • Improved the visibility of Blight Boss icons on the minimap.
  • Progress towards the "Spend Blight Resources" challenge is now granted to all players in the area when any player builds or upgrades a Tower.
  • You can now use the Anoint Items option when talking to Cassia without having completed the Blight Tutorial encounter. This allows players in Standard league to anoint items by talking to Cassia in a Blighted Map.
  • Fixed a bug where you would be unable to build Towers if you had right-clicked on a Tower while holding left-click on it as well.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

29 Sep

Microtransactions from the Frontier Mystery Box have been released in the store. It's also still possible to combine some of the individual Wild and Wrangler pieces into the corresponding alternate colour version of these designs. Please note that the Wild Gold and Silver Wrangler cosmetic effects are only available by combining the original sets and can't be purchased directly.

Watch the Frontier Mystery Box trailer below to see everything that's available or check them out in the store by pressing M.

Thank you for your support!

27 Sep

We're concluding this week by introducing the new Havenwood Armour Set and the accompanying Havenwood Cloak. This weekend we're also running a big sale for most of the Wings and Back Attachment microtransactions. In addition, we're offering one free Carnival Mystery Box when you spend points!

New Havenwood Microtransactions We've just released the Havenwood Armour Set. Inspired by the atmosphere of an autumn forest, this earth-coloured armour set is covered with glowing leaves. The accompanying Havenwood Cloak is also available in the store. Check out their videos below, or press M in game to get yours.

Wings and Back Attachments Multisale In addition, ... Read more

26 Sep

A couple of weeks ago we introduced the Delve Stash Tab that allows you to store all Fossils and Resonators at one place in your stash. We've received a lot of requests from the community asking for a crafting slot in this Tab. Based on your feedback, we're adding two crafting slots in the upcoming 3.8.1d update which is scheduled for next week. Alongside this small QoL feature, the 3.8.1d patch includes further improvements and fixes. We'll tell you more about this patch soon.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
Last week we posted an update about our work on improving Path of Exile's recent client and serverside performance problems. While working on these areas, we identified a much larger problem and have deployed a hotfix for it today.

Due to a subtle change made in 3.8.0, a bug was introduced where certain effects on the client would spawn more particles on long frames than short frames. This meant that when the game client slowed down for any reason, it would start to take exponentially longer for each subsequent frame. A fix for this has been deployed today.

This particular issue causes small performance issues to turn into gigantic client freezes, which can be seen in popular reddit/forum posts since this bug was introduced with 3.8.0. Other work is still ongoing on fixing the small performance issues that were exacerbated by this.

In addition, we have found several areas of server performance that we can immediately improve, which will prevent the stuttering... Read more