Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

11 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

09 Sep

It's been three days since the launch of Path of Exile: Blight, and the team has gone through much of the feedback and many of the bugs reported so far. We've prepared an update about some of the issues that we are working on fixing as soon as possible.

These are the issues that will be addressed later today in a patch:
  • The Pulsating Grotto, Restless Rubble and Haunted Remains Delve encounters cannot be completed.
  • Dying in a map Labyrinth Trial resurrecting you in hideout instead of the map.
  • Incorrect default location when entering Hideout.
  • Summoned Raging Spirits not prioritising targets correctly.
  • Bodyswap not interacting correctly with Zombies when using Aukuna's Will.
For ongoing updates, keep an eye on the Known Issues List... Read more
It's been three days since the launch of Path of Exile: Blight, and the team has gone through much of the feedback and many of the bugs reported so far. We've prepared an update about some of the issues that we are working on fixing as soon as possible.

These are the issues that will be addressed later today in a patch:

The Pulsating Grotto, Restless Rubble and Haunted Remains Delve encounters cannot be completed.
  • Dying in a map Labyrinth Trial resurrecting you in hideout instead of the map.
  • Incorrect default location when entering Hideout.
  • Summoned Raging Spirits not prioritising targets correctly.
  • Bodyswap not interacting correctly with Zombies when using Aukuna's Will.

For ongoing updates, keep an eye on the Known Issues List... Read more
This weekend we released Path of Exile: Blight, and it was one of the smoothest launches we have ever had. We released a small handful of patches[] and important serverside hotfixes, and our team are working on the remaining issues that have been reported (such as some problems with Blighted Maps). Please report any problems you encounter in the bug reports forum[].

Thanks so much for your ongoing feedback and support.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

07 Sep

Come one, come all! Witness the mysteries and majesty of the Carnival Mystery Box! This creepy circus-inspired Mystery Box contains 38 new cosmetic effects that will leave you gasping for breath. Each Mystery Box costs 30 points and guarantees one microtransaction with value equal to or greater than that of the box. Many of these Mystery Box cosmetics can be combined to create versions of the same designs with an alternate colour, for even deeper character customisation.

Check out the full trailer below to see what's available!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

06 Sep

The launch of the Blight expansion is just around the corner! As always, we've prepared all the information you need to know about what happens on launch day.

The realm goes down and patching begins at: Sep 06, 10:00 AM (PDT)
The servers go live at: Sep 06, 1:00 PM (PDT)

The patch size for the update will be around 11GB on Steam.

If you're looking for some extra character slots for your account for launch weekend, we're running a sale on these right now! Additionally, this is your last chance to get Frontier Mystery Boxes! It will leave the store when our next mystery box enters the store! Keep in mind that if you haven't taken advantage of it yet, it's still possible to get a free Frontier Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points in the store. NOTE: this is only possible once per account. Additional purchases do not grant additional mystery boxes. If you need some extra points, we recommend checking out the Blight supporter packs.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

03 Sep

Before we release the full patch notes for Path of Exile: Blight tomorrow, we wanted to take a moment and talk about some of the major changes we've planned for this expansion. The team has written a Development Manifesto to outline these changes.

Global Gem Levels For a while, we've wanted to include modifiers on caster weapons that provide a multiplicative damage increase to spells, similar to how physical weapon modifiers affect the base damage of attacks. Previously this took the form of elemental penetration and modifiers that add a portion of elements as Chaos damage, but this patch we'll be pushing this further in the form of global modifiers to gem levels.

Staves were previously the go-to weapon for increasing gem levels, but their modifiers only applied to gems within the staff.

Caster oriented one-handed weapons will now be able to roll some new modifiers that grant +1 to all Fire, Cold, Lightning, Physical or Chaos Spell Skill Gems, not just one... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

02 Sep

Last week, we revealed some of the Poison attack skills coming with Blight. Today we'll show the two remaining Poison gems, Venom Gyre and Plague Bearer.

Venom Gyre
Venom Gyre is a new level 12 Claw and Dagger skill. Fling out a poisonous shuriken blade that deals damage based on your weapon, with physical to chaos conversion and some added chaos damage. It returns to you when it hits an enemy, wall, or after a time. When returning, the blade folds up to pierce through enemies, but deals less damage.

Catch all blades that return to you, storing them around you like charges. You can have up to 30 of these blades floating around you.

If you use Whirling Blades, you'll fling out all stored blades over the length of the whirl, throwing them out in a spiral. Whirling straight through an enemy will cause lots of the blades to hit that foe.

The skill has many interesting interactions with projectile modifying supports; Pierce lets you deal da... Read more

01 Sep

In the Blight League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Blight Helmet, Blight Portal Effect and Blight Wings respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Blight Totem Pole Hideout decoration.

You'll be able to check out the full list of challenges in game when Path of Exile: Blight launches on PC on September 6th.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

30 Aug

The Legion League on PC ends on Monday September 2nd at 3PM (PDT), so it's your last weekend to finish your challenges. We're also running a 50 Point Sale with more than 200 microtransactions available for 50 points or less. To make this sale more satisfying, we're offering one free Frontier Mystery Box when you spend points!

Legion Ends Soon
The Legion League on PC ends on Monday September 2nd at 3PM (PDT), so it's your last weekend to finish your challenges.

Thank you to everyone who played in Legion. It's been a fun league and we hope it will become a great addition to Path of Exile's core in 3.8.0. If you've been enjoying the Legion league, check out the exclusive Legion Brimmed Hat before it leaves the store next week!

50 Point Sale
We've just started a 50 Point Sale where we're discounting a huge assortment of cosmetic effects. More than 200 microtransactions are available for 50 points or less, including Helmet Attachments, Pets,... Read more

29 Aug

The Blight expansion will come alongside major changes to the Mine system, as well as three new Mines, a new reservation skill for trappers and miners, three new supports and reworks to existing mine supports and unique items.

Mine Mechanic Changes
  • Mines are now thrown, letting you deploy them at long range.
  • Mines take less of your time to place now, taking 0.25 seconds for each throw.
  • Mine Detonation is now always Instant.
  • Mines detonate in sequence. Each mine detonation starts a detonation timer on one or more mines in an area around it, with the detonation time getting faster each time. This also means that you can continue to throw mines while a detonation sequence is occurring, and they'll be detonated by the sequence. This works particularly well for mines which have additional effects for each detonation in sequence.
  • Mine skills each have unique, stacking auras that affect ene...
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