Continuing with our series of Divination Card Stories from supporters, we wanted to share LostArtz's story about their Divination Card, "Divine Beauty". Check it out!

Hello everyone, I'm LostArtz.
I started playing Path of Exile way back in 2014 during the Ambush league. I'd recently bought a GTX 750 TI to be able to actually play Skyrim and it came with a few game 'vouchers' one of which happened to be for Path of Exile. Between that and seeing a high-school friend on Steam playing, I decided to give the game a go which turned into a 8 year long addiction. Thanks Chris.
Throughout those 8 years I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with GGG to design a number of unique items; Cospri's Will, Cospri's Malice, The Iron Fortress (formerly Iron Heart), and also 2 Divination Cards; Anarchy's Price and now...
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