Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

23 Feb

There has been a lot of interesting discussion within the community since the launch of our Siege of the Atlas expansion and Archnemesis League, so we wanted to move the spotlight over to some Path of Exile community members that like to talk about all things Path of Exile! Check them out in today's news post on our forum {LINK REMOVED}here.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Feb

The winners of the Siege of the Atlas Boss Kill Event have now been finalised! Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated. All winners will be granted the Godslayer's Pride microtransaction and we're currently working with them to design their prizes. We hope you're looking forward to their inclusions to the game! As all spots have not yet been filled for both Xbox and PlayStation, we'll continue to run the event on console until those spots have been claimed. Check out the preview of the Godslayer's Pride as well as the list of winners below.

PC The following 10 players were the first to defeat The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Archnemesis League on PC:
  • #1 Darkee
  • #2 Steelmage
  • #3 Dsfarblarwa...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Feb

Today we wanted to showcase the concept art from the {LINK REMOVED}Annihilator Core Supporter Pack! Check them out below. In case you missed it, we recently shared the concept art from the {LINK REMOVED}Imperator and {LINK REMOVED}Nullifier Core Supporter Packs as well. Be sure to take a look if you like getting a glimpse into... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Feb

In Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas, threats from beyond the stars have arrived and seek control of the Atlas. Our lead narrative designer, Matt Dymerski, has written an overview of this new situation from a lore perspective.

They... are coming.

It was impossible to miss the Envoy's warning. Over the past year, exiles were continually told that eldritch abominations had noticed the Elder's absence and were on their way. With the release of Siege of the Atlas, to quote Carol Anne from Poltergeist: They're heeeere.

Or, at the very least, the first four are here. In a manner similar to the Elder serving a force called the Decay, the entities we fight in the Atlas serve higher powers. The Black Star and The Searing Exarch serve a cosmic force called the Cleansing Fire, while The Infinite Hunger and The Eater of Worlds serve the Tangle.

The Envoy gives us a bit of information, in his own unique way, about why we are facing these four bosses instea... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

17 Feb

We're pleased to announce Kirac's Vault, Path of Exile's take on a Battle Pass that exists alongside our free challenge system. Its rewards are earned in the Atlas endgame and are exclusive unique item skins, with a twist. Check out this post for more information!

Purchase your pass, unlock access to Kirac's Vault, and complete Atlas objectives to earn up to eight exclusive unique item skins. You'll earn your first reward upon entering the Karui Shores, after defeating Kitava. You'll earn additional rewards by completing sets of map bonus objectives while exploring your Atlas. If you complete the bonus objectives of all 117 maps, you'll have earned all eight available rewards!

Check out this video to see the rewards you can earn:

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

16 Feb

In the upcoming {LINK REMOVED}3.17.1 patch we'll improve the Archnemesis Panel so that you'll be able to filter your discovered Archnemesis recipes.

Here are the changes:

  • We added a dropdown list that has all your discovered recipes, so it's easy to see which ones you have the components of.
  • You can click one to highlight only that recipe, so you can filter its components without having to type it in the search filter.
  • You can select multiple recipes at once to plan out what recipes you're working towards. They'll have an indicator to show if you can complete a selected recipe with the components you have (the little arrow in the corner goes red if no selected recipe is completable).
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

15 Feb

One of the best parts of adding new content to Path of Exile is watching your reactions to it! We've compiled a variety of our favourite reactions from the community that brought us a lot of joy. We had a blast in our last announcement livestream and are looking forward to the next! Check out the video below:

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Feb

This week we plan to deploy an update with a number of improvements and bug fixes for Archnemesis and Siege of the Atlas content. We've prepared a preview of its patch notes to give you an idea of what to expect from the 3.17.1 patch.

Please note that these are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment. The 3.17.1 update on consoles will be deployed as soon as possible after its release on PC.

Endgame Content Improvements and Fixes
  • The completion of Unique Maps no longer counts towards your highest-completed Map tier for Atlas and Kirac Missions.
  • Increased the area of effect for The Eater of Worlds' Ultimate Slam skill.
  • It is now possible to sell items to Kirac.
  • Added stash tab search functionality for Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds items.
  • Updated the description of the Syncretism Atlas Passive to clarify it only applies to Shrines in Areas. Note that Atlas Passives ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

13 Feb

If you enjoy listening to the Path of Exile soundtrack, we have a new harmonious tune for your playlist! The Harmony Mystery Box soundtrack is now available as a free download.

To download the Harmony Mystery Box soundtrack, click (or Right-click, “Save link as”) on the file type you prefer: {LINK REMOVED}.flac or {LINK REMOVED}.mp3.

If you're looking for more music from our composer Kamil, check out his Soundcloud {LINK REMOVED}... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Feb

We're always happy to see Path of Exile-inspired fan art from our players. In this news post we've gathered the recent fan art submissions to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Maven Choir and Piano Cover by envatilea
[youtube id="ozHWH9EC1KE" height=506 width=900][/youtube]

Al-Hezmin, the Hunter by KarisRahl
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.