Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Originally posted by DanNeely

so if I understand correctly, your fix will look something like this?

Yep, that's pretty much it.


Originally posted by NULL_CHAR

This has been in the game for so long and made me despise act 2 for a long time... thank you so much!

Just keep in mind that this is a pretty minor change to an area that still has a lot of built-in variance. It's not a total rework or anything.


Originally posted by ThePunkdog

Just... how large could one of these have ended up?

Not that big. The bugged area in the OP's example isn't a single room. It's comprised of 9 conjoined rooms - two 3x3s, two 2x2s, and five 1x1s. 3x3 rooms are as big as they get in this area, and it runs up against the level boundaries so it can't expand further.

In terms of tiles, a 3x3 room is 13x13 tiles. That's slightly less than 3 1x1 rooms placed side by side, because this area has a 1 tile overlap.


Originally posted by acylus0

Wait so is the bug where the constraint is not properly enclosed, therefore making huge redundant rooms like your screenshot and the one in OP's screenshot?

It's a combination of the constraint not being very thick, and large rooms being able to overlap it. This type of constraint only prevents rooms from being created within it, not from extending into it to find space.

So if a room generates on one side of the constraint that's large enough to place a door in the empty space beyond it, there's nothing stopping it from using that door to place more rooms.


Originally posted by xx_ando_xx

By crying enough for ggg to appease him?

Don't make the game like diablo 3, make the areas worth the frigan challenge

This was actually a bug though. Most of the time the level does generate as shown in the image I posted, my fix just brings that up to all the time (hopefully).


It looks like about half the redundant rooms you posted in that layout are actually the result a generation bug:

I've applied a fix for this internally. Once deployed the area should behave a bit better. This won't remove every redundant room in the area, but this bug should no longer occur here.

28 Aug

Hi there, please feel free to send an email to [email protected] with your request and we'll look into this for you. :)
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Help me :C

23 Aug


Originally posted by Omneus

What's gonna happen to all the memes though?

I will not stop until all memes are dead.

16 Aug


These area preview images are going in very soon, along with a fair amount of voice acting like Lani, Abberath and Solaris/Lunaris. Voice acted lore is still lagging some more, but there's things in motion that are very nice on that front too.

12 Aug


Originally posted by barnabasss

So if i get this to happen i should keep the instance alive and contact you guys asap?

It doesn't have to be active, just type /bug to send us the info. Feel free to make a report on the forums, or send me a message about it after though.

11 Aug


Originally posted by SelenaGomez_

Fair enough, but brute forcing the generation to find the culprit results in the very same thing and it's not dependant on players finding and reporting it. It's very much expected that they have tools to do exactly that. If not, I am disappoint, very.

I'm going to try repro it on my end of course, but if I can save time by getting the seed directly from a /bug report, that'd be nice. The thing is, this is the first time I've seen this reported, and as far as I know there haven't been any changes to the map since Atlas of Worlds, so this may be staggeringly unlikely to occur.


Originally posted by Scarbrow

Is this at all related with the old Mountain Ledge Map bug that completely filled the inner region with pathable ground and populated it with monsters? Because I would pay good MTX points to have that happen to me again.

I'm not familiar with that one, sorry. Must've been before my time. I don't think it would be the same thing though.


Originally posted by trcndc

But seriously... wtf, not even a boss room?

The boss room and rest of the level would still exist in this seed. This issue probably wouldn't have rendered it unwalkable because it's a sealed off area, so I'd assume some of the 17 monsters are inside. If I had to guess, any other monsters would be ones that happened to spawn on raised platforms.


Originally posted by ColinStyles

Submit a report with /bug I think it is, maybe /report, but that definitely needs to be removed from the pool of possible seeds! Inversely, trying to figure out why that exploded but that all depends on time.

Yeah, if anyone can get this to happen again I'd be very interested in more information. I have a theory about what's happening (the interior ground of the map is being flood-filled with the impassible ground type from the exterior) but not why yet.

09 Aug


Hi, I'm the vfx artist who did these. They originally used a pretty hacky method to mask the ends, and at some point since their creation the tech must have changed and broken it. Thanks for pointing out this bug. My fix will hopefully be in-game soon.

08 Aug


Originally posted by U_DONT_KNOW_TEAM

Who the f**k puts a giant picture of themselves behind their desk?

06 Aug


I spotted Goldeneye in the Chamber of Innocence. Poor Sean Bean can't catch a break even in video games...

24 Jul


Originally posted by Noxustds

Please do Lightning CoiL!!

Lightning coil is getting there. The mesh itself is done but it needs some lightning effects added which will only happen after all the 3.0 bosses get all their effects done.

23 Jul


Originally posted by geradon_

eventually they hopefully will get 3d art.

my shitty comment just didn't mention their true purpose: them working as status symbols that everybody wants but can't have. and people "working" towards their goals of getting them.

capitalism works!

Getting 3D art for all alt art items(and other uniques for that matter) is still a goal and the production of them has actually accelerated. There's a few great ones being added just after 3.0 if things go according to the plan. A few off the top of my head are alt art like carcass jack and whispering ice, and uniques like voltaic rift and soul mantle.