Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

13 Oct

12 Oct

Alongside introducing other forms of {LINK REMOVED}uber endgame content, Path of Exile: Scourge also changes the way players access the Eternal Labyrinth.

Problems: Finding all six Trials of Ascendancy often took a very large number of maps. Assuming players were playing alone, it averaged to around 150 maps to find them all, but could be much more if players were unlucky. By this point, players were often over-levelled for the content and were starting to encounter difficult-enough endgame content where the extra Ascendancy skills were sorely needed. This problem would be further exacerbated by the reduction in Atlas size taking place in the Scourge expansion.

We recently added a means to open random Trials of Ascendancy in the Map Device by con... Read more
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Alongside introducing other forms of uber endgame content, Path of Exile: Scourge also changes the way players access the Eternal Labyrinth.


Finding all six Trials of Ascendancy often took a very large number of maps. Assuming players were playing alone, it averaged to around 150 maps to find them all, but could be much more if players were unlucky. By this point, players were often over-levelled for the content and were starting to encounter difficult-enough... Read more

It's as follows:

(BaseVariedDefenceValue + LocalBaseModifiers) * (LocalBaseIncreases + Quality)


(BaseDefenceValue + LocalBaseModifiers) * (LocalBaseIncreases + Quality) * BaseDefenceVariedValue